
an artist's drawer


Hello, you have reached the personal blog of thehauntedboy. I make a webcomic and obsess really well~

i cant believe there are people who still havent seen this video

I could probably recite this entire video, word-for-word, on demand.

Goddamn, this is nearly thirty years old and it fits like a glove into contemporary shitpost cadence and aesthetics, this is High Art


idk if it’s more wild that this was actually made in 1990 or that 1990 was 27 years ago


He’s Florida Man.

“Place of Worship”


wait….are any americans aware that the cia overthrew the democratically-elected premier of iran in 1953 because he wouldn’t concede to western oil demands….and how that coup was the reason for the shah’s return to power, the iranian revolution, and the resulting fundamentalist dictatorship…..like, america literally dissolved iranian democracy and no one knows about it???

No. No we don’t know about it. 

Americans aren’t told this shit. 

The only thing we’re taught about any Middle Eastern country in school is that 1) the region exists 2) it’s where The War is happening and 3) Muslim people live there. That’s it. Maybe if you’re lucky you’ll get into the Hammurabi Code and some early Babylonian stuff but American schools seem to think that if it happened outside Europe and before the colonial period, or makes America look bad and isn’t about A Very Watered Down Version of What Slavery Was, it’s not important.

Info on this is almost notoriously hard to find. It’s not in any texts on American and Russian involvement in the Middle East during the Cold War that I can find. You have to specifically look for a book about the Shah’s return to power, and even then you’d be hard pressed to find a book like that at your local bookstore. Once you get into some higher level college courses you might know about it, but the people who can afford those are more likely to already be indoctrinated into a certain Way of Thinking (read: they’re racist as shit) by the time they get there. And it’s almost like you have to know about it beforehand if you want to find information on it.

The only reason I knew about it is because there’s a thirty second summary of the event in Persepolis. Those thirty seconds flipped my entire worldview.

“All the Shah’s Men” by Stephen Kinzer is a good, accessible text for people who want to know more about this.


I had to explain literally this to one of my co-workers, who is so fuckin racist against Middle Eastern people it’s insane.

She’s 60. She never heard of this.

As I was explaining this and how, during the Regan years, we funded Osama Bin Laden to fight against Russia, leading to the destruction of much of the infrastructure in the region, one of the plant workers came in to get his badge fixed.

He works in the quality control lab. He served 15 years active duty in the Army. Super smart guy, has a masters in chemistry and another masters in biology, raises saltwater fish in his spare time for sale, has the saltwater aquarium setup of the gods.  Raises rare corals too, some of which he donates to be used in re-seeding reefs around the world, but that’s a side tangent.

And he listened for a minute, then nodded and said “Yeah. I was there during that. I helped train people to fight. They wanted us to help them build schools and hospitals, after, but we were only interested in them as cannon fodder. Left the whole area in ruins. I wasn’t surprised when they hated us for it later. Told people then it would happen. We let them know then that they were only valuable to America as expendable bodies. Why wouldn’t they resent us for that?”

And she just looked floored.

“So…” She started, after a few minutes. “What do you think of Trump?”

“I hate him. He’s a coward and he’s going to get good people killed.” He didn’t even blink. “

She looked back and forth between us for a second, and then asked how I knew all this.

“I research things.” I said. “Google is great.” He nodded enthusiastically.

And she just sat there for a second and then said, really quietly, “I didn’t know.”

She lived through it.

American schools don’t teach you any of this sort of thing.


Reblogging this because it’s never too late to start learning about this kind of stuff. If you’re reading this and you aren’t familiar with the stuff above, start reading about it. It is vitally important that you have knowledge of recent US history to understand the problems that we’re living with today.

Our political and economic systems are deeply and seriously broken and we cannot fix them until everyone learns to see it. And we live in a country where people try to make sure that children don’t learn these things as part of our history. Intentionally.


The brain is just 8 lbs of meat that sits in complete darkness and plays a video game of what it thinks is the most realistic thing ever.

it’s 3lbs, not 8. also it’s not really meat, it’s mostly fat with some water and salt. You have a wad of soggy bacon inside your skull. And this blob of gross unprocessed jello somehow manages to run a complex biomechanical suit using less electricity than it takes to work a lightbulb. And people wonder why humans are so fucking weird and have odd experiences that aren’t actually real. I mean, if a bowl of tapioca pudding managed to hallucinate so vividly it invented calculus, it also going “dude, i heard a weird noise and i’m 100% sure it was the ghost of the neighbor’s cat which hasn’t actually died yet” would be just as expected as anything else.

Omfg dying

Source: reddit.com

What’s better than one octopus? A THOUSAND OF THEM

🐙🐙🐙🐙🐙! While diving in the deep waters of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, researchers aboard the E/V Nautilus came across more than a THOUSAND octopuses! These octopuses – Muusoctopus robustus – were in a likely brooding posture. They were tucked into nooks in the seafloor with their arms inverted, covering their bodies and white egg clusters.

Yes, those white dots are all octopuses. Here’s a closer view of one of them:

(Isn’t she beautiful? That’s her siphon that she’s showing off. Octopuses squeeze water through their siphon to swim and steer. They also use their siphon to blow oxygen-rich water gently over their eggs.)

The octopuses were near shimmering fluid seeps, which were previously unknown to occur in this region. Near the octopuses, you can see sea anemones, sea snails, and other organisms. This dive was at about 3,000 meters (1.9 miles). We have footage of the octopuses for you, too:

The E/V Nautilus is currently in port to repair its ROV cable, but should be out at sea again soon! Find photos, videos, and information about the expedition here, and visit nautiluslive.org to watch the dives.

(GIF 1 description: Many white octopuses resting on the seafloor. GIF 2: An octopus rests on the seafloor and displays her siphon through her arms. GIFs/video credit: Ocean Exploration Trust/NOAA) 



Ok but as a dysphoric trans man the whole ‘you need dysphoria to be trans’ actually baffles me because even tho I’ve always has crippling dysphoria, it didn’t actually help me figure out my gender at all. I usually dismissed my dysphoria as ‘internalized misogyny’ or just not being feminine enough, which actually just caused me worse dysphoria.

You know what made me figure out that I’m trans though? Gender euphoria. The minute I got called a ‘sir’ is the moment that I realized, “shit this feels right.” And at that point I realized that I could no longer deny the fact that I’m not a woman and that I couldn’t keep living as one.

Here’s a hot take: maybe being trans isn’t so much about how uncomfortable you can be in your AGAB, but rather how much more comfortable you can be.


Over the Garden Wall is great because you can watch the entire thing in an hour and fifty minutes and then think about it nonstop for the rest of your life.


did you know that in 1953 eisenhower issued an executive order which banned gay people from being employed in government

and it was specifically to root out lesbians who enjoyed the job security of government work

“To protect their careers, lesbian government workers moderated their behavior to avoid suspicion. They refused to socialize with other lesbians in public, attended social functions with gay men as their ‘dates,’ and carefully chose their wardrobes and makeup to project a feminine persona. Male employees who resented reporting to a female boss could trigger an investigation into her sexuality.” - Robert J Corber “Cold War Femme”

this era was called the lavender scare and was both a direct result of mccarthyism and the classification of homosexuality as a mental illness during ww2. over 10,000 lesbians and gay men lost their jobs and as a result the daughters of bilitis (the first ever lesbian activist group in the u.s.) formed in order to protect themselves and gay men

Important history


and it’s John Kerry’s apology for these events that was removed from the State Department website days after Trump took office  

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