
Once again, i'm within and without.

@seriouslythoughican / seriouslythoughican.tumblr.com

☠ ♍ |Geek|INTJ|
Embrace your differences and the qualities about you that you think are weird. Eventually, they’re going to be the only things separating you from everyone else.

And then people wanna tell me that Tsukki doesn’t support his team. That he doesn’t care. That he can’t be a captain in his 3rd year because he’s rude.

Well, THIS ^ is someone who cares and is willing to do what he can to help - even if it’s people he doesn’t particularly care for (at least, not at that point). This is someone doing what he knows is best for his team.

And last but not least, this is someone who knows the players in his team. What makes them tick, what makes them fight. How to use them. Look at Daichi, Kuroo and Oikawa and tell me that’s not an essential part of what they do.

Tsukki, you little sh*t, your low-key caring is showing.


wear a different perfume when you commit murder fuckin amateurs 

also wear shoes that aren’t your actual size and use gloves if you have to touch anything

what the hell is this here? A how-to-commit-the-perfect-crime??


Wear a wig. Contact lenses . Change your accent . Change Hand when writing . Layer up to make you look big if your small n vice versa . Contour the hell outta your face.

Get your car interior thoroughly washed, then purposely dirty it up again.

Also use an icicle for the weapon because it melts away Buy a ticket to a show and tell as many people / post it on social media that u went to the show

Y'all suspect af😂

*adds 363,462 more people to list of that I will fuck never with*

Make sure you set up a solid alibi Pay for everything in cash

Or, for those of you who’ve read Roald Dahl’s Lamb to the Slaughter, feed the murder weapon to the police


Categorize ur ocs by how ur gonna totally wreck them:

  • Wreck their life
  • Wreck their emotions
  • Wreck their ass

If u do all three for one, u gain 20 extra points and my respect, you satanic being

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