  • Monty Green, who killed his own mother to protect his people. 
  • Monty Green, who is now an orphan.
  • Monty Green, who reminded Octavia that The Delinquents are and will always be a  family.
  • Monty Green, who protected his friends at all costs. 
  • Monty Green, who at realizing he could have spared his mother pushes through his pain.

Just shoutout to Monty Green. 


The Way I'd End Pretty Little Liars

So, at the very end- let’s say the last 2 or so minutes of 7x20… After Uber A is no more, the guilty are put away, the torture is over, the girls embrace for one last time. They’re beaten- emotionally, mentally, physically, and yet they survived and won. As the 5 girls walk the streets of Rosewood one last time- the camera flies over the town and fades to black. Suddenly, we hear an ever so familiar sound… The sound of 5 cellphones going off at once. @katuriankaturiankaturian

Honestly are you Satan

@karina-rzeszutek I mean honestly? Probably.


Let’s just discuss this…

Hanna and Caleb fought big time and basically broke up. Hanna soon realized what she had done and, faced with traffic, ran from her taxi in the pouring rain back to him. To catch him. To stop him. To tell him she loved him and that’s all that mattered. Just like any good chick flick. But in this case she was too late. He was gone. Gone for good. So she lost him. And for years she lived with the knowledge that he never knew what really happened. Knowing that maybe if she was just a little faster, if he waited just another minute, everything would be different. But faced with this reality she moves on because what else is she to do? Caleb made his feelings clear. He even left his phone to make sure of that.

And now, several years later, Caleb finds out this truth. Finds out that she didn’t want their relationship to end that night. That she wonders how everything would be different if the timing worked out for her. Hanna, who had moved on completely and happily slowly came to realize that Jordan, though a man she cared about, was not a man she was looking forward to marrying. And as she realized this, she saw the way Spencer looked at Caleb. The way Caleb looked at Spencer. And slowly, without her really realizing it, she was looking back at the choices that led her to the place where she was no longer that girl in Caleb’s life. And as she looked back, she realized something that she had pushed aside so far that she didn’t even know it was still there: that she never stopped loving him.

And what is she to do when she is faced with this fact? Hold it in? No–that’s what got her here in the first place. This time she couldn’t make the same mistake. At least she needed to be honest for her own sake. So she lets the words out, looking into Caleb’s eyes: “I never stopped loving you.”

Caleb is faced with both the reality of what really happened that night so many years before and faced with the fact that the girl he loved for years never stopped loving him. In the moment, it doesn’t become a competition. Part of him never stopped loving Hanna, just like part of Hanna never stopped loving him. They moved on, but a love that was such a part of their lives for so many years is not easily forgotten. And so when faced with this moment, Caleb thinks of the girl he loved, and truly still loves, for 8 or so years. Not the girl he has been dating for a month or so. Not the girl he’s not even sure he loves.

Yes, Spencer will be hurt. Yes, this is a problematic situation. Yes, I wish this wouldn’t cause a rift in Spencer and Hanna’s relationship. But in this moment, how could it have gone any other way?


is there a bigger haleb shipper than ashley? i don’t think so

is there a bigger tyshley shipper than tyler? i don’t think so

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