
you said we were going to the philharmonic!

@grosgrognon / grosgrognon.tumblr.com


Planning stages of Ella's Strilondes (and Kanaya, ofc) socks, using a striped folk design from Kihnu, Estonia called kapõtad.

I could not find the right jade-coloured yarn for love or money, so I dyed my own. That's the bottom picture, before and after.

 I love yarn almost as much as I love crayons. 

Though we do it through endless meetings, emails and calls, rather than the plough and the loom, we still slog away at work, as if our lives depend on it.

I would venture to say that capital and the laissez-faire economy we live in expects all employees whether they work in retail or white collar work to work longer, harder and with less time off in exchange for diminishing returns.


Why haven’t more people read Wizardy Herbert? I mean, sure it has its issues (inaccurate fantasy bipolar disorder and incompleteness among them), but it’s still fun and smart and a good read if you’ve finished Night Vale and are still waiting for the next HS update.




Buster Keaton’s Recipe For His Famous Pork Pie Hats (in his own words):
PORKPIE HAT 1 Stetson Hat 3 Heaping Teaspoons of granulated sugar 1 Teacup Warm Water Mix water and sugar. Wet the top and bottom of the brim. Smooth it out on a clean, hard surface. Allow to dry until stiff. I did the early ones myself myself, always - and then I trained my wife. (The first one was created in 1917 for “The Butcher’s Boy”)

Happy Birthday, Joseph Frank “Buster” Keaton (October 4th, 1895 - February 1rst, 1966)

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