
Just the truth

@just--the--truth / just--the--truth.tumblr.com

This blog is run by a couple. Cisgendered, heterosexual, white, middle class, able bodied. This blog aims to call out whiny shits and victim complexes. If you're a special snowflake and easily offended, good.


If women aren’t meant to be “oppressed”, then why are they weak enough to let it happen?


If all men are potential predators, then all women are potential prey.

If that sounds wrong to you, that’s because it is.


hi. I'm a feminist and I don't ignore things i disagree with. in fact, that's why I'm here. The "feminists" you're posting about cannot even be feminists. The definition of feminism is "the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men." I believe that I as a woman should get the same amount of money for the same job that a man would get. I deserve access to contraception/abortion clinics without being shamed. I also don't deserve to be submitted



Feminist egos are so fragile.

picture of a naked woman: women are sexually objectified everywhere you look! Misogyny!
picture of a naked man: men can show their sexuality and have their bodies how they want, but women can't! Misogyny!

This is fucking disgusting.  On the left, you’ve got the female page for domestic abuse. Looks pretty supportive, right? You’ve got helpful and supportive links to how you can deal with what’s happened to you. On the right, we have the specialist mens page for domestic abuse. Notice how it’s placing the blame on him. 

Oh, his wife must have been so stressed and have so many issues and problems to have resorted to beating her husband. That poor soul, lets put her in anger management instead of jail where she rightfully deserves to rot. 

This is fucking absurd, and infuriating. Patriarchy my fucking ass. It dosn’t matter what gender you are. If you beat your partner, you’re a criminal, and you deserve the harshest punishment coming to you. 

Anonymous asked:

How do you completely forget you have a mental disorder? Oh right yeah, because you don't have it. Shut the fuck up.

or maybe its bc i have bpd and can also act outgoing as fuck haha just a fucking suggestion


How about you stop self-diagnosing yourself? Ever since you were pansages you pulled this shit. With sheepio you pretended to have an alter, and with all your other shitty 360/420 URL’s, you pretended to have more shit. Take off the mask, idiot. We can see right through it.

ive been diagnosed with manic depression and severe anxiety by two psychiatrists, i have a pending official bpd diagnosis, ive been sexually abused all my life aka theres a reason for my did also you literally dont know me at all so you really dont know shit like all you do is harass minors what the fuck is wrong with you

Good one, Bell. “All your life”. Hah. You’re a fucking kid claiming to be 16. Get out from behind your delusion and face the real world, jackass.

Anonymous asked:

I would just like to clarify that i don't think your transphobic for having a preference - fuck i wouldn't date a trans women - i think your tansphobic for saying things such as being transexual is a mental illness

It is a mental illness.


Disabled people are a drain on society, whether you like it or not. That’s the cold hard truth. You may love your downer baby, or your paralyzed grandmother dearly, but they’re costing the state valuable money, that could be used to help people with curable illness’. 

No other species on the planet takes care of it’s defective or crippled brethren like we do, and it’ll be our inevitable downfall when the gene pool is full to the brim of hereditary diseases because we allowed them to breed and live. 

The third reich had something good going on. 


I don’t care if you think you’re a guy. If I go to bed with you and you pull down your pants to reveal a vagina, or take off your shirt to reveal a binder, you can fuck off. 

Sexual needs =/= transphobia.

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