
rest in pieces

@fighturge / fighturge.tumblr.com

not a jojo blog; who am i kidding

Welcome to JTV Pokecenter! Please ensure your pokemon are in a carrier, on a leash, or in their pokeballs at all times. Thank you!

Your friendly neighbourhood veterinary clinic is probably the closest thing in real life to a pokemon center, eh? So here are some pics of a few of my patients re-imagined as pokemon. I’ve been meaning to do a mashup like this for a while, but now seems a particularly relevant time.

(And if you ever visit our little clinic with your real life critters, I’ll check out your pokemon as well for free! ;) )


Got into 999. Finished it. Loved it. Junpei is adorable so I decided to draw him. 

I might draw him in my actual style soon. I’m just experimenting with other styles for now.


friend: whats so good about jojo lol

me, thinking: jojo’s bizarre adventure is a breath of fresh air. it has an amazing set of characters for each part, and all the characters are believable. the characters are deep and meaningful, and all go through real, human struggles. lots of characters go through some sort of trauma; and lots of them get through it and overcome it. the trauma of these characters isnt used as a plot point, rather a way to show how strong the character is, and how these traumas dont reduce these characters or weaken them. take a look at nearly half of the protagonists of part 5; most of them have dealt with abusive parents. and yet they overcome that, making them strong, independent characters. and they care. they care about eachother and have healthy relationships with one another. they showcase that despite being victims, despite being hurt, they can still be happy, they can still do fantastic things. they arent broken. secondly, none of the characters in any part are shota/lolicon. it is so very common to see some sort of young character in a series to be seen as “moe,” and they often get sexualized, despite being minors. in jojo’s bizarre adventure, however, there is not one minor that is overtly sexualized. i feel that this is important; pedophilia shouldn’t be normalized, and shows in which loli/shotacon is present is harmful. jojo steers clear from that toxic trope. there are scenes where a character who is a minor is in a situation that could be seen as sexual (ie, valentine advancing on lucy,) but that, instead of being portrayed as “hot,” is instead portrayed as creepy and wrong. oh, and the diversity!! there is a character for everyone in jojo. there are so many significant characters of color (muhammad avdol, enrico pucci, sandman, to name a few) and none are stereotyped. there are also openly lgbtq+ characters. in fact, probably the most recognizable character in all of jojo, dio brando, is canonly bisexual. two more characters, gelato and sorbet, are gay!! this is groundbreaking, not only because this wasn’t very common for a manga series in the 80’s-90’s, but because jojo is such a huge thing in japan. to have a series this big have multiple lgbtq+ characters is extraordinary. and the lgbtq+ characters aren’t even there just for fanservice! they are all well-written, thought out characters. there are no tropes for these characters. lastly, jojo has something for everyone. whether you’re into hardcore action animes with a dark mystery surrounding them, or a slice-of-life fan who likes more light-hearted plots, jojo fits everything. even if you arent a fan of really intense action animes, part 2 still brings you in with joseph joestar’s jokester attitude. and if you despise the slice-of-life genre, part 4 has enough mystery and action to make up for it. with spectacular diverse characters who are well thought out, the avoidance of toxic tropes, and the fantastic plot that reels you right in, i feel that jojo might just be one of the best series out there !!

me on the outside: big beefy macho men


The Aftershocks medium.com

I was asked to create a .gif of a house interior during an earthquake. The article chronicles the controversial aftermath of the devastating quake that happened in L'Aquila, Italy in 2009. I wanted to capture the movement of the “tremors” before the full-on earthquake, although this tremor is infinite, never resolving. This image and the all the animation was made in Photoshop. thanks AD Erich Nagler!

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