
Tempus Edax Rerum

@sillierthanasillylaugh / sillierthanasillylaugh.tumblr.com

My land is bare of chattering folk; the clouds are low along the ridges, and sweet's the air with curly smoke from all my burning bridges.

This NPR interview with with Angela Saini about how race science never really left the global scientific consciousness is super interesting! I’m gonna read her book!

my girlfriend has been talking about this since ancestry kits became A Thing

To be clear, in this, my country's black history month, racial disparities in health outcomes between Black and white people continue even after socioeconomic disparity has been controlled for and don't appear in the same type of significance between Hispanic people and white people where there is socioeconomic disparity. It is not exactly the same as class in America and I really question any journalist who thinks so. Angela Saini could have made the point that while diseases and illnesses may not be racialized, the legacy of racial science means that many parts of the medical field, including diagnosis, treatment and prevention, absolutely are, which affects the views of those diseases and illnesses as racial. I hope this is more clear in her book.


This doesn’t really engage with the conversation around this particular complaint. Praise is necessary for overcoming small struggles. It does not, however, much mitigate the burden of routine tasks, which is what household maintenance requires for most people. This conversation is often partially about how anyone doing most of the tasks also deserves praise but it’s mostly about the unequal burden of household tasks that the lesser burdened person underscores by expecting praise. The expectation exposes a certain type of inequality; one person is the employer, the other merely employed, with praise as exchange for the labor, with a person who would be wholly uninvested without such payment. That’s not the same thing as having a community of support (and frankly it usually is an attempt to deny the support and community necessary for household tasks by making it exchange-based) and we don’t need to pretend it is.


Some other bangers;

  • "Jack of all trades, master of none" ... "but ofttimes better than a master of one."
  • "Blood is thicker than water." "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the waters of the womb."
  • "Money is the root of all evil." "The love of money is the root of all evil."

there's also "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" which conservatives are oh so fond of saying

bootstraps are, well, straps on your boots. you cannot physically pull yourself up by them, and that's what the original phrase meant. "pulling oneself up by the bootstraps" is meant to be an impossible task


"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness."

The second part really matters.

“curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back”

"great minds think alike, but fools seldom differ."

"the early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese."

For the record: blood is thicker than water, full quote, is the original saying. The longer version is the second version. If you think about the concept of blood covenants you’ll understand why it is a concept that relies on family/blood as a paramount loyalty to even make sense.


It's a unique type of frustration when you agree that a character is deeply flawed but other people keep missing what's actually wrong with them and assigning them new flaws that they don't even have it's like free my man he did none of that. He did a bunch of other shit tho.


one of the more fascinating angles of Sam and Lucifer that I don't think gets enough attention is how, although they share a role as the black sheep of the family, that does absolutely nothing to endear Lucifer to Sam.

It's in fact quite the opposite. Far from finding that a reason to (perhaps fairly, from certain angles!) empathize with Lucifer, Sam takes that as a reason to distrust and hate him more! Which is a feature, not a bug: Sam's sharing Dean's (and Michael's) judgement against Lucifer (himself). Commonality with himself, to Sam, is not a reason to think Lucifer has redemptive qualities--rather, it's another way for Sam to find himself suspect.

I think I disagree that it ever gets here. Sam isn’t sympathetic to Lucifer’s alienation because that the actions emanating alienation has materially destroyed Sam’s goals, Sam specifically, from beginning to end. Sam simply would have had a less fucked life without Lucifer’s specific machinations against Sam.

In a wider view, this is very consistent with Sam’s character, it’s only ~monsters~ who are monsters by chance and not by action that Sam displays any empathy. You cannot give in to the anger, young padawan, or Sam will agree with your destruction. This really isn’t his family’s or Michael’s framing, for whom the circumstances or context never matter.

Oh yeah it’s for sure true that Sam hates Lucifer for his actions, and not for his placement in the family drama. (It’s also true that Sam uses commonality of framing with plenty of other characters to empathize with them.) I’m more saying that in Lucifer’s case, the placement doesn’t help, it hurts, and that the specific context of season 4/5 is relevant to Sam’s hostility.

Ah, yeah I would agree that the more Sam can identify with someone the more judgmental he is about their different decisions.

But my point is that if there’s a visceral nature to Sam’s rejection of Lucifer it is in the power Lucifer holds over his life, in other words it in how much Lucifer’s alienation is a furtherance, even the cause of Sam’s. Being sympathetic to Lucifer validates his family’s distrust of Sam himself in a very literal and unavoidable way. I don’t think that helps Michael’s endgame and is a fundamental angelic misunderstanding of human nature that both Lucifer and Michael are guilty of.

They both think the inevitability means that the process won’t be a sticking point but it very much is.


one of the more fascinating angles of Sam and Lucifer that I don't think gets enough attention is how, although they share a role as the black sheep of the family, that does absolutely nothing to endear Lucifer to Sam.

It's in fact quite the opposite. Far from finding that a reason to (perhaps fairly, from certain angles!) empathize with Lucifer, Sam takes that as a reason to distrust and hate him more! Which is a feature, not a bug: Sam's sharing Dean's (and Michael's) judgement against Lucifer (himself). Commonality with himself, to Sam, is not a reason to think Lucifer has redemptive qualities--rather, it's another way for Sam to find himself suspect.

I think I disagree that it ever gets here. Sam isn’t sympathetic to Lucifer’s alienation because that the actions emanating alienation has materially destroyed Sam’s goals, Sam specifically, from beginning to end. Sam simply would have had a less fucked life without Lucifer’s specific machinations against Sam.

In a wider view, this is very consistent with Sam’s character, it’s only ~monsters~ who are monsters by chance and not by action that Sam displays any empathy. You cannot give in to the anger, young padawan, or Sam will agree with your destruction. This really isn’t his family’s or Michael’s framing, for whom the circumstances or context never matter.


"This must be the cookie for when you descend into psychosis"


This young man is such a guaranteed good time


love how angry he gets when his recipes are actually good. He just has that "what the FUCK" look on his face every. Single. Time.

And that means that either a) he continues to refuse to believe that surviving recipes,much like surviving music,, survive because they are actually good; or b) he has a shitload of videos where he makes something and it's *absolute shit*, but those videos don't get promoted by the Almighty Algorithm and therefore I never see them.

It’s b. There are a lot of horrible ones.

That said…surviving food is not like surviving music. I would quibble with the designation that the “good” stuff survives sua sponte at any rate, but they really aren’t transmitted similarly at all. Like we know much more about Ancient Greek diet than Ancient Greek choral orchestration.


man call me crazy or whatever but i'm not very thrilled with the fact that the takeaway that all of y'all are getting from the titanic submarine crisis happening right now is

"People able to spend exorbitantly for some tourist trip thing deserve to die a horrific and torturous death via suffocation after spending 96 hours in mounting dread and awareness of that oncoming reality, all inside a 20 foot long windowless iron casket lost at sea"

and how it isn't

"There is no way in fucking hell that it should be legal to take people into such high-risk environments with zero regulations and shoddy work which almost certainly factored if not is the cause of this crisis to begin with, and the problem isn't that people will spend lots of money on dumb shit, it's that there are companies allowed to prey on that with no oversight"

Look I don’t object to asking people to just be more empathetic in general or to think about how unrestrained capitalism is bad actually. I do object to calling this a prey relationship. This isn’t “wow this sheep turned out to be a leopard” or even “I didn’t think the face-eating leopards would eat my face.” This is a “regular people can’t get close to leopard, but i with my money, can get close to a leopard. I can even make it more fun by daring it to eat my face. I bet my fellow richies would also like that. Huzzah!” The government shouldn’t allow this sort of thing but a) some people are rich enough to be able to wriggle through loopholes as is the case here (the international waters this submersible launched from meant that who regulates this gets tricky) b) some people are rich enough to stymie the government’s attempts at regulation and c) some people are rich enough where thumbing their nose at the government is the point. That’s not getting preyed upon.

This isn’t parasitic of industry on wealth, this is symbiotic of industry and wealth. We can and probably should invoke community shame for that attitude.


I got the Top 4.47% on this English Vocabulary test

I’m in the last 47.33% 

I shouldn’t have taken that test

Am I fucking stupid LMAO


I did it :)


Probably woulda done better if I hadn’t just literally finished smoking a joint by myself at 1030am

Good god Latin and Ancient Greek is useful.





President Biden signed the executive order January 27, 2021.  This is the first time I’ve even heard of this.  Here are a couple of links with more info:

Biden gets a lot of flack for being a generic neo liberal rather than a cool leftist, and trust me I’m 100% on board with criticizing Biden, but it occurred to me that, at least by my standards, he’s the best president I’ve lived under. Clinton was just “What if Reaganomics but with a saxophone”, Obama did pass the ACA, but he also cut it to bits to appease the republicans who didn’t vote for it anyway, and he constantly bombed middle-eastern civilians. I’m not even gonna bother mentioning any of the republicans since I don’t need to convince my intended audience that they’re bad.

Biden, while he’s obviously had some major bad decisions (breaking the rail strike, failing to defend trans rights), has done more actual good than I think anyone else I’ve lived under. He’s nearly completely ended drone strikes, he’s addressing the debt crisis (everyone knows about the $10k, but very few I’ve seen know about the changes he’s made to how federal student loans work that make them far less of a burden/deathtrap), and now there’s the above, which I’m just learning about.

Never let perfect be the enemy of good, and while Biden is very far from being a perfect president, I’m pretty comfortable calling him a good one.

To be accurate, the ACÁ wasn’t Obama appeasing republicans. It was Obama appeasing Joe Lieberman a democrat turned independent (conservative imo), who he a) absolutely needed and b) did actually vote for the shitty watered down version.

Anonymous asked:

I like that Vader was the world's worst coworker even before he became Vader. I've been watching Clone Wars and it's hilarious how much Luminara Unduli fucking hates him

i really think TCW is such a missed opportunity because i do think anakin would be a horrible person to work with in any capacity, mostly because i read him as kind of a control freak (his rational response to his mother's death was to swear on his grave that no one would ever die again. he may or may not have problems) and he's an early adulthood dude, and people in their late teens/early twenties are just organizational nightmares as part of the trade, and also he really, really, really is too young and inexperienced to be doing the job he's doing. ideally any seasoned jedi master working with him is at their wits' end partially because it's like, good god, he's got such a babyface, what the fuck are we doing putting him in charge of whether hundreds of thousands of people live or die, and then it's like good god, do we have to color code every arrow we draw on this map, and then it's like, good god, why are the meeting notes completely out of order. like i'm not arguing that it doesn't take a lot of difficulty to try and accomplish a task with anakin skywalker.

what i am saying is that the Toxic Coworker Traits TCW assigned him are the wrong ones, because i don't think a guy who literally is flirting with the dark forces in an attempt to control the uncontrollable forces of nature is a guy that, uh, plays fast and loose. look at how uncomfortable he is when padme changes his plans in AOTC. he looks like he's about to start clawing his skin off. remember that time he actively murdered someone on the space zoom call because they fucked up his plans. remember the many numerous people he has actively murdered because they fucked up his plans. he's just legitimately not a "take it easy, let it ride, we'll figure it out" type of guy and TCW's insistence that darth vader was ever like that is insane to me


No, no this still works. See, there’s a flavor of “control freak” where they’re technically subordinate or only equal to most people they deal with so they say things like “it’s going to be fine” when you ask for detail in anxiety-ridden situations, because they DO have a plan, you’re DEFINITELY not going to like it, but if you know you have the power to stop them and they refuse to let you fuck up their plans.


"depiction is not automatically glorification" can and should coexist with "some depiction is glorification and you need to be able to tell the difference"

Please add to that list "apparent glorification in the first 15% of the thing does not constitute real glorification if the remaining 85% is dedicated to suffering the consequences, deconstructing the damage and changing ways" because some people around here don't understand how the three act structure works.

Y'know yeah i will absolutely add this especially since people keep saying fight club is an example of glorification. Genuinely thanks for having one of the few good additions to this post

Part of understanding glorification and deconstruction is understanding the social phenomenon you are depicting. A lot of masculinity as a social construct includes the idea that the self-destruction and other destruction that results from uber-masculinity is worth it and very cool. "Deconstructions" of it like Fight Club suggest that it "might" not be worth (and is usually anemic on that more than you would think) but is nonetheless very cool. This is still a form of glorification despite the "consequences". Starship Troopers (movie) it is not.

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