
I’ve been really into repetition in music ever since I got my first guitar pedal in 2011. Making a rhythm with it all is so fun. A band called Battles is a huge inspiration for this kind of stuff. Check them out! (Use headphones) #battles #makingbeats #glossdrop #looping #drums #drumming #beat #battlesmirrored #guitarloop #abelton #art #creativity #music #repetition #pocketdrummer #rhythm #grooves #vicfirth #reverendguitars #dittox2 #walrusaudio #fathomreverb (at Denison, Texas)


It’s not that I want to be one of the greats. I just want to become my best potential. Cease the day and take on what I’m meant to be challenged with. I don’t want to feel like I’ve wasted any more time. While I’m thankful for these gifts I cannot help but wonder if it were all different.

I hope to be a father one day to an unsure, intelligent, weary child, and I hope I can set some kind of example. This is one thing I’m sure I will not get wrong. Sometimes I think maybe that is my calling. Other times I think it’s silly. Either way, I still want to see it through.

I’ve been burdened by purpose or lack there of. How long will it take us to figure out who we are? Maybe I should’ve had more sober nights. Maybe I need sedatives. How do I know if I’ve missed out on all of that? I think I’ll keep one problem at a time.

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