
random weirdness ensues...

@dreamoff-again / dreamoff-again.tumblr.com

First of All: Jersey Girl; Godzilla Girl; 伊藤賢一 Fangirl; Hippie/Punk/Weirdo;  Bohemian Metalhead; Bassist Enthusiast; SciFi/Fantasy/Cyberpunk Lover; Serenity Seeker; aka リン マージョリー; on Twitter as @DreamOff_Again

It's that wonderful time of the year again... 52!!

Happy Birthday, Ito-san 🥳🎂🍻💐🎊

Some day I will get to see you in concert 🤞❤️🎸🎤


The new Godzilla vs. Megalon short is worth another watch, as Toho went back and added English subtitles. They're not good subtitles (was the person who translates Godziban and Godzilla Island unavailable?), but they'll clear up a few things.

Thomas Paine: “I do not believe in…any church,” he declared. In a call to arms against what he called church-state tyranny in early America, he insisted that “every national church or religion accuses the others of unbelief; for my own part, I disbelieve them all.”

George Washington: "The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."

Thomas Jefferson: " The Christian God is a being of terrific character -- cruel, vindictive, capricious, and unjust . We discover in the Bible a groundwork of vulgar ignorance, of things impossible, of superstition, fanaticism and fabrication . On the dogmas of religion, as distinguished from moral principles, all mankind, from the beginning of the world to this day, have been quarreling, fighting, burning and torturing one another, for abstractions unintelligible to themselves and to all others, and absolutely beyond the comprehension of the human mind."

James Madison: “It was the universal opinion of the [18th] century, that civil government could not stand without the prop of a religious establishment and that the Christian religion itself would perish if not supported by a legal provision for its clergy.” But as President, Madison found that, “the devotion of the people have been manifestly increased by the total separation of church from the state.”

John Adams: “the United States is not, in any sense, a Christian nation.”
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