

@ryfkah / ryfkah.tumblr.com

formerly skygiants

me drowning in a lake while my friend, 11th century french rabbi and prolific scriptural commentator Schlomo "Rashi" Yitzchaki (zy"a) stands nearby: help im drowing help me rashi

Schlomo "Rashi" Yitzchaki (zy"a): "drowing" is likely a scribal error for "drowning." "im drow[n]ing" is to say: my lungs have become filled with water, and i am struggling to breathe. "help" once followed by "help me" a second time: the first [help] is directed to the Holy One, blessed be He, and means: "may He help us by swiftly delivering the World to Come;" the second (i.e., "help me") is to invoke direct assistance in this world, spoken as if to a personal friend. the meaning of "rashi" here is unclear.

me drowning in a lake while my friend, 8th century daoist scholar-physician and prolific medical classic commentator Wang Bing stands nearby: help im drowing help me wang bing

Wang Bing: "help" is "assist." "im drowing" is to say: the normal position of the Lung, belonging to metal, is above and before water (i.e., "metal is the mother of water."). for metal to be below water means "the child insults his mother." illness follows.

17th century scholar-physician and prolific medical classic commentator Zhang Zhicong, reading this post 900 years later: wang bing is incorrect. "drowing" here is an error for "dowsing," which means "to find hidden water by means of a [dowsing] branch."


from 'Goodbye, Eastern Europe,' by Jacob Mikanowski


made a playlist for my book which is coming out in a month, mostly themed around lesbians lying and making ill advised gambles. i welcome additions of other songs about lesbians lying and making ill advised gambles https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6f7DFj5CYGlWug5zO3UC2T?si=dc11befb33844941

(ps spotify doesn't have the best lesbian cover of Luck Be A Lady that I've found to date, but YouTube does and it's this one. spotify also doesn't have the song that was Literally Written About My Book by one of my most talented friends but YouTube also does and you should listen to it)

(pps if you are interested in a free copy of said book there is currently an ongoing Goodreads giveaway situation)


this is a poll for a movie that doesn't exist.

it is vintage times. the powers that be have decided it is time to remake the classic vampire novella Dracula for the big screen once more. in an amazing show of inter-studio solidarity, all of hollywood's hottest elite are up for the starring roles. they know whoever they cast will greatly impact the quality and tone of the finished production, so they are turning to their wisest voice for guidance.

you are the new casting director for this star-studded epic. choose your players wisely.


One of my previous bosses, the Archivist for the State of -redacted for privacy-, had one of these (or very very similar prototype format) that he kept in his briefcase.

Whenever someone in a meeting would say something along the lines of “we don’t need to worry about that/budget money for that/do that, everything is digital now!” He would pull this bad boy out of his briefcase and say “this has digital files on it, please access them. Oh, you can’t? Well what about this? or these?” And pull out a selection floppy discs and CD types.

And that is how he fought the good fight for a budget for the archives because digital preservation is expensive and difficult and there are a million different hardware and software types and technological obsolescence is a nightmare.


this is a poll for a movie that doesn't exist.

It is vintage times. The powers that be have decided to again remake the classic vampire novella Dracula for the screen. in an amazing show of inter-studio solidarity, Hollywood’s most elite hotties are up for the starring roles. the producers know whoever they cast will greatly impact the genre, quality, and tone of the finished film, so they are turning to their wisest voices for guidance.

you are the new casting director for this star-studded epic. choose your players wisely.


agatha agate has a little spot on the top of her head where her fur is white and it’s very thin and the pink of her skin is a little bit visible all the time. turns out she can get sunburnt there

so now she has this stupid hat.



according to ep 4 anthy had told utena she was sick of their giant inflatable octopus and thought it should be thrown away, implying that anthy only kept it to antagonize nanami. funniest aspect of when shes leaving to move in with touga and nanami is that you can see its tentacle sticking out of the giant suitcase shes using to accommodate it – every other time in the show she uses a smaller suitcase, & notably when she moves back in with utena like a day later. she definitely ‘accidentally left it’ at the kiryuu residence


me reading that tumblr poll about 19thc sailors all knowing how to harmonize: lol could not be me. good thing that this is a skill this will never be asked of me

me today in chorus when the director was like 'and altos just improv a harmony. figure it out':


We really don’t talk enough about the spleen these days. People used to talk about the spleen like it was the king of organs, Shakespeare wrote it verse, these days you’re lucky if someone even knows they have one. Moby Dick opens with Ishmael going to sea to drive off the spleen, what have you done for your spleen lately? I want to be complemented on the splendour of my spleen, just once. I want to taste splenetic delights.

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