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18. Student. Gaming is my life.

I am still waiting for Jack and Mark to make a video of KaraokeParty because I want them to sing more on camera and it would be absolutely hilarious. No doubt.

Just at least 1 video :(

Or a Just Dance video :P



Mark Loves you.

Mark Believes in you.

Mark wants you to love yourself and believe in yourself.


Each and every one of you.

You are important, and you matter

And remember,

We make him happy, just like he makes us happy. This man who brought us all together. This man who made us want to achieve greatness. This man who has kept people alive.

This man wouldn’t want to see his fans sending each other hate, death threats, and other horrible things.

He loves you, now it’s time to love yourself, and help others love themselves.

Stop spreading the Hate. Let’s bring back the Love.

~ Chey


Suggested by dunderp: Mark and Jack’s Chubby Bunny Challenge

The parallels are undeniable!


I could be having the shittiest day ever and I’ll watch a YouTuber play a game online and automatically feel better.


Not Yami too! This has got to stop…Poor Yami :(

Oh my god..

Seriously? People need to stop and respect their privacy. I think it's enough for them exposing themselves on the internet for you, don't make them question it -_- If you know where they live, if you get their phone number, etc. then back off.

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