
Egyptian Gods For Social Justice

@egyptiangodsforsocialjustice / egyptiangodsforsocialjustice.tumblr.com

This blog is here to fight the "Social Justice Warriors", homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, etc, who only use hate to try to achieve their twisted view of justice. We do not condone any type of hate mail, especially death/rape threats, doxxing, harassing or threatening others, etc. We also do not approve of neo-nazis. "In the post you’re about to make, replace cis/white/hetero/male people with the Jews and if the result sounds like something that could be straight out of Mein Kampf, you should probably reconsider your social justice blogging habits." -rtrixie MOD APPLICATIONS CLOSED

don’t damage somebody else’s property please. you’re only proving that you’re not any different than them.

I’d say they’re proving they’re worse than them seeing as she isn’t destroying anything just sitting there with her opinion.

Trump hater here. You should never go out and destroy another persons stuff even if you disagree with it. I mean I disagree with Hilary but you don’t see me going out and punching Hilary supporters want to know why? Because I fucking use my brain. I know that people will always have different views than me.


There’s also a YouTube video, though it’s really grainy

Anyway looking at the URLs of the people who commented I’m not remotely surprised

>Weatherunderground To the surprise of nobody

As I said on the post itself: these people can go straight to hell and I hope someone takes picture on their deathbed to mock THEM when they’re old and frail.

because I’m not going to wish an early or violent death on them and sink to their level.

I love black humor and would joke about people dying. If I have a death were you can make fun of me, go on. I dont fucking care, im fucking dead. Well anyway, you said “straight to hell” in my eyes thats already bad enough to wish someone for their fucking humor. And how mature, you want something bad happens to them, because they did something you consider bad. “Fight the evil with mercy, if you fight back with evil the fighting will never end”


Like I can’t believe a website that has posts with thousands of notes on it about loving dark humor or having a weird sense of humor has people that are upset about this…..like this actually isn’t even that bad. I’ve seen some dark shit and this isn’t even close to it.


Literally one person laughed at that. The person that wrote it.

We were all laughing at the “she let it go alright”. I’ve talked to multiple people and they all have said the “she let it go” was the funniest.

Calm your immature tits.

You laughed a joke saying a little girl deserved to die because she liked Frozen, and on a post showing her body no less.

That’s literally just an excuse to cover your ass.

No, no one laughed at that. It was mostly the “she let it go, alright”. At least for me. You can stop being an ass, now.

Which is a joke made directly at the expense of a little girls death, and in the comments of a picture of her corpse.

So you can stop being an edgy and sociopathic shithead, now.

Wow you are so sensitive do you even understand like what half of the Internet is?

You can stop being a tryhard morally superior moron, now. :p

Why don’t you run along back to /b/ or /pol/ or whatever miserable hole you crawled out of?

We have enough problems with SJWs shitting this place up without the edgelords crawling in.

I didn’t know you were upset so easily, sheesh. Calm down. It’s literally just a joke. It doesn’t hurt anyone

I’m sure her family would feel really nice about seeing pictures of their daughter’s corpse being used for jokes.

Oh boo hoo. Do we need to censor things because someone might see it and it might hurt their feelings? Lol no fuck off.

Oh no.

I’d never censor you, but that doesn’t mean I won’t use my freedom of speech to tell you much of an asshole you’re being.

If you can’t handle being called out, then don’t make an ass of yourself and expect everyone to baby you over it.

I’m perfectly capable of handling being “called out” (so scawwy) it’s just you guys are getting so upset about this bullshit like it’s the worst thing ever.

Like this is made my day so I dunno what makes you think I’m upset. This is so rich coming from the anti side.

You’re allowed to be an asshole and I’m allowed to be offended and speak my mind about it.

Kk. You have fun with that. See you later, now.

I’m all for black humor and jokes about death but that really is in poor taste. This only happened about 2 days ago. It’s inappropriate to make a mockery of it. Especially so soon. What the bloody hell is wrong with you?

That’s nice. You can hush now.

What’s the matter, salty that most of the people here agree you’re being shitty?


“I can handle being called out”

*gets called out”

“You can hush now” “are you upset?” “You seem to get upset very easily” “you’re so sensitive” 

It’s like a fucking TV show were the person freaking the fuck out is like “I’M NOT FREAKING OUT YOU’RE FREAKING OUT” holy shit.

I cant wait to the day this site just dies.

You know… that is a pretty shitty thing to do…

There is a time and place for everything, including dark humor.

And this.... This isn’t it.

- Horus


The U.S. Border Patrol has released 2015 data showing that the number of marijuana seizures throughout the southwest U.S./Mexico border has fallen to the lowest level in a decade, theWashington Post reports.

Mexican manufacturers of illegal marijuana bricks have driven down prices as residents in California, Colorado, and Washington state now have safe access to reasonably affordable medical marijuana and/or recreational cannabis.

“Two or three years ago, a kilogram [2.2 pounds] of marijuana was worth $60 to $90,” a Mexican marijuana grower told NPR news in December 2014. “But now they’re paying us $30 to $40 a kilo. It’s a big difference. If the U.S. continues to legalize pot, they’ll run us into the ground.”

you don’t fuggin say


…You know I would be pissed because this makes us look bad…BUT Feminist darling The Mary Sue not only believed it, BUT SUPPORTED it.

If this is what it looks like, I will gladly cut my nose to spite their fucking faces.

Quite simply, I wanted to see how ridiculous and flagrantly wrong/untruthful I could be and get away with it. I’d had the FFVII/sexism article written well over a year ago, yet I didn’t pull the trigger. I thought, at the time, that it would be far too stupid and misinformed for any publication to run. However, as the articles regarding feminist complaints on…well everything…began to pile up, each one getting progressively less logical and more poorly argued, I decided it was time.
It is the most successful article I’ve ever written. More comments, more views, more shares, more threads, more responses, than anything I’ve ever done before. As of now, the FFVII/sexism article sits at around 1000 FB shares and 700+ comments, not including the multiple threads and video and article responses I’ve seen.


As Sandy, editors were getting back to me very, very quickly. One site was prepared to pay 300 bucks for an article on misogyny in the BDSM community. Why?
Misogyny. That was the only hook I had for the story.
I was also granted complete anonymity from the outset. I told my editors I was afraid of being doxxed and harassed, and so I was Sandy Beaches. No verification. No further questions on who I was or what my previous experience was like. I could have been anyone, and it turns out, I was.


Considering the amount of engagement I got as Sandy on twitter, on an account made on the same say the first article was published, it would have taken me little effort to expand on it. Any amount of work I put into it would have led to more followers. All I had to do was retweet the right people, say the right things, write some more batshit crazy articles, and I would have had some momentum.

I think this is my favorite part:

The Lowest Common Denominator

Before I mentioned there was five to ten minutes of editing I had to do. That’s because the editor of the Mary Sue asked me to change the copy under ‘Tifa should not be a fighting fuck toy’. First, go and read that. Then read the original:
Have you ever seen Rhonda Rousey?
And I mean really seen her? How powerful her shoulders and biceps are? How she has a real sized gut and waist? Ronda is one of the greatest fighters in the world, and has the body type of such a person. Tifa is one of the best fighters in the FFVII universe, possibly the best fighter in the FFVII universe, and her character design should reflect this. In place of her enormous and disproportionate chest and reality-defying waist, why not give her a figure like Ronda? A figure which shows off the empowerment of women, rather than their objectification?
Yet the editor asked me to change it, and was delighted at the body-shaming, sexist, flat-out despicable copy I provided in its place. My reaction on first being asked to change it was ‘mildly amused’, and after vomiting out the new work, felt sick, actually sick, at what was to be accepted in its place.There stands the published article though, in all its insipid glory.

Actually, I agree with slim and fit Ronda figure Tifa. …sorry >.>

TL;DR, to be a feminist you must write with the intent to be ridiculous, flagrantly wrong, untruthful, and essentially be batshit.

but it gets better:

I rarely like saying this, but…Someone’s butthurt. I love how she accuses him of waiting for feminist offense when she’s clearly showing it with this roundabout rebuttal.

The thing is, the guy wrote this with such pinpoint accuracy, that both sides were more or less COMPLETELY fooled. That says something about what feminism has become.

God bless this man.

- Kuzco

This guy exposed just how corrupt journalism is. GOD FUCKING BLESS.

I do feel bad for falling for it, and very stupid for it, really, but I’m glad it was a fake because it brought us good news in return.

This does show as well how ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Now I wanna try a similar experience.



A feminist news site ran something smart that actually makes good points a lot of us would make about why the insult is problematic?

Mentioning how it erases assholes that don’t fit the stereotype?

Mentioning how stereotyping is wrong?

Mentioning body-shaming against men?

Holy shit, do I go outside and look for flying pigs?

that’s the second article they’ve written recently that’s actually got a real point, and isn’t the usual regurgitated rhetoric.

Couldn’t be that maybe finally moves will be made to clean-up the movement and for everyone to start making peace?

I’d love the hell out of that if we could all shake hands and go back to just being nerds on the internet doing nerd stuff together.

That would be miraculous.

Let us all pray to our deities of choice for that to be the outcome.

This is pretty amazing but both recent articles were still filled with that ‘usually regurgitated rhetoric’ that makes up the Feminist Narrative, so while the point is good, how they get there is still pretty shitty. But hey, at least they are getting somewhere good and becoming self aware, so maybe they will start to realise how feminism isn’t about equality, never has been, and we can start to work towards actual equality without a sociopolitical ideology to guide us! - Purple


President Mugabe’s speech about Racism.

That’s the reality. #Hate it!

Are you kidding me? Are we really looking to this piece of shit for counsel on race?

The guy has decimated the economy of Zimbabwe with hyperinflation and absurd socialist reforms. Their GDP didn’t just slow, it shrank by 40% since 2000. He rigs elections in his favor, compares himself to Hitler, persecutes homosexuals and has committed crimes against humanity.

President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe has compared himself to Adolf Hitler.
At the state funeral of one of his cabinet ministers, Mr Mugabe said: “I am still the Hitler of the time. This Hitler has only one objective, justice for his own people, sovereignty for his people, recognition of the independence of his people, and their right to their resources.
“If that is Hitler, then let me be a Hitler tenfold. Ten times, that is what we stand for.”
The Telegraph

I mean really?

Homosexuality is illegal in the country and the President Robert Mugabe has referred to LGBT people as being “worse than dogs and pigs.”
In a statement, GALZ said: “Police, some of them visibly drunk, assaulted most of the members using baton sticks

But yeah I guess you can go along with what he says as long as it fits your narrative.


Fuck all of y'all for supporting this piece of shit. Actually, no, that’s offensive to shit.

Supreme dictator and all-time champion of the Oppression Olympics!


Un-fucking-believable. [source]

What I am okay with: Female cops, female soldiers, female firemen.

What I am not okay with: Female cops, soldiers, and firemen who cannot do what cops, soldiers, and fireman can do.

1.5 miles in 12 minutes is 8 minute mile pace. 8 minutes per mile. 8 minutes per mile is my pace for runs exceeding 15 miles. Like… why would you even think you can be a fireman if you can’t run an 8 minute mile.


On the Stanley Milgram Experiment (Warning: The video may not be for the faint of heart)

For @my-very-own-opinion , who I had a discussion with earlier on where the fuck do these SJWs/Radfems come from.

Before I had mentioned that a good chunk of it is that college acts as an indoctrination tool - drip feeding and slowly pushing our best and brightest towards an inevitable extremist standpoint.

That probably sounds like I have a tinfoil hat. But here’s something to think about.

Remember Hitler? And the Nazis? To think that could happen today would also have you wearing a tinfoil hat. …except not much has changed since then.

Believe it or not, each and every single person who reads this is capable, under certain learning conditions, to do exactly what they’re fighting against.

I bring you the Milgram Experiment.

It is a very oft-talked about piece of Psychology research which was conducted by a Yale University Psychologist, Stanley Milgram - only three months after the start of a Nazi war criminal in Jerusalem.

The parties in the experiment were as follows:

  1. the researcher
  2. the subject/teacher
  3. the “confederate” (basically means an “actor” in an experiment - the subject is not aware of this and assumes the confederate is just another subject).

The subject and confederate drew slips of paper to determine who would be “teacher”. Unbeknownst to the subject, all slips of paper said teacher. The confederate would always be the learner. The two were separated into different rooms, and the researcher accompanied the subject. The confederate would also make mention that he had a heart condition. Keep that in mind.

The subject was given control over an electroshock generator - and also a small sample of what that shock felt like. This shock was supposedly given to the confederate. The subject was then instructed to read a list of word pairs to teach the learner.

The learner would press a button to indicate his or her response. Upon getting it wrong, the teacher was to administer a shock to the learner. And the voltage was to increase by 15 volts for each wrong answer.

The confederate acted as if they were actually being shocked - which includes screams of pain, head banging, and cries of LET ME OUT as the test progressed. Remember that the confederate supposedly has a heart condition - which he would heartily remind the subject of (pun fully intended.)

Some subjects questioned the experiment at around 135 volts. At this point, the researcher would give these urgings in order:

  1. Please continue.
  2. The experiment requires that you continue.
  3. It is absolutely essential that you continue.
  4. You have no other choice, you must go on.

If the subject STILL wished to stop after all four prods were used up, the experiment was concluded. Otherwise it was halted after the “maximum voltage” of 450 volts was administered three times.

How many people you think actually managed to stop?

While the percentage varies from study to study, the average has not decreased overall - In approximately 2000, the study was reviewed again. On average, the amount of subjects that give the fatal volt amount? ~60%.

If an authority figure gives you a command and assures you it’s not gonna hurt anybody, which are you truly going to trust? Your ethics? Or the command? I mean after all, no “permanent damage is being done.” …despite the heart problem. And the 450 fucking volts. And the screams. And the banging.

I’m gonna be honest, I’d be cursing myself all the way, but I think I would do it while praying to the powers that be for forgiveness. Either that or shoot myself. One or the other.

What did this have to do with SJWs? Well, think of one’s college professors as the researcher (except not in an experiment setting). Think of the confederates as those who are being demonized. Think of your concerns over ethics as the subject questioning the experimenter. And think of the experimenter’s reassurances as fake ass pseudoscience articles and op-ed pieces talking about how it’s okay to be racist against white people.

Suddenly, the existence of them doesn’t seem so impossible.

- Kuzco


Motherfucker stop comparing genocides. I a Congolese person whose family lived during the Congo Free State is telling your Mexican self to fuck off with this shit. This is not how you spread information about the Congo Free State genocide you fool, do you know many genocides your fucking country fails to teach? (blame your shit education system) Also this post is so fucking antisemitic and anti-romani, these people weren’t just European that Hitler killed weren’t racialsed as white and had been living under an oppressive regimes which dehumanised them and you’ve got the numbers completely wrong ugh you do not have the right to use my familys and country’s suffering for this bullshit you fucking shetani @wldybbuk did I say anything that crossed the line?

Not at all! I hope you don’t mind me adding on JUSY to say that these posts only serve to simplify the lengths that different genocidal European regimes will go to commit atrocity, and then undermine those atrocities. Leopold was not Hitler, they weren’t one in the same and the latter certainly wasn’t somehow less worse because he wasn’t even more successful at killing us (also the post seems to be implying that murdering one third of all Ashkenazim isn’t a severe enough statistic to take seriously, which is just…..I mean antisemitic without the accompaniment of simultaneously shitting on an entire other genocide)

ALSO it seems to be implying that the only way to discuss what happened in the Congo free state is by shitting on the way that the west obfuscates other crimes (in this case, convincing people that they know about the holocaust without actually knowing shit), it’s just completely disingenuous

Firstly, I just want to thank binamutakala for being such an awesome ally. I rarely see posts like these from non-Jews and somebody else caring just means so much to me. 

Also, just to highlight how damaging this kind of rhetoric is, I occasionally see posts like this in reference to the Bengal Famine of 1943 that say things like "Genocide committed by British Government in Bengal was bigger, more ghastly and more cruel than the killing of Jews by Hitler,” and as somebody who is both Jewish AND Bengali, I can’t even begin to explain how upsetting that type of rhetoric is to read. Not only do these posts try to draw attention to one tragedy at the expense of acknowledging the horrors of the other, but they pit victims against one another, which is really uncomfortable if you’re mixed (not even to mention that the assumption basically erases the idea that you could be in the first place). 

Like, I’m sure there are people out there with both Jewish and Congolese ancestry (or straight-up Jewish-Congolese ancestry—there is a Sephardi community there) and may have lost relatives in both tragedies. What kind of message does this post send to them? That they can only mourn one side of their family at expense of the other? That they can’t be both? These posts are bullshit for that reason.


Hey folks, 

I’m an autistic college senior and I’m working on my senior thesis. My thesis is about activism in the autistic community. There are a few different parts to it. The first part is surveys. It would be really helpful for me if you could participate in the survey portion of my research. They are fairly short and should be able to be saved so that you can take a break and come back to them if needed. 

I have four different surveys set up, choose which one to take based on which group you fall into. 

If you are an autistic adult who does not have autistic children, please take the survey located here

If you are an autistic adult who has autistic children, please take the survey located here

If you are a non-autistic parent of autistic children, please take the survey located here. 

If you are a non-autistic person who works with autistic people, please take the survey located here

If you take the survey and have any suggestions of ways to more clearly word questions, suggestions for questions that could be useful to ask, questions about questions, or questions about the project: feel free to send me a message on this blog or send an email to the email listed in the survey link. 

Please spread the word if you can. 


“The same protocols that are used to address domestic violence against women are used to handle domestic violence against men, and the research tells us that the same abusive behaviors and tactics demonstrated by men (physical, verbal and emotional threats and intimidation) are also demonstrated by women. And the fear and shame that is felt as a result of being abused, as well as the excuses made to cover up the abuse, are not gender-specific. Additionally, some researchers estimate that about 20 percent of men who call law enforcement to report an abusive spouse or partner, are, in turn, arrested for domestic abuse.”

This is definitely worth your time. Feminist, anti feminist or whatever.


News of DOAX 3′s Western Cancellation continues to reach Japanese Gamers; Japanese Gamers angry at Feminists

Today, news of the western cancellation of Koei Tecmo Games’ newest Dead or Alive Xtreme title continued to reach the ears of Japanese gamers.

I have translated a few of these reactions from two sources: 2ch and a game news blog named Game*Spark. You can see them in the links below.

The Japanese gaming community’s reaction to this news demonstrates that many of them have failed to adopt western ideas of political correctness. In fact, many of the comments in the 2ch discussion and on the Game*Spark article blame western political correctness as the reason for DOAX3′s cancellation. 

2ch discussion thread: http://imgur.com/gallery/Zue6Wgl

Huh, it’s almost as though white American men aren’t the only ones who know who’s to blame here.

I’d like to point out one gem out of these comments: “Just say all of them are futanari. Problem solved.”

I hate to be that person but dang, these NEETs know what they’re talking about.

- Horus

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