Asshats: Why can’t you just accept Drumpf as president and not attack/slander/belittle him. Show some respect.
Me, remembering how Fox News and Drumpf have been dragging Obama since 2008 over bullshit/for no real reason:

reblog if ur mom is smart and beautiful

I scrolled passed then I felt guilty



Are you a fisherman because I think you’re a reel catch

You spelled real wrong.

Throw this one back into the water boys we’ve got ourselves a city slicker


arya stark: is stabbed multiple times in the stomach

me: she’s fine

arya stark: bleeding out from her wounds in the streets and not getting any help

me: perfectly fine completely ok


I’m so proud of Sansa Stark!

Seriously, my baby girl has grown up so much! Tonight when she stood up for herself and went off on Littlefinger warmed my heart. Then when she was helping plan the attacks on Winterfell. And she made herself a direwolf dress, AND MADE JON A CLOAK LIKE NED’S. Omg… for real though, that whole first scene with Baelish was the best.

“Did you know about Ramsey? If you didn’t you’re an idiot… If you did then you are my enemy.”


Me: The direwolves CLEARLY represent the Stark children! Look, what happens to the wolves parallels what happens to the Stark kids!
Lady: *gets killed*
Grey Wind: *gets killed*
Shaggydog: *gets killed*
Summer: *gets killed*
Me: *sweats nervously*
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