
a tired bean

@tired-bean-gab / tired-bean-gab.tumblr.com

Born in 1997. Just stuff that I like (THIS IS NOT A SPOILER FREE BLOG). Currently into She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. (previously xxgtscxx)

Catra just enjoying being married to this dork ~ Join my Patreon for exclusive content. #catradora #sheraandtheprincessesofpower


(S1) Catra and Izutsumi outfit sweep for a kofi! Real catgirl hours


My top 4 wlw ships that I drew for my blog background!

[please don't repost nor use these for AI purposes]


Three sets to failure is a good rule of thumb that can be used to accommodate most peoples' fitness goals.

Other set and rep ranges work, of course! In fact, the Hybrid Routine has both higher and lower ones for a variety of reasons.

To be clear though, those are GOAL standards. For example, you do 2-3 sets of Wall Pushups of as many as you can. After you're able to do 3 sets of 50 - move on!

However, I THINK most people watching this aren't on a regimented fitness plan and may be confused as to the different numbers they see.


Catradora as Orpheus and Euridice (Hadestown Ver) for a kofi request ;;


We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.

Reblogging for the very high percentage of people here who haven't received adequate sex education. No shame--this included me until a few years ago, I've participated many times myself, and I'm a nurse.

Choking is always edgeplay (i.e very risky). There is no safe way to choke someone. Even light pressure is not safe.

There is a nerve in the neck whose function is to lower heart rate. If you accidentally stimulate this nerve, it's possible to lower the heart rate to zero very quickly. This can result in sudden cardiac death in seconds. Sometimes symptoms can be minimal and they unfortunately also mimic the symptoms of low oxygenation, which are the sensations you're trying to provoke.

Also, if your partner has cholesterol buildup in the major artery leading to the brain--which there is no way to know except an angiogram--small chunks of cholesterol can break off, travel to the brain, and result in stroke. This too can initially cause minor symptoms the partner may not notice until it's too late to reverse the process.

Breathplay is no kidding my very favorite kink in the world, and I hated giving it up, but please think very, very seriously. This is a Risk Aware Consensual Kink activity, not a safe, sane, consensual one.


Adding my knowledge from the domestic violence realm, because this is a really big deal:

Having your partner wrap their hands around your throat (strangulation) is both imminently dangerous, potentially dangerous for days afterward, and unless it's something you've specifically asked them to do to you, can be a huge warning sign that you should be worried about their willingness to use violence against you.

A lot of people think the big issue is that strangulation compresses the trachea and hinders breathing. That's a thing, but what's even more dangerous is the compression of the blood vessels in your neck, which can directly cut off blood flow to your brain.

Even after the strangulation is over, there are potential lasting effects—brain damage, memory loss, and confusion, which often make strangulation victims very poor reporters of their own level of injury, which means that if, say, police show up following a fight, the victim might honestly say that they don't think they were hurt very much and they feel fine.

About half the time they will have very small visible symptoms, like bruises on their neck, a raspiness to their voice, very small red specks on the skin of their neck or face, or burst vessels in their eyes. Half the time they won't.

Which is not always a great way to tell which of them, in the days afterwards, will have a blood clot travel into their brain and cause a stroke, or will experience seizures and memory issues over the next several months or years. Those things might not be spotted without specialized medical attention and tests. If you've ever been strangled, tell a doctor; it may still be putting you at medical risk.

And aside from the medical risks, there are indicators that someone who has survived being strangled by an intimate partner is at a much higher risk of being a homicide victim. That basically, the willingness to strangle as an act of aggression can signal that they are more willing and able to actually kill you.


There is nothing morally wrong with being into choking its just a genuinely dangerous thing to do and people should be aware of that.

Also! If u want the power dynamic vibes of grabbing ur partners neck without the danger of accidentally killing them may i suggest pinning them at their jaw bone. Make an L with ur hand and put ur hand under their chin and press upwards. ONLY APPLYING PRESSURE OVER THE BONE, which will prevent u from compressing someone’s airway and blood vessels (cuz they are protected by the jaw bone)

Stay safe out there babes ❤️

Thiiis. There are safe ways to practice kink, and being kinky isn't the same as being abusive.

It's true that a lot of abusers use the vocabulary of kink to justify hurting people, but it's like how a lot of health grifters use the language of science to scam people with dangerous or ineffective medicine. Some people spouting bullshit doesn't mean that valid science, or risk-aware consensual kink, doesn't actually exist.

It is NOT safe or consensual to choke, smother, or suffocate someone without talking about it first, making sure you both understand the risks and what is more or less dangerous, making sure you're both into it, and having some way to communicate "no, stop" that works and will be respected even when one partner (as is often the case here) cannot form audible language.

(Edited to add: People in the notes are like "Even only 30 seconds is dangerous!" and sorry loves, it's worse than that. You can completely pass out within the first 10 seconds. There's literally no amount of breathplay that isn't hazardous.)

Anyone who tries to choke, strangle, or smother another person without this kind of willing and informed consent risks grievous harm or death to that person, severe legal penalties to themselves, and whether through ignorance or outright malice, is a dangerous person who merits every effort to stop or get away from.

This is true whether you are a man, a woman, trans, cis, gay, or straight. It matters whether the other person is a lover, a parent, a stranger, a friend, or an enemy. If you feel afraid or unable to keep yourself safe, please reach out to a domestic violence organization or, if you're a minor, a child help line for emotional support, danger assessment, advocacy on your behalf, and help figuring out how to find safety.

Anonymous asked:

Are you an advocate for censorship?

is this because i said not to use the r slur


this? is this what you're referring to? yeah i think calling other people slurs is bad


reminder that the people this slur refers to, people with intellectual disabilities, are still campaigning to REDUCE/end its usage, not "reclaim" it. the r word used to be a medical diagnosis--it was never a 'nice' term and it was always used for ableist, and generally eugenicist, ends--and it is still included in several state laws, so self advocates with intellectual disabilities have been passing laws around the country to get this word out of laws. under no circumstance does it make sense to "reclaim" this term, especially if you are not affected by the ableism that people with intellectual disabilities face.

[Image description: Two Tweets by @ feIidaen that say: the reemergence of the r slur in common internet lexicon drives me up the fucking wall / everyone got a little to excited about reclaiming fruit and now it’s seen as perfectly acceptable to use derogatory terms with absolutely atrocious history as insults against other people even in the most progressive spaces. stop doing that. End description]

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