

@curiouspectator07 / curiouspectator07.tumblr.com

“You can never be overdressed or overeducated.” ― Oscar Wilde 18+

so a racist got utterly demolished in less than 30 seconds on the New Zealand morning news on Monday and it’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen

who knew a white guy could be capable of such an iconic response, he knows what’s up and is having none of that shit, every other white guy take notes tbh


I love that he said Pakeha

Can someone write what its being said in this?


Male co-host: We have had a whole heap of feedback regarding Te Tai Tokerau MP Kelvin Davis’s proposal to institute a prison run on Māori values into New Zealand. He’s looking at potentially establishing this prison up north. It isn’t Labour policy just yet, it’s just an idea of Kelvin Davis’s. And this has been really really divisive on our Facebook page this morning. (sarcastically) Here I think we have the single greatest email, the single greatest message we have ever had on breakfast.

(clears throat deliberately) “’Janice’ says: Good morning. I’m sick of hearing that Māori need different treatment. If they don’t want to live in our society, then maybe we should put them all on an island and leave them to it.”

Male co-host: “Janice. That is LITERALLY what happened! That is the history of our country. Last I checked, Māori WERE on an island, they were left to it, and then Pākehā (Māori term for white New Zealanders) turned up and look how that worked out. But thank you very much for that brilliant insight. Goodness me. Unbelievable. Unbelievable, they actually-“

Female co-host: “Actually, you can’t even get angry, you just actually need to laugh and then screw it up and put it under the desk. Just when you thought-“

Male co-host: (mimicking letter) “’Put them all on an island, leave them to it.’ Yeah. What a great idea that is Janice.

I really need “What a great idea that is, Janice.” to be a meme filled with those stupid complete cognitive dissonance bigoted statements.


this person probably has to study for finals

why does no one think he ruined the display, and the before pic is the after, and the after the before

Have you ever been to Walmart before?


I’m pretty sure I’ve said my thoughts on this exact same post twice now, but this time I’ll just say it here instead of the tags.

In the time that I worked at Walmart, I was absolutely drained of all will to exist. I 1.) learned how not to give a shit and have a panic attack at the same time, 2.) learned how to sleep in the icecream freezer because no one wanted to be in the icecream freezer so I was assured that no one would bother me, and 3.) memorized the trailer for The Swan Princess Christmas. And I was being paid seven dollars an hour to do it. It was that bad. Seeing this post reminds me of the time that I’d seen this happen once. I had clocked out and was about to head home and caught a customer rearranging the $5 DVD bin up in electronics. At first I wanted to see if she needed help finding a certain movie because I’m a pushover like that, but I saw that she had neat little stacks of Home Alone in one pile and Mrs. Doubtfire in another, and I was so mesmerized I had to stand there at a distance, stealth-watching from the toddlers clothes section like I was a church mouse watching Michelangelo painting the Sistine Chapel. She was probably in her late teens to mid twenties? A messy bun and oversized sweater and a cup from the Subway in the front of the Walmart. I was in my work clothes, hair hidden in my backwards hat and I probably had cake frosting from the bakery caked on my shirt and arms. Halfway through she caught me watching. We were like two cryptids who’d found each other and were now caught in a weird existential crisis. She got embarrassed and apologized and I just waved my hand like “no please I’m off the clock, organize to your hearts content. No one here’s gonna stop you” and I walked off because honestly I was just as embarrassed for watching and not saying anything for what felt like ten minutes. I came in the next morning and checked the electronics section out of curiosity, and saw not only the DVDs had been organized, but also the blurays. I never saw her again.

So let me tell you this. We really truly do NOT give a fuck. Walmart treats their associates like shit. Capitalism is trash. And there are folks out there with organization quirks that make our lives a little easier and we appreciate that. That’s the end of my story. Eat well, drive safe, and go organize something at your local Walmart.

As someone who has worked the walmart bakery and had to hide/sleep in the freezer because of anxiety, I feel this entire last comment.


I will never not reblog this. The 2 guys in the back are just ❤❤❤

Always reblog.

people who get hyped up for other people are the greatest people you can have in your life.


Love their reactions. They aren’t worried about being emasculated, they aren’t insecure, they are just genuinely impressed that she’s lifting like a beast!


Protip for men: if marriage is a horrifying concept for you and you think it is an evil trap, do not buy a ring and ask a woman to marry you

I’m way over seeing radical feminist bullshit on my dash. This isn’t even social justice or a real issue.

sorry that not marrying someone you dont loathe is radical feminism i guess?

women: don’t propose or get married if u don’t like the thought of marriage

men: what kind of sjw fuckery


the other bit that this implies is: If you like your wife, act like it. Even around your friends. Be open and honest about liking your wife, liking spending time with her, and not being resentful of the shared work of building a household. Let your buddies know you can’t hang out with them because you’d rather be home with your wife, whom you like, because she is your legit bff, even though you know your buddies are gonna mock you for it. Stand up to your buddies. Tell them mocking isn’t cool and you don’t want them to do it anymore. Challenge the other men in your life to be better men. That is what “don’t get married if you think marriage is an evil trap” implies to men who are married. And while it’s all completely reasonable I imagine that it’s scary as fuck when it’s just so much easier to har de har har the little woman’s such a nag, ain’t she, don’t we all hate being married so much? with other men. In that context, “don’t get married if you think marriage is an evil trap” is kindof a radical statement.


The number of guys I work with who are engaged who started pulling the “uh oh, life over soon, har har” shit that I have completely shut down with a simple “well if you don’t want to get married, then don’t”…*sigh* And they’re just like, hem, haw, welllll if I don’t then she might not stay with meee, which I respond to with “well, sounds like you need to have a pretty serious and honest conversation with your fiancee about your feelings then” and then the *panic!* look…When you remove that easy “hah hah ball-and-chain” narrative, watch the reaction. Some of them (to a female friend) will mumblingly admit that they love their fiancee and are excited to be married. Others…all you get is fear.

That’s the disservice we do men by refusing to teach boys how to explore their emotional needs. It hurts everyone. I watched three male friends walk into marriages I can tell they weren’t ready for and didn’t want, just because it was expected and they had no tools for emotional self-examination. Two of those marriages are (shockingly) in crisis, a couple years later. One has kids involved now. It’s more than a little heartbreaking. The marriages I see that are working? Are the guys with the emotional maturity to talk to their wives and who don’t care if everyone knows they’re in love with them.



Have I mentioned how much I hate this trope?  Because I fucking hate this trope and it cannot die soon enough for my sake.

this is why stand-up comics keep getting divorced


It’s always a hole in one when you have a puppy to help. 13/10  great job

This is one of the greatest things ive seen in my whole life


There are 4 things I learned when I was 25:

You do not have to be affectionate all the time to care for someone, in fact, caring can also mean a couple of texts or silence for a few days while you both live your lives happily and separately.

People do not care for you less when they’re busy with their own lives. It’s your reaction to them being their own person - and your ability to make yourself happy - that determines how they feel about you.

Not everyone reciprocates to your actions the same way. If you want someone to acknowledge, be interested in, or treat you a certain way for your efforts, all you have to do is let them know. They will try their personal best to accommodate that within their personal spectrum of feelings.

No one owes you 100% of them, not even after 30 years, because someone having a percentage of themselves is what keeps them sane at the end of the day and that’s okay.


These things are so important to learn.

I reblog this everytime I see this because it’s an important reminder

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