
ship in a harbour

@lyrium-lighthouses-blog / lyrium-lighthouses-blog.tumblr.com

liam / 22 / m / infj
personal & fandom blog mostly dragon age tbh
not spoiler-free

actual Tumblr Social Justice problems:

- antisemitism is often veiled as “combating white supremacy” - lack of focus on mental illnesses besides depression - honest mistakes tend to be poorly dealt with - “callout culture” (people looking for others to mess up, solely in order to defame them) - in-depth education on terms tends to be scarce, leading to people having only a vague understanding of terms, and using them - bigots are able to redefine these (poorly-defined) terms in ways that hurt the oppressed - emotional manipulation / guilt-tripping (“i see my followers ignoring this”; “why is nobody talking about this?”)

re-reblogging cause i thought of things

  • Excessive and abusive punishment of young teenagers over mistakes made in discourse they don’t completely understand by bloggers much older than they are
  • US-centrism
  • Reliance on fear of retribution for spread of information (contributes to rapid spread of misinformation)
  • Moral absolutism - the line between “perfect innocent angel” and “disgusting shit trash” can be as thin as one mistake
  • Reliance on followed blogs for education about social issues

so, i think we as a people can agree that zevran not only needs to appear in the next game, but that he needs to have long, luscious flowing locks that waft in the breeze and will bring battle hardened wardens to their knees for a multitude of reasons

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