
I still feel that rush in my veins

@moodymoonblue / moodymoonblue.tumblr.com

I read. I draw. I love Fall Out Boy. And I'm funny sometimes.
If only you could sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.

Fred Rogers (via alittlehappier)

Life is too short to waste any amount of time on wondering what other people think about you. In the first place, if they had better things going on in their lives, they wouldn’t have the time to sit around and talk about you. What’s important to me is not others’ opinions of me, but what’s important to me is my opinion of myself.

C. Joybell C. (via alittlehappier)


“You’re allowed to leave any story you don’t find yourself in. You’re allowed to leave any story you don’t love yourself in.

You’re allowed to leave a city that has dimmed your light instead of making you shine brighter, you’re allowed to pack all your bags and start over somewhere else and you’re allowed to redefine the meaning of your life.

You’re allowed to quit the job you hate even if the world tells you not to and you’re allowed to search for something that makes you look forward to tomorrow and to the rest of your life.

You’re allowed to leave someone you love if they’re treating you poorly, you’re allowed to put yourself first if you’re settling and you’re allowed to walk away when you’ve tried over and over again but nothing has changed.

You’re allowed to let toxic friends go, you’re allowed to surround yourself with love, and people who encourage and nurture you. You’re allowed to pick the kind of energy you need in your life.

You’re allowed to forgive yourself for your biggest and smallest mistakes and you’re allowed to be kind to yourself, you’re allowed to look in the mirror and actually like the person you see.

You’re allowed to set yourself free from your own expectations.”

- Rainia Nam (Huffington Post)

The worst crying is when your lying in bed, with your hand over your mouth so you don’t make noise. The tears are running onto your pillow and your hearts breaking and your thinking of everything that made you cry, and your other hand is on your heart or stomach because they both hurt.

im gettin tired of this trend of “popular to hate what was popular to love like 3 months ago” my mentally ill ass is getting whiplash from changing my opinion so fast


I don’t know how your country/town is dealing with Pokemon Go, until now, at least what i know is that: - A guy got arrested for walking at 3:00am on a graveyard because he wanted to catch a pokemon - some policemen are helping people to find pokemons  - a friend told she saw a guy tripped beautifully in the groud while trying to capture a pokemon. 


It has started The apokèlypse

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