
post-apocalyptic reliable friends & gal pals zone

@wastelandbonerhell / wastelandbonerhell.tumblr.com

this is a terrible fallout blog. inbox, homo magnifique > ao3: beefy boy zone > gauche buy me a coffee link > oc tag, settlement tag, art tag this is a side blog so i can’t follow back, sorry. please don’t follow if you’re under 18, thank you ! ! var sc_project=9198427; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security="4d3ff369"; var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://secure." : "http://www."); document.write("<sc"+"ript type='text/javascript' src='" + scJsHost+ "statcounter.com/counter/counter.js'></"+"script>");

obviously I don't like the everpresent fic trope of wise and hypercompetent lesbian appears for two seconds to sort out hapless gay boy feelings. however, I do think it gets at something, which is that lesbians fucking love to give advice we are eminently unqualified to give.

so from now on I will only be accepting this trope if the instagram therapyspeak relationship advice is a) objectively wrong and b) coming from a lesbian who is actively ghosting at least two girls while crying about her ex-situationship from 5 years ago. thank you!


There's a scene in Fallout: New Vegas that I find really interesting in how it uses skill checks in dialogue. A merchant company, the Crimson Caravan, want to buy out one of their rivals, Cassidy Caravans, and they hire the player character to negotiate the deal. The player has likely already met the rival company's owner, Rose of Sharon Cassidy, by this point - in fact, it's entirely possible that she suggested they ask the Crimson Caravan for work in the first place.


always a pleasure to see u posting again. i accidentally drew something recently on the back of an old drawing of church i did and so now i just see him on the back of that pic sometimes and regard him as i would an old friend


an old, miserable friend

i'm still around, just mostly posting on main and my comix blog @stryfeposting. i play fo76 most days but that's not really conducive to generating Content.


One thing I really enjoy about Fallout New Vegas is that it's really really good at modeling The Long-Suffering Protagonist Who Things Just Keep Happening To. Fallout 4, one or two things happen to you at the start, and they're doozies, but then for the most part you start happening to everybody else. You don't suffer that many ignominies. Fallout New Vegas, you get shot in the head and dumped in a shallow grave. Two different guys stick a bomb collar on you and force you to run errands. You have to dodge howitzer fire like in that one Malcom In The Middle Episode. All your organs get stolen. You think you're gonna get an easy payday killing some feral ghouls at a test site and then boom, you're getting canonized as a saint by a ghoul rocket cult, pouring radioactive coolant out of toy rocket ships into a real rocket ship one at a time. You get tricked into initiating a nuclear strike. Twice. You play a shell-game with human trafficking victims to bluff a guy into thinking he's pulling a tantalus when it's really just beef. You're forced to have conversations with Mormons. You simply get involved in more situation per situation, hands down. Sole survivor's memoir, I mean, whatever, it'll be okay. Courier's memoir? Oh boy


I think the biggest sign of the grand “fall of Bethesda” or whatever is the fact that Starfield officially released a full calendar month ago today and I literally have zero idea what it is about or what happens in it. absolutely zero cultural osmosis seems to have happened, which would’ve been unthinkable for a Bethesda RPG like ten years ago

you don’t get it. Skyrim is one of the most iconic video games ever released, the Dovahkiin is firmly cemented in pop culture and stuff like “arrow to the knee” and “ah, you’re finally awake-“ became the bedrock of gaming culture for literally years. New Vegas is a continually surviving series of Simpsons-fan-level injokes about Benny and Courier and Joshua Graham, endlessly quoting every line of dialogue and modding the game with seemingly infinite hyper specific absurd add-ons. even the relatively middling reception for Fallout 4 was followed by months worth of people memeing about The Institute or Dogmeat, hair twirling over how much they were attracted to robots like Curie or Codsworth or Nick Valentine, it gave us THE FINAL PAM for gods sake. even Fallout Fucking 76 had John Denver stuck in everyone’s head for six fucking months.

the idea that I have not seen a single character or plot point or literally anything about Starfield in the month after its release other then “it looks pretty and runs at 60fps” is an impossibility. it’s absurd. absolute downfall material for bethesda

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