@cycleboredom /

Immagini della cultura bicicletta.

First Ride Since October ‘21 It shouldn’t be this hard, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned in therapy it’s listening to yourself. And after I had what turned out to be my worst seasonal allergy reaction to date last year, combined with getting ridiculously overweight, and winter kicking in, myself said to myself, “Fuck this shit!” 😫🥴🤣 Fast-forward nearly 8 months later and I’ve dropped almost 30lbs, kept my walking addiction, and I’m better mentally than at any point in my 50 years; let’s just say I actually enjoyed pedaling again! I’ve got a lot of ground to make up physically (I have no quads 😫), but my overall foundation has been rebuilt/refurbished and I actually want to train again. Good to know bikes are still cool 👍


✖️ Confessions Of An Industry Hoarder In 2004 I was managing Revolution Cycles in Clarendon and the shop was the number pickup spot for the @af_cyclingclassic, FKA CSC Invitational. In previous years we also hosted autograph sessions for the public so they could meet some of their favorite pros. First picture is the bib number for a DNS rider who couldn’t make the trip to the race. His name was Fabrizio Guidi and he wasn’t allowed to start because he just got popped for doping and implicated in the infamous “Oil For Drugs” scandal. I saw this laying there after the race and immediately snatched it up! 🤣 Second pic is the Starbucks order for the rest of Team CSC while they were doing the meet and greet. I got the order myself because I didn’t trust anyone else to get it right. 🥴 Riders are: Bobby Julich, Frankie Hoj, Jimmi Madsen, Thomas Bruun Eriksen, Lars Michaelsen, Jakob Piil, and Tristan Hoffman. I sometimes miss the days fanboying cycling pros before everything went to shit and we figured out how the sausage was made. Anyway, figured I’d share these things ‘cuz there’s no other reason to hold onto them!


✖️ vibe check* 😎🤩 (*training to CX races not 🔥**) (**although, that sounds 🔥)


Not Bikes, But Still Relevant Around Thanksgiving, my dad found a couple of my old skate decks while he was cleaning the garage. I had an idea of what models he might've unearthed (I guessed the Vallely model correctly) but no idea that both boards were more memorable for my own additions. I was always infatuated with Mark Gonzales' boards because he always had some drawing or random saying scrawled on the grip tape. I was also VERY infatuated with logos, and that's what you're seeing here. The red board is, obviously, @mikevallely's first pro model with @powellperalta from back in '88 (forgot to check if it was Boneite). The other board is @matthensley22’s King Size @hstreetskateboards model from '90 or '91. You can definitely see the skill and subject difference between the two boards. Back in '88 I was still very much into comics, hence the Batman stencils and the Spiderman, Punisher, and Daredevil logos. I was also listening to a lot of rap as well as consuming anything remotely associated with it ("Colors" movie and early graffiti styling). The Stussy logo is clean and you may also recognize the Limpies clothing logo. I remember doing the top of the Hensley board, and was as proud of the outcome today as I was back then. Again, all over the place with the influences. The @janesaddiction and @neworderofficial logos are absolute fire and that's a pretty decent @gratefuldead logo. Steve Rocco's @worldindustries was just getting started but the logo was essential to add. I can't remember all the references for the sayings along the side and on the bottom, except I was definitely kicked out of Bethany Beach, DE for skating with my friend Doug while 2-Live Crew's "Banned In The USA" was hot on the radio so there's that. Oh yeah, "LOUD ALPINE" refers to my ridiculous car stereo back then. Also, Crash-N-Smash Pro Model probably is me making fun of me smashing my boards after slamming, which was my favorite pastime. (Continued in replies…👇)


✖️ Not A '21 Recap, Not Really A '22 Resolution Post This is more of a, "I haven't really posted shit but I don't really have any interesting shit to post but I still want to post shit post". The ride you see here was my last since the beginning of October. I got what I thought was a really strange cold from Syd (both of us PCR neg) that may have been more caused by the worst seasonal mold allergy reaction I've ever had (or a wombo-combo of both). It basically incapacitated me so that I couldn't do any type of physical activity without crazy fatigue. Brain and muscles felt super weird so I basically did nothing for nearly 2 weeks. Did tons of research and finally decided to 2x my Claritin and things started to change for the better. I'm still going to get an antibody test just to see if I did catch the 'rona and the PCR didn't detect it. Regardless, those 2 weeks basically gave my body the green light to go full atrophy - I lost fitness, muscle, and in turn gained all the weight I lost and more. I was at 214 and in 2 weeks hit 222, the most I've ever weighed in my entire life. I'm back to exercising where I was just before that, but have had NO desire to ride my bike. I'm just now starting to hit the trainer, but it's clear I have some mental work to do to get back out on the road. So here's some shit from the last few months that involves one bike ride, #seenwhilewalking randomness, exploring with Bug, and fucking with computers. If I have anything to say about the coming year, I just simply want to continue on the path of keeping my body mobile and physically active in as many ways as possible with an eye on keeping these habits as I continue to grow older. I'm sure I'll share key moments from this journey - things that have been working for me that could also work for you. And I'm sure I'll add more bike into the mix as well.


✖️ Boredom’s Wayback Machine And by machine, I mean hoarding 🤣 While looking for something else, I found these memories of one of my favorite times in DC. There was nothing quite like rolling through the city with people from all over the world and the rest of this country. I was working at the DuPont Starbucks which was ground zero for coffee since there were only 2 in the city, plus it’s on the circle where (obviously) everyone was hanging out. I lost count how many people stopped in looking for whoever rides the GT GTB track bike locked on the patio. I watched as many events as I could and the vibes were always extremely high. After I’d get off from the coffee grind I’d head out and bar crawl with everyone, blazing through the streets on the way to the next spot. So many good memories. Hey @zalandy, this might interest you 😉 (at Washington D.C.)


✖️ August Dump Still walking more than riding 😆 and my legs (and knees) are loving it. Bike endurance will be there eventually, but I’m stoked my knees are feeling 🌶 Here’s some randomness: 1) Super creeper in the woods Stranger Things style. This was as close as I got this year 2) Same bike as always. I got nothing new 😫 3) Still rocking the palms 4) Stilgar, do we have cicadasign? Usul, we have cicadasign the likes of which god has never seen 5) There’s been some rain 6) There’s been some rain 7) 2 years since the last time 🤩 8) I make fren 9) Still the best shirt @jess3


✖️ Finally Donated This Stuff Dropped by @phoenix_bikes on Tuesday and donated a bunch of tires, tubes, and a few wheels. The “finally” part means there’s a story, obviously. I originally wanted to make the donation by bike on my @xtracycle back in late 2019, but procrastination meant that wasn’t going to happen. Then, I loaded the stuff into the trunk of my car just to get it done, but that was in March of 2020 and we went into lockdown that same week. The rest of 2020 happened and kept forgetting until this week. Everything was in good shape tho 👍 The shop looked amazing tho! First time I’d been in the new space and was completely blown away. (at Phoenix Bikes)


✖️ Boomer Vibe Dump Finally hit some of ‘dat sweet grav-grav, ‘dat vitamin g, ‘dat hashtag #groadslikethese… Remember folks, the internet is full of lies and so is my gravel venture. I will say it’s getting closer tho. I’m finally pushing 1:40 on the loop I’ve been riding for the past year. Once I hit 2:00 I’ll finally have enough stamina to ride to the C&O, put in some miles out and back, then ride home. It’s wild how much fitness I lost from around this time in 2019 to when I started riding again last year 🤯😫🤣 I’ve been punishing myself on this slow grind hill next to the cemetery over and over. It’s a psychological battle as well as physical. It feels like the uphill grind to the barrier tent at Ed Sander CX—not hard but not something you can blast out of the saddle. I hate both of them but now it’s not feeling as shitty, at least mentally 😅 Also, the dark blue shirt do be hittin’ different 🌴


✖️ Weekend Photo Array Since I’m hemorrhaging followers every time I post pictures of myself here’s a picture of an old-assed truck. @stephenhyde might be interested in this content. I’m I also rode through the lobby/drop off area of the Sheraton up the road for the first time ever. So weird 😅 That poor tree got hammered by cicadas. Storm knocked down some of that detritus but there’s still so much left. Watchu think about the light blue shirt? I like 👍 Anyway, see you next week with more uninteresting images from my rides in uninteresting places 🤣


✖️ July 4th Vibe Dump Perfect temps for riding yesterday! Had some pretty decent efforts as well as finally staying out over 1:30. Hopefully that’ll soon translate to getting to the C&O and actually putting in some time.


✖️ July 4th Vibe Dump Perfect temps for riding yesterday! Had some pretty decent efforts as well as finally staying out over 1:30. Hopefully that’ll soon translate to getting to the C&O and actually putting in some time.


✖️ Damn It Feels Good To Be A MAMIL Itsa me, Boredom! I used to vlog and make cycling content but now I’m a certified middle-aged, spandex burst tester. I’m a walking 220lb sausage in a 180lb casing and we’re almost situation critical 🤣😅😎 Last shot is, “I heard you like base layers!” Just gimme mesh on mesh so I look like Right Said Fred. Works just fine when it’s 90°+ in the shade. This is also the reason I’m shooting with the sun in the bg, it was TOO HOT 🥵 Ps: @cutawayusa - sorry for what I’ve done to your bibs. I thank you for their service.


✖️ Urban Camo You might not believe it, but an @iamspecialized S-Works Divirge is hiding in plain sight, right in front of your eyes. Using its unique camouflage in its natural environment makes it tricky for predators to spot. If it wasn’t for the bit of red on its saddle, it would be virtually impossible to spot. Isn’t nature marvelous?!🤩🤯


✖️ Hey Boredom… It’s been a minute, hasn’t it. Let’s do some fake Q&A! Hey Boredom, where have you been??? - Let’s just say life got a little extra spicy recently. Without going into details, some things took precedence over me posting shots of me riding the same routes on the same bike in clothes I’m stretching to the absolute max. Priorities 👍 Hey Boredom, it’s a nice bike but why is it the only one you’ve been riding??? - All my other bikes are broken and I honestly can’t be bothered nor can I afford to fix them. Maybe someday 🤷🏻‍♂️ Hey Boredom, where’s the content you’ve been teasing??? - That’s both an obvious (pandemic related) and not so obvious answer. I was on the verge of launching something amazing in the beginning of 2020 but then, yeahhh. There’s more to it, and when I’m ready to go, I’ll recap things. Hey Boredom, how’s your fitness coming??? - Check the Strava image and you’ll see. I’ve recently hit 220 and it’s absolutely mind blowing that I’ve gotten this big. I’m riding more regularly but I’m definitely walking more than riding. I’ve been doing a LOT of stair repeat exercises which has been amazing for my knees. I’m still riding in my neighborhood because I have small windows of time and it’s been impossible to go for distance. That’s increasing tho. I’ve been doing slow hill grinds on repeat and that’s showing some gains. It doesn’t make for interesting IG posts tho, hence the lack of feed activity. Hope everyone’s doing what they can to maintain their physical and mental health (especially the mental) and to do something to process daily! 🤩👊✌️ Note: shot of a dude’s backside as he sprinted by me riding a fixed gear. My knees audibly groaned 🤣


✖️ Sunday Ride Vibes Photo dump from an amazing 80° ride. Legs felt good, knees felt good—bueno all around. Definitely feeling the benefits of walking, and stairs / hills repeats. Getting closer to getting out fir longer rides/distances.

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