

@marmaalade / marmaalade.tumblr.com

sam; just a dyke who loves hello kitty

writing a cover letter is just like: here is my worksona she has no mental illnesses and hates breaks! i would like to larp her for 40 hours a week with full pay and benefits


i saw wallace slice up the moon and eat it as cheese on a cracker as a kid and i just haven't known true satisfaction since

i’ve spent my whole life chasing this high


You ever think about how ProJared took advantage of his fans and solicited nudes from them (including, quite possibly, minors, but that depends on if you believe his response), and emotionally abused his wife, and then everybody just…forgot about it? And it had no lasting impact on his career?

Or how Jontron openly said that he thinks that America must always be a predominantly white nation and that’s why he’s against mass immigration (i.e. he’s a white nationalist), and that was what he said in his “apology” video, and everybody just forgot about it and it had no lasting impact on his career?


i wish the person that robbed pewdiepie stabbed him even if just a little bit


my friend brittany was stabbed once and okay she’s a little florida swamp trash she’ll admit that, but she told me this story of being stabbed with a STEAK KNIGHT, and her reaction was basically, “what the fuck, did you fucking stab me???’ then her friends carted her off to the ER

if this can happen to Brittany, who is totally okay even if she has a tattoo in the shape of Florida where the panhandle turned into a gun, it can totally happen to Pewdiepie I mean he is was more stabbable than my friend britney

its ok queen go off

No Notes Pewdiepie Stabbing Post

“She peels an orange, separates it in perfect halves, and gives one of them to me. If I could wear it like a friendship bracelet, I would. Instead I swallow it section by section and tell myself it means even more this way. To chew and to swallow in silence with her. To taste the same thing in the same moment.”

— We Are Okay, Nina Lacour

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