
@holynarwhalsbatman / holynarwhalsbatman.tumblr.com

World's Okayest Student Counselor.

me, seeing a post i’ve seen tens of times before and knowing DAMN well i have reblogged it every single time:

he he i like the it *reblon*


Can we talk about how in zombie shows/movies/books they always find a veterinarian and not a surgeon? Are veterinarians deemed more likely to survive the apocalypse?



  • One of our professional skills is ‘not being bitten by patients’
  • We actually have a good broad knowledge base for both surgical, medical, and GP things
  • We’re used to improvising equipment because a lot of stuff is just not made for animals
  • Meat safety is part of our training
  • Our cars are often full of equipment, especially in mixed practice
  • We probably weren’t in the human hospital at the initial outbreak

starbucks barista: ive got a caffe mocha for… “russian spy”?

everybody: [remains seated and eyes each other suspiciously]

barista [throwing his CIA badge at the floor in defeat]: dammit i thought for sure that would work

Memes that are funny in 2018 and 1958


hey guys I’m so mad that three-year-olds don’t understand irony bc literally two of my students were fighting over a book titled “Why Should I Share?” today


first day of college in media: “Please open up your textbooks to chapter three because I expect you to have already read the first two chapters in preparation for starting this class”

first day of college in reality: “We’re going to spend the next hour slowly and thoroughly going over every page of the syllabus because I strongly suspect at least half of you assholes don’t actually know how to read”

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