
DJ Kento's Blog

@djkento / djkento.tumblr.com

DJ, Gamer, Blogger, planted snuggly in Northern California.

Fuck it... why not.

Twitter, which had become my main social media platform years ago, has fallen on hard times. The site literally does not work which is wild. So now my doom scrolling moves back to Tumblr, like I’m in my 20s again. 


Batman, addicted to drugs. 



Anonymous asked:

already ruining another one of FNB's streams. Fuck off you loser.


Anonymous asked:

Never play Overwatch with FakeNerdBoy again. You are annoying. Nobody likes you in the stream. The chat hates you. You are not funny. Ryan obviously does not like you. He takes pity on you because you tipped. Go away and stop ruining Wu Fam

Why is it that all my trolls seem to come to tumblr. They go out of their way to like google me, find my tumblr, write some childish, anonymous shit and then bug out. HAHA. I’ll stop playing with Ryan if or when he asks me. Thanks. 

Anonymous asked:

Is this the dj kento that plays Overwatch with FakeNerdBoy?

Yeah it is. Hi! 


Finally!! It’s here! Song written entirely by me, this song means the entire world to me from start to finish. Everything I am and everything I want to be. This is different from anything I’ve done before and I hope you’ll give it the same chance you gave me. Thank you all.

A dog is a dog even without his leash but I knew, oh I knew.. before I got your fleas

- B.B.

For the first time in a long time, I can breathe again :’)


* I did not create this picture/meme - I found it on the “STOP Donald Trump” Facebook page *

I shared the above picture on my FB wall and a friend commented, “Except that the proposed wall isn’t geographically dividing a single country?”

Now, in a way they have a point. Except I was a history major and post-WWII politics always really intrigued me, so I read a lot of books about that, and about Germany, and about Berlin in particular. I even got to visit that amazing city once and learn even more just by being there.

The thing is, while that friend has a point - in a way - I feel it’s important to remind people that this picture/meme is more of a SYMBOLIC idea. To me the point is that building a wall isn’t going to keep people from trying to cross that border; that they will find other ways over, under, or around it…and this will, in the end cause more trouble than the wall would ever keep out. That was the lesson they learned in Germany, specifically in Berlin.

Also, it would behoove us to remember that while East and West Germany weren’t considered separate countries until the 1960s, starting then East Germany decided it WAS a separate country. Construction on the wall began in 1961…and it was built by East Germany as much to keep its own people in, if not more, than it was to keep other people out.

Just some food for thought in these ridiculous times.


If you need a movie break after reading 1984, I recommend these four fascist fighting flicks! ✊️✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿


Might I also recommend

A movie about the war on drugs and how it’s used to police the populace as well as inspire fear and paranoia among friends and family.

The ultimate realization of 1984 as a blockbuster where the hero is quite literally a cog in the big brother machine of over policing.

The birthplace of the modern hacktivist/troll/internet activism in cinema. The iconography alone is powerful but this Orwellian blockbuster is more than special effects and kung-fu. It’s a movie about love over all things and and death to a society that values order over freedom and expression. 

Fascism, racism, industrialization, deforestation and the rape of mother earth and nature’s balance... all present and accounted for in this story which was born out of the hellish memories of WWI. 

The ultimate anti-authoritarian, anti-fascist piece of sci-fi cinema for the modern age. True revolution in a harrowing dystopian sci-fi epic. 


“Love is Love” is in stores today, 28 December 2016. Proceeds go to the victims of the Pulse Nightclub tragedy and their families through Equality Florida. Thank you to all the artists, writers and people who generously donated their time and talent.

“Love is Love”

Source: dccomics.com
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