

@therealmnemo / therealmnemo.tumblr.com

Dragon Age Fandom Weird Shit Discourse Repository + other random things. Mod@teamblueandangry. This is an Anders positive blog. No shit talking here unless it's about the Chantry or people spreading hate. I also have a borderline unhealthy obsession with mermaids. On Ao3 as therealmnemo. 37/nb/bi/aro.

Star Trek: TNG is like "We built a perfect future thanks to the wondrous powers of STEM"

And then DS9 is like "Yes but without the humanities you can't actually maintain any of it"


they need to invent a writing that is easy. and fast also


monkey paw finger curls and another AI generative text program is born

nooo my good intentions


Damn did you see that? That was fucked up, right? Anyway I'm Rod Serling.


“Commander Vimes didn’t like the phrase ‘The innocent have nothing to fear’, believing the innocent had everything to fear, mostly from the guilty but in the longer term even more from those who say things like ‘The innocent have nothing to fear’.”

–Terry Pratchett, Snuff


shoutout to don bluth for creating almost half of this list. also sorry if your favorite isn't on here but also i don't really care because it's my poll. <333


Unironically I think we might run into another video game crash like back in the day

Game creation has become another husk capitalism has its greedy little fingers in and its like. Its genuinely sucking the joy out of it all for more profit and more profit and even if it succeeds its not enough it needs to be more to the point there really isn't a reason to create games anymore if you're not an indie dev

And being an indie dev isn't easy because no one has the time anymore. Everyone is drowning in student loans and low wages. Capitalism is sucking the joy out of them and overworking them and ai art is taking away opportunities to be something unique

Games are $70 fucking dollars now. I can't afford that like. I just can't. Most of us are struggling with finances as is.

We're drowning and it's happening so fast there's not enough time to panic

This is what I mean. Games aren't enough to be good or creative or excellent or fun anymore.

Like. AAA games are unfinished tech demos with dlc tacked on that is mostly content that should have been in the base game at launch

You get an indie game with love put into it and it gets received insanely well and it's. Just. Not enough.

Its burnout waiting to happen. No fucking body who goes through the trials and hardship that is game dev wants to be laid off after finishing a game there fully put their chest into. Soon why even bother? It's just another dead end for most and the student loans from learning through school is insane and no one has the time or drive to learn through their own means because we're working two jobs to pay for necessities.

Shit sucks

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