
stop acting like a ho, gabrielle

@xenawarriorgay / xenawarriorgay.tumblr.com

leigh. 30s queer human. they/them. talk to me about fictional ladies. host of @historyisgaypodcast.

did I ever tell yall I used to think charlie chaplin was a drag king. for like three years straight

we watched modern times in seventh grade n I saw this shot n just took it face value that he was a twinky butch. for three years

I only found out he wasn’t because in tenth grade the topic of old hollywood leading ladies came up w my friends n I went “I think it’s so cool how charlie chaplin did all those drag roles. she was cute too haha” n they all looked at me like I’d said something just truly fucking insane. which for the record I had


no the butch you want is Dorothy Arzner, one of the only women directors from the silent era to continue directing after the transition to sound

she directed a multitude of films about atypical domestic relationships and has two entries in the criterion collection. you should absolutely read about her life, because wow. fascinating figure



Sorry to be this person, but I haven't seen many others talking about it and I'm concerned by the positive reception it's recieved.

The Muca/Art Nouveau Gideon and Harrow by Mariellavee that have been doing the rounds on the tlt fandom circuit are very much AI Generated.

Here are the pieces. You may zoom in at your own discretion, but I will post a few especially egregious segments.

Some zoomed in segments:

The smudging, the strange stray lines with no clear human intent behind them, the strange fingers of course, and that one buckle that almost looks to have been generated in the shape of letters.

The "artist" of course does not disclose anywhere in her original post or tags that the work is AI generated, and its clear from the comments and tags that many people are not realizing.

It's clear Mariellavee drew over some parts to modify whatever the original generated piece looked like, but the meat of this piece is heavily ai.

This is not okay. The Locked Tomb is a beautiful piece of art, and the fandom contains so many fantastic and talented fan artists. I don't want to see the community poisoned with this nonsense. Support real artists and real art.

An update to this: Mariellavee also deleted the comments I had left on her original post of the Gideon piece warning other fans that the work is AI, and she blocked me. She does not intend to address anything or take the work down, AND she is SELLING prints of these two pieces.

Please reblog/spread the word. There are thousands of reblogs and likes on those pieces that should have gone to real artists in the tlt community!


she originally had this response to a comment, but has since deleted it along with all the other replies mentioning AI

I definitely reblogged both of these without realizing they were AI -- I didn't look close enough, the post did not in any way indicate AI use, and I trusted OP not to lie. The TLT fandom has so many incredible artists, and it's a shame that so many of them will get a fraction of the exposure that these works recieved.

the examples above are helpful, but I wanted to add some more specifically considering the poster's defense where she says she used AI in the concept/reference phase only:

there are multiple errors and other nonsensical/ confusing details that I would assume any artist simply *referencing* AI would have corrected in the sketch phase--especially a self proclaimed experienced artist. That these errors were maintained into the finished work means there was either a barefaced lack of care in the drawing process, or it is evidence that the poster lied and AI was used for much more than simply concepts and references. Neither of those options are anything I would want to monetarily support.

1) for two pieces that are intended to be a matched set, the background skulls are rendered in entierly different artistic styles from one piece to the other, see Gideon on the left and Harrow on the right. you can see pretty clearly how the skulls on the left are lined, shaded, and colored differently than the skulls on the right. A matched set should have a matched art style, no?

2) there are several frankly egregious anatomical errors in the background bones, especially in the Gideon piece. anyone simply using AI as reference/concept inspiration would just fix these in the sketch or lineart phase, especially if they are experienced and skilled enough to draw the Gideon featured front and center..... right?

Here you can see bone flowing directly into muscle, in addition to what appears to be cloth textured like a spine, for some reason? there is also this strange skull in the top right of the Gideon piece, with a very wonky perspective that is inconsistent with and much worse than the OTHER 3/4th perspective skulls (and character face) featured in the work.

Then, in the Harrow piece, this spine flows into what looks like a horned, armored helmet instead of, I dunno, a pelvis. And Harrow's bone armor looks cool from a distance, but upon closer look it's nonsensical. Nothing about how the bone armor was constructed makes sense, and it is confusing why this weirdness would not simply be fixed in the sketch phase by an artist referencing AI concept work... unless that was a lie.

I also want to include important context from @gideoncav onto my reblog of this post (bc tumblr reblogs can make information scattered across multiple versions of the same post) which sort of speaks for itself.

Anyway. what a shame.


things i’ll not call you a whore for:

  • sexual activity
  • how you dress

things i’ll call you a whore for:

  • stealing my food 
  • stealing my lemons
  • my cat likes you more than me

why are lemons separate from food op?

everyone knows lemons arent food


lemon stealing whores are a huge issue separate from food stealing whores. there’s a whole documentary about whores stealing lemons from the trees of unsuspecting victims. you can see the first two minutes of it here.

Thats a rickroll. That totally is a fucking rickroll. No fukin way. Not falling for it.

dude, trust me, that isn’t a rick roll. its something worse

Me to the rest of tumblr after actually watching what was in the link:

…I really don’t know what I was expecting.

What the fuck did i just watch.

It- it’s not a Rick roll

Have we really reached a time when the Lemon Stealing Whores are no longer common knowledge.


remember when you were 10 and you would hang out with your friends in order to Look At The Computer together like you went to their house and experienced the information superhighway together. and then leave

How fucking old are you people?

normal amount


You see, there used to be a time (not all that long ago) when being offline was the default. And going online was the rare and wonderful thing that we (briefly) enjoyed.

It even came with happy modem noises.

They weren't happy noises.

They were polite and reasonable noises! The sound of protocol being followed! Negotiation and compromise!

The box would scream


in retrospect we should maybe have taken the unholy screams as a warning

that.jewish.activist: this isn’t my usual activism post, but rather it’s a little post about the history of kaifeng jews 

When did they make contact with other Jews? This is all super interesting - does anyone have reading recs where I could learn more about this history?

i would personally reccomend “the jews of kaifeng, china: history, culture, and religion” by xin xu, “the jews of china: historical and comparative perspectives” by jonathan goldstein and benjamin schwartz, “jews in china: a history of struggle” by nicholas zane, “jews in old china: studies by chinese scholars” by sidney shapiro and “legends of the chinese jews of kaifeng” by xin xu


so much coverage on met gala but they’ll try hard to hide that there is a huge crowd of protestors outside the met rn in support of palestine that have been marching across the city all day. meanwhile israel is bombing and enacting their invasion on rafah as we speak

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