
Dream a little Dream


Aesthetic requests? Leave a person and a theme in my inbox!

wonwoo: do you have any plans?

mingyu: lunch

wonwoo: i meant for the future

mingyu: …dinner


Would anyone join if I started a facebook group to share trends?

Well not just trends, but also nice finds, cafes, travel stuff, etc. Especially cafes, because I feel like they never lose their charm no matter what country. I’ll still find cafes in other countries fascinating to know about even when I’m far away from them.

So if anyone wants to join (please join haha~), let’s share stuff. Plus I’m always finding interesting things here in LA / SD / the US. I definitely am down to share~ This blog was always about sharing and not keeping things to myself! So if an FB group creates up more of that, good right? 

Just search “Global Trend Share” (I’ll change the name later lol). I added a few people but feel free to unadd if it’s not your thing~ :)

@sealbb joined~ which is awesome because her pictures + cafe posts give me life! I think I have a minor obsession with cafes. Would really like to expand this into a website or magazine or something. So if anyone wants to collaborate with me, please poke me! :) 


You: N

Me, an intellectual: Cha Hakyeon, angel on earth, sunshine in human form, the embodiment of love and happiness, creator of nature and everything lovely, picture of purity and beauty, the sweetest man to ever exist, a blessing, a gift,

aries: i am sorry for your angry fists, but just keep them in your pockets, just keep the hurricane in your pockets this time. taurus: you were made to hurt as you were made to fly, you were made to love him as you were made to love others. gemini: kiss your body electric, kiss your starry knees and your bright paint brush fingertips, kiss your pain goodbye. cancer: you were beautiful before you were told so, just like you are loved even when you cannot feel it. leo: i know that her eyes are so bright, but so is our soul and your soul is your home. virgo: your apologies trapped in your skull like fluttering birds, but i promise you that you are still yours. libra: being split open is only one step closer to being filled, even sutures and stitches sting. scorpio: do not let this destroy you, this is not a disease, do not let this destroy you, we do not want to find your body. sagittarius: i know that it hurts but that is the way of growing pains, you are growing you are growing, this can only make you more beautiful. capricorn: i want to tell you about all the ways that it gets better, though it seems that soon you’ll see for yourself. aquarius: the emptiness is ringing but you deserve to be with someone who does not see your love as an annoyance. pisces: wipe away your tears, this is not your end, you are above this, it is only your beginning.

for the signs: moving on; l.m. (via apoeticmythos)


Send me a color

red: how was your first kiss? what do you love about yourself? when’s the last time you warmed your hands in front of a fire? would you rather watch a sunrise or sunset? what’s the best thing about summer?

orange: what makes you feel warm inside? what’s your favorite halloween tradition? what’s the last thing you learned? when’s the last time you felt obsessed? what’s your favorite article of clothing?

yellow: if you could have any view from your bedroom window what would you choose? what’s your favorite thing to do on a sunny day? what do you consider lucky? what made you smile today? what makes you happy?

green: what’s your favorite thing to do outside? do you like camping? what would you spend $1,000 on? what’s your job, or what do you want to do as your job? what’s your favorite article of clothing?

blue: what do you do when you’re sad? what are some things you do when you can’t sleep? what was the best (non-romantic) night you’ve had? what kind of covers do you have on your bed? who is the last person you told a secret to?

purple: what’s your astrological sign? what’s the best piece of advice you ever received? when’s the last time you followed your instincts? what’s your favorite food? what’s your secret dream?


“She had the soul of a gypsy, the heart of a hippie, the spirit of a fairy...”

She had the soul of a gypsy: Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn. She had the heart of a hippie: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Pisces. She had the spirit of a fairy: Aries, Leo, Saggitarius, Aquarius

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