
And yes I've had a lot of Adderall

@wehavetostartareggaebabe / wehavetostartareggaebabe.tumblr.com

Skylar/Skye/Sky. Any pronouns. 20. California. Studying Computer Engineering. Film technician on the side.

Show this photo to your daughters as they grow up.

Show them that courage is important, even in the scariest of situations. This woman stood up and faced her fears, spoke her truth in front of a group of men while balancing the world on her shoulders. She is a hero. She is a representation for all women who are done being assaulted and abused.

I Believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

Show it to them because our mothers didn’t show us this one:

Who is she? Anita Hill. 

What’s she doing here? Testifying about the sexual misconduct of then supreme court nominee Clarence Thomas aka now the most senior justice on the Supreme Court.

Please Learn About Her


some days you’re just the squashed nutrigrain bar that exists at the bottom of every purse or bookbag


You’re right no matter what I look like I’m still a snack and people are always grateful when they realize I’m there thank you for the inspiration post


if a teenager is at your door and they are wearing a costume!! please give them candy!! they are still in it for the halloween spirit and it honestly no different from a little kid in a costume. they are just as excited and happy as all the other lil tykes and dont you dare tell them they are “too old for trick-or-treating” because that will literally break their hearts and that’s not cool.

Its getting close to Halloween again so I just thought I’d reblog this again

And if “don’t be rude to teenagers over a stupid jawbreaker” isn’t enough for you, consider 

  • You can’t tell how old a kid is just by looking. I’ve known multiple 5th graders who were taller than I am, and I’m 25 years old. With their faces hidden by masks, you won’t be able to tell they’re elementary schoolers, but they still are. 
  • Lots of older siblings are expected to take their younger siblings trick-or-treating, and they only get paid in candy. 
  • You don’t know if that teenager is developmentally disabled. 
  • You don’t know if that teenager spent most of their childhood in a hospital or sick and has never had the traditional trick-or-treat experience before.
  • You don’t know if this is that teenager’s first Halloween in America, and they just want to experience a piece of American culture.
  • You don’t know if that teenager ever gets candy any other day of the year. 
  • You don’t know if that teenager has eaten anything at all today. 

And those are just things I can think of off the top of my head. 

and even if it is just a bored 16/17 year old out trying to see what free shit they can get. is it really gonna kill you to give them a fun sized milky way from the multipack you bought at poundland? That thing didn’t even cost you 5p, just give the kid the sugar, say “nice costume”, and let it go.

There are worse things a teenager could be doing on Halloween instead of trick-or-treating.


1. What the fuck kinda answer is that?

2. How the hell did she stay so calm??

And this shitbag is running for president rn

He looks like he died and was left in the desert to rot, covered over with dirt for a week, then dug up, reanimated and made a political candidate.

If you look at her eyes closely you can see all the ways she’s imagining killing him


hey everyone this scumbag is jair bolsonaro and hes currently leading the race for presidency in brazil.

he is incredibly racist, homophobic and sexist, having multiple tines stated disgusting things like the ones said above

he also is a supporter of the military dictatorship that we were under for a few decades

there is a real chance he might win the elections in a month and i am dreading the future bc of this result

@my fellow brazilians in this website #EleNão

por favor, ele não

Holy shit, I hope Brazil doesn’t elect him. Take it from someone living in deep trump territory, that kind of “leader” rots your culture from the inside out.


hot take: jake peralta is bi and john mulaney plays his ex boyfriend from high school in season six of brooklyn nine-nine

john mulaney plays a rockin’ twink

John Mulaney: *to himself* What would Leonard Bernstein do?

Captain Holt: *to Jake, quietly* I support your and Amy’s relationship with my whole heart but why on earth would you give up a man like that


Alright ladies we need another lesbian icon aside Thor so i present:

T'challa, king of the lesbians

Alright when thors called a lesbo icon its okay but when its tchalla, the second man we are claiming its suddenly “enough” what?? Hmm i smell racism

Yall white lesbians are mad about this post please spread this around more

Aneka and Ayo are former Dora Milaje that are a couple in the comics. So this is basically canon.

Thor: dumb sports lesbians who love beer and brawling. Bad at fashion and talking to girls

T'challa: refined combat lesbians who love trees and dancing under the moonlight. Excellent at talking to girls and being fashionable without trying.

The dichotomy we need

I just don't understand the need to make men lesbian icons. Give me a real lesbian icon MCU.


how is screaming “I wanna suck your dick” to a band member you just met any different from someone catcalling you on the street

Read this Read it again and again

Applies to actors, athletes, and other famous people as well.


Just because you’ve been fantasizing about them forever doesn’t mean that in their eyes, you’re anything more than a very creepy stranger sexually harassing them 


I am a dude with a boyfriend.

We’re both Asian.

We went on a bus and sat in front of two girls.

I kissed behind his ear (and then he punched me in the arm, he’s shy in public) and I heard one of them whisper to the other something along the lines of “We get to see close up yaoi on here!”.

(Neither of us are even Japanese)

I was kinda offended, so I took my boyfriend by the hand and left.

It made us feel very uncomfortable.

I just want to say:

Our love and relationship isn’t for your entertainment.

Nor is it here for you to fetishize and sexualize.

Please just keep your “yaoi xDD” to just fiction, and please do not call us “yaoi”.

Many dismiss this as not a problem, which I find rude as they have never experienced this so they don’t really have much to say against this.

Thank you for reading.

- Submitted by Anonymous

* ^^^ Sorry to hear that anon D: that’s pretty terrible.

Really? I guess being accepted is just as bad as being hated. I bet of the girls had hissed in disgust he’d be sobbing and ranting about acceptance.

Having straight people only see you as fap material isn’t acceptance you fucking homophobic walnut


“Hey man, take my picture!”

“I can’t do it. It’s too dark.”

“Yeah, we need some light. Let’s go over there.”

“Are you homeless?”

“Yes, I am.”

“How long have you been homeless?”

“15 years. I’ve been in Boston 8 months. Before that I was in Washington, Virginia, New York, Philadelphia, Louisiana, Florida…”

“Why didn’t you stay in Florida? It’s so much warmer.”

“I wanted to see my family. But they don’t want to see me. They don’t understand depression. They treat me like dirt. Homeless people treat me better than my family.”

“And what happened 15 years ago? How did you end up on the streets?”

“I tried to burn myself twice. I had 30 surgeries. I was dead two times, but God brought me back. I don’t know why.”

“And why did you do it?”

“I was depressed. Why you crying?”

“Because you are a beautiful person, and my family is really messed up, and I’ve been very depressed. I think I can understand you.”

“Yes, I am a good person. And when you take people’s pictures, don’t disrespect them.”

“No, man, I won’t. I like people. That’s why I take their pictures.”

“And when you make your portfolio, don’t denigrate people. Let the pictures speak for themselves.”

“I will. Are you safe on the streets?”

“Yes, I am…And now I have $8 to buy me some food.”

“That’s all I have. Next time I see you, I will give you more.”

“No, man. It ain’t all about money. Give me a hug. And next time you see me, give me a hug again. And thanks for taking my picture.”


One of my favorite posts.

Reblogging for all the Black folks dealing with depression and mental illness. We have so little understanding and tolerance for it as a community. It can be very hard living as a depressed person in a community that doesn’t believe it exists.

Beautiful & Important.

Definitely one of my favorite posts,

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