
Strahd wouldn't put up with this shit

@blackwell-ninja / blackwell-ninja.tumblr.com

30. Minor DNI
Ao3: Aphrodiite
Gaming. Writing Blog. Requests Open.

americans think ABSOLUTELY NOTHIN of driving 7 hours. they’ll drive 7 hours just for dinner. they’ll drive 7 hours just for chips and dip


i went to england to visit the family of this boy im dating in birmingham. one of his sisters lived in manchester and his whole family kept being like we wish lila was her you would love her blah blah blah lila would just lobe you blah and I was finally like well why couldn’t she make it? everyone was like lol as we said she’s in manchester??? that’s it. i looked up the distance and it’s like less than two hours away and when me and my dude went to grab a beer later that night I was like so does Lila not get along with your parents like what’s up? again, he’s like babe I told you she’s in manchester. I was like are the villages at war????? he goes “it’s too far. this isn’t holiday.” I was like babe we’ve drivin 4-5 hours for weekend trips to the beach Im just confused- and he cuts me off and goes “that’s American me. We don’t do that here”


Ok so what is jaywalking then

It's crossing a street somewhere that there isn't a designated crosswalk (pictured below in case knowledge of what a crosswalk is isn't universal)

Oh I did not know that's what it was called! How fascinating!

What do you mean a crime

Yeah it's technically a crime in the US but as far as I know it's basically never enforced


Nah they enforce it. I know someone who got a $30-ish fine for jaywalking.


I think the books I’m reading for giving me help with how to get through this struggle with writing regency pining. But all advices are welcome in my inbox.


*NOTE: in this case, phobia refers to a very strong irrational fear, not being a little scared of something. if you can handle snakes but they make you nervous, that's not a phobia.

huge thank you to people reblogging and talking about their phobias in the tags. it's genuinely super nice to hear that im not alone in this and im not super irrational for being scared of things. <3


As protests start ramping up and violence escalates please remember:


It can and will cause infection due to bacteria. Flush with water, distilled if possible, and never EVER wear contact lenses to protests where there may be police retaliation.

Please reblog. It may save someone's sight.

Water reactivates pepper spray and it will hurt like hell. Use saline. It will still hurt like hell but you'll get it over with faster. Here's another link with treatment solutions.


I absolutely promise I am working on this regency fic. It is just not up to standards for a full AO3 tumblr post.

I ran into a brain roadblock because I've never written this slow of a slow burn before. SO!! As a reconciliation. Have the part I'm ready to post....


Gale/Female Tav, given a first name. Side Wyll/Karlach.

Slow Burn Pining. Gonna be multiple chapters. No beta on this bit not edited We die like men.


firefox just started doing this too so remember kids if you want to stream things like netflix or hulu over discord without the video being blacked out you just have to disable hardware acceleration in your browser settings!

for the people saying this might be too difficult: idk about chrome but in firefox it just goes

> open settings

> search “hardware acceleration” and there should only be one result

> uncheck use recommended performance settings

> uncheck use hardware acceleration


Since I’m looking at the comments and seeing a lot of people asking what hardware acceleration is and getting wildly incorrect answers, here you go. This is what hardware acceleration is. It’s not DRM, and it’s not placing a limit on memory usage (unless you have weird definitions for both “memory” and “placing a limit”).

This is what hardware acceleration is:

“Do you just have a graphic for this on hand at all times?”

Yes. For this precise reason.

hey just to let anyone using firefox know! searching “hardware acceleration” in firefox settings doesnt do anything! you wont get anything whatsoever! you have to scroll down on the main general settings page to “Performance” and uncheck “Use recommended performance settings” to be able to uncheck “Use hardware acceleration when available”! signed someone who was extremely confused when trying to follow OP’s instructions only for there to be no results

You are using an unsupported browser and things might not work as intended. Please make sure you're using the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge.