
Lackluster Lovers

@lacklusterlovers / lacklusterlovers.tumblr.com

This is where I share some of my shorter writings, thoughts, musings...you get the idea. I should probably have something vaguely more clever here about my sexuality or my liberal views on...whatever, but that would defeat the point of posting on...

Meet the Mona Lisa of the Prado, the earliest known copy of Da Vinci’s best portrait. Similarity in the undersketch of the painting indicates that this was very likely painted concurrently with the original Mona Lisa, by a student of Da Vinci.

There is much controversy in the art world over the question of whether or not to clean the fragile Mona Lisa, but her sister has been restored and some fairly odd later alterations removed to show the original vibrant colors and lighting. Some details, such as the sheerness of her shawl and the pattern on the neckline of her dress, have become utterly obscured in the original, but in the restored copy they’re perfectly clear.

It blows my mind a little bit to look at these two sisters side-by-side and imagine how much vivid detail could be hiding in the Mona Lisa under 500 years of rotten varnish. 


Your response to a beautiful piece of artwork done by Leonardo Da Vinci himself is “SHES GOT EYEBROWS”. Alright. All intelligent life has been lost.

Yo Snooty McSnotwhine, the Mona Lisa’s vanished eyebrows have been the subject of debate and analysis in the art expert community for hundreds of years, long before your parents squirted water at each other from across the clown car and then honked their bicycle horns to indicate they really wanted to make a smug, insufferable little clown baby together. 


this continues to be the best reply to a criticizing comment on this site


In light of the fact that two men tried to pick me up from the bar Friday, I would like to share one of my previous flirting strategies:

Man: I like your glasses, they bring out your eyes. Me: Thanks. I need them to see...

If I have found someone, there is hope for the rest of the world.

Learn to sit with uncomfortable, complex, paradoxes. Learn how to not immediately try to make it better. Learn how to let others have their own reactions and responses. That is what being in a relationship is all about anyways: seeing another’s struggle and valuing their journey enough to let them have it; believing in their ability to find their way; being a support without trying to be their source of happiness.

Chani Nicholas (via sueno-desperto)


When I was younger, I wish someone had told me straight-up that not all adults experience “a calling”. That many of them never find particular purpose in a career. That sometimes, their job is just what pays the bills and they have to seek satisfaction and fulfillment elsewhere. 

Because as an adult, this pervasive notion that there exists a perfect path for everyone, that people should love what they do, and that work is meant to function as a vehicle for fulfilling a person’s grand life destiny is not only inaccurate for many of us, it can be toxic.

The ideal is so ingrained that I have to remind myself constantly I’m not a failure because I don’t adore my job, and because I’m not rocking the world with my work. That is okay

Sometimes, work is just work. There isn’t always a perfect career path, magically waiting to be discovered. There might not be this THING you were born to do. Sometimes, you discover that what you really want to be when you grow up is “paid”.



Floating Worlds by Catherine Nelson

Catherine Nelson  born in Sydney 1970 is a visual artist who uses the digital medium to paint images together into personal and imaginary landscapes. Trained as a painter in Sydney and London and with years of experience in the creation of visual effects for feature films like Moulin Rouge and Harry Potter, she now has dedicates her skills to her own art work combining the techniques from both these worlds into a new contemporary art medium. Drawing upon hundreds of nature photographs, Nelson digitally stitches together each element in a process that takes months to complete. She now combines technique and experience to create these unique and imaginative landscapes, each one becoming its own detailed microcosm.

Art is the only way to run away without leaving home - run with us.

posted by Margaret

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