
nick miller's last zombie novel: Uh-Oh Guts!

@teethleave / teethleave.tumblr.com

the big idea was there were too many guts.

update: this IS a personal diary blog. my diary entries are just mostly about house m.d. recently. 🩻👨‍⚕️🔪

tumblr user teethleave is:

1. named rae or named raphael & habitually forever making puns out of their/his own name. sorry (sorrae).

2. twenty-nine years old & counting.

3. from the powerful city of philadelphia (in the mediocre state of pepe silvia) and now residing in new donk city of super mario fame.

4. a cartoonish, crazy, convulsive, and degenerate robot finding strange and horrible ways to get from point A to point B.

i paint simpsons characters and animals and self-portraits and painful or hopeful concepts. i have a cat named shark week who is very grey and very big. two of my all-time favorite movies are 9 to 5 and secretary, because i like that when you combine them in a test tube, the pantyhose-ish fabric of time and space develops a dire run. i write poetry and essays about bodies, horror, language, holes, repairs, and ~media~, & you are cordially invited to become a patron (raetron) of my writing (life upheavals have caused me to struggle with updating the patreon as frequently as i'd like to for the past several months. but each new raetron is an inspiration for me to strive harder!! to be a reliable waterfall of strange and horrible words is the dream!!!)


You can tell when someone’s frame of reference for “normal people” is more “people at the church sponsored ice cream social” and less “people on the bus”


the people in the notes saying “people on the bus aren’t normal” are the people this post is talking about.


there should be more hours between 6 and 10pm. like even just two more hours. for my assorted hobbies & activities


i'm bald now. i've always been bald. i've merely dreamt of having hair. and now the bald man is awake.


call me craig. and call "blackmail" "a day at the mall with craig" :)

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