
turn your back on mother nature

@on-etait-hereux / on-etait-hereux.tumblr.com

Mer | ES/UK | 24 | recognition through the Other.

we all talk about doing it scared doing it alone doing it weird etc. but the the hideously awful truth is that you also often have to do it stupid

doing it stupid is the only way to get less stupid. you'd think this would be obvious by now, but you see the thing is. i'm stupid.


>video claiming to be essay/history on a topic

>ask them if its analysis or summary

>they dont understand

>pull out detailed chart explaining what's analyzing the ideas and motives behind a text and what is just presenting information without thinking about it

>"it's a good video, ma'am"

>watch it



the most fucked up fictional universe is all those mouse movies where mice have a secret society underneath human society where they’re fighting mouse versions of the same wars and have the same religious oppression and each have a human version of themselves

Why does Mouse Victorian London have a military campaign in Mouse Afghanistan in The Great Mouse Detective?

What does Mouse England gain from the continued occupation of Mouse Afghanistan


Mouse Opium


hold on. Was suck him good and hard through his jorts supposed to conjour the image of someone who has an unzipped fly because this entire time I've been imagining someone slurping on wet denim

Truly one of the sentences of all time. Wetpilled denimmaxer


I think having a baby niece is great cause my brother will send me just a constant stream of messages that sound indistinguishable from how someone at Jurassic park would text if they were being hunted by the raptor


apparently there is a thing called "wanting something" and when it happens to you you're allowed to just do the thing that you want. yep that's right. even when it wouldn't hurt anyone and would make you really happy. does anyone know anything about this


“what’s the song of the summer” ?? it’s DANCING IN THE DARK by bruce springsteen for the 40th year in a row

Happy Dancing in the Dark by Bruce Springsteen Day to all who celebrate


actually for fusies, let’s make it a poll

original post for context:

14 hours a day work and 7-9 hours sleep a night leaves two hours to eat, shower, buy groceries, remember what fucking grass looks like, book in your therapy session for your crushing burnout, run yourself into an early grave and leave a stressed but incredibly wealthy corpse.

Or earn more than the median salary in Washington DC and have your whole life to spend it on doing the things that you enjoy.

"Do the hard things now for an easy life later."

That easy life is called a stroke.

"You always want more for yourself"

It's called a stroke

Also, I can still work and just have the extra 10k on top of my salary.

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