
vive la princesse

@etoiledechance / etoiledechance.tumblr.com

ɦand yourself over to ɑbsolute ρleasure
「independent aph monaco rp blog」

But of course.


I’m sure with a little more one on one time, we can fix that right up.

[That gets a bit of a smile out of him, although he feels a tad flustered at the thought of it.]

Ach — surely that can be arranged if you’d like Frau Monaco, but I do think that favourites can be chosen from the wine tasting as well — I’d get a much better idea of your tastes simply from that!

You seem like the expert--


I'll trust your judgement, then. Hit me with your best shot. [ha that's a joke now that she thinks about it]


hiatus notice

hi guys! i'm not going on hiatus because of ooc drama or anything, but i won't have internet for a month. see, there's this situation with my family moving houses and then into our rental which won't be ready for a month and it's a lot. the house we'll be staying in won't have internet, hence my situation. that, and marching band season is starting up again, so i'll be pretty busy for the rest of this summer, anyway. i'll be on for the rest of today, but not for too much longer so i can get some sleep before band camp begins tomorrow c:

thanks for understanding!



etoiledechance replied to your post “Romaine. c;”

She giggled a bit at that, grinning and pressing a kiss to the top of Cecile’s head for a quick moment. “I do now; thank you for telling me. You’re pretty smooth yourself.”

She was only covered in a thing blanket, the other won a game of strip poker once again and Cecile was left as the loser of the game. “Heh, maybe next time you’ll be the loser of the game- tch… hardly I suck at card games.” The Belgian snickers as she closes her eyes and sighs.

"I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you," she grinned, running a hand through Cecile's hair. Even though Romaine won strip poker, she too stripped in an effort to make Cecile feel better. This left both of them naked under two or three blankets, wrapped up in each other and soft fabric.

"While I could shell out some pointers, I still plan on winning when we play together," she added, raising her eyebrows slightly and smirking. "But perhaps it would be fun to lose to you," Romaine suggested. "A refreshing turn of events, yes?"


That-a boy!


Alright now, decisions, decisions, decisions. Do you feel you’d look better in a darker orange or scarlet hue?

You can choose for me… I’m not good with this kind of stuff…


Just don’t make me look ugly.

Let's try the orange one.


Why would I ever do that. I love making people look amazing.


Oh, come now.

You’ve never done anything embarrassing to me, so I have no reason to do the same to you. However, if something happens accidentally, I take no responsibility.

Oh… I guess that’s reasonable…

But don’t you dare tell anyone else.

That-a boy!

Alright now, decisions, decisions, decisions. Do you feel you'd look better in a darker orange or scarlet hue?

Can we please just stop?
Can we be nice to everyone, please?
People who use symbols and tiny text and icons, and people who use normal font and gifs and single verses. People with a few followers, people with hundreds. People with fancy themes, people with defaults. People with dashes in their URLs and people with x’s. People who smut, people who don’t.
Please. Just. Be. Kind.
You will feel so much better, in the long run. I promise. Remember we are all just here to have fun and cry over fictional characters and create wonderful stories together.
Please, just be kind.
ye u v u and u should do it tbh omg OuO

i mean like it would be really cool

but also i feel like i want to give odin some more time to develop in canon so i know who i'm working with?

cause even though the webcomic's progressed, it's all still on the same day as when it started, or at least it really seems that way

but hey now that i have my old email from the old etoiledechance i could actually make this account--

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