
Chili Philipp

@chiliconcomics / chiliconcomics.tumblr.com

24 | She/her | Denmark | 3rd year Graphic Storytelling student at TAW

The White Worm King

A series of illustrations retelling the Danish fairytale 'Kong Lindorm'. The Shepherd's Daughter is tasked by the Red Queen and the Red Prince to find The White Worm King, who's threatening the Red Kingdom. No man has ever been able to slay the beast, and neither does the Shepherd's Daughter - instead she discovers the White Worm King is the banished and lost princess of the Red Kingdom, the twin sister of the Red Prince.

Together, the White Worm King and her Shepherd work to take back what is theirs.


Seeking security 🫂

A painting I did for class portraying a moment from my old D&D campaign. Our group had just rescued my character's people and escorted them through the snowy landscapes to find a place of rest, far away from the goddess who took so many of their loved ones away.


Lil compilation of references for my D&D character Willow!  Willow (she/they) is a sylvari druid (Circle of the Dream).

First ref is level 12-17 (ish), second is level 13-17 (mainly because markings), and last one is level 6-11.

More info below!

Since I'm trying to get back on here, I thought it might be fun to update my last post with Willow's newest references

Behold post-campaign level 20 druid/barbarian Willow the Lastborn!

Willow got to settle with their sister and the rest of their people after a rough war in which they also lost their best friend. I'm glad she got to have the life she deserves after all the hardship. 💚


I guess I should get into the habit of posting to yet another SoMe platform. 🥲 Gotta clean up a bit first tho

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