
A daring drinker of dreams

@tictactoews / tictactoews.tumblr.com

Mar. 31. Polish. Hockey, Les Mis, MCU, RPGs

The biggest scam your brain is telling you is that everybody else is human and allowed to make mistakes but that you yourself have to be perfect and flawless to deserve their company


oh my goddd. I thought it was great from the beginning but it only gets better

Anonymous asked:

Should I actually watch The Witcher or is it enough to simply read the smut with feelings?

hmm. well. let’s start by admitting that the witcher netflix show is not necessarily, by the strictest standards, “good”. the timeline makes no sense, there are a huge number of aspects of the world which are never explained, i had to watch each episode 2-3 times to understand what the hell the character motivations were supposed to be, the pacing is weird, and the tone is all over the place.

that said, the aesthetic is strong, the worldbuilding is intriguing, the fight scenes are great, the monsters are cool, and the characters are very compelling once you work out what is going on with them.

so you have two options to watch the show:

  1. watch it casually, accept that large chunks of it will make no sense, and simply enjoy the chaotic beautiful mess that it is
  2. become obsessed with learning about the world, go find a timeline and consult it as you watch, pull up the wiki and takes notes on what the hell things like potions and signs are and how they work, rewatch multiple times and tease out what tf is going on

i obviously opted for option #2 because i have no understanding of how to like anything casually. but you could also have a good time with option #1. the season is only 8 episodes long, so if you have time on your hands you could binge your way through it in a day or two.

alternatively, if you are actually interested in learning about the lore and are looking for a more in-depth experience, i highly recommend playing the witcher 3 because it explores the rich world really well and is also an incredibly technically well-made game.

or, of course, it’s also 100% valid to decide you don’t want to study for an advanced degree in monster classification and the socio-political history of made-up worlds and just read the smut. no judgement here.


it’s wild to me how there is literally ZERO correlation between what a piece of media is like and what its fanworks are like. 2014 captain america fans were out there writing poetry and full-on academic papers inside of their fics. sonic the hedgehog and my little pony fandoms are both famous for drawing fetishes you’ve never even heard of. les miserables fans spent most of their energy on college aus. there is literally no consistency or observable pattern and it’s incredible


It’s actually pretty easy. The fanworks we make are things that the source material makes us think about but doesn’t include.

Captain America’s movies glazed over a lot of really intense subject material and never addressed some of the really important changes a WWII hero popping up in the modern day would cause, and also some of the emotions a WWII hero popping up in the modern day would have

The furry community has drawn its borders a lot further out than most communities have on the things people can portray without being ostracized. So shows that provide an opportunity to explore those things in the context of their interests is going to be welcomed. 

Les Mis had source material that was powerful, emotionally harrowing, and from the POV of your average Millenial terribly relatable. (Look around, seriously.) So people want the things they connected to but with at least the remote possibility of a happy ending.

Shadowhunters wanted to see domesticity. Buffyverse wanted to see the normal humans given a chance to be badass. Supernatural wanted the brothers and their angel to a) have a nice goddamn day occasionally and b) actually maybe think things all the way through just. one time. Sherlock wanted the titular character to actually treat Watson with some respect and affection. Comics fandoms want the storylines to make sense. NCIS wants realistic consequences for the things that happen. Crossover writers want Cool Character From Fandom A to interact with That Other One From Fandom B because oh ye gods that will be hilarious

And everybody wants to see their favorite pairing get together. Everybody wants to see the character they loved that got a shit ending get a good one. Everyone wants to see the storyline that got ignored fleshed out. Everyone wants their favorite side character to get more attention. Everyone wants to see the one that got stepped on get their revenge. Everyone wants the one that got rejected to be so awesome that the one who rejected them regrets it. 

Fans don’t want more-of-what-they-got. They want things they didn’t get, things the source material left us hungry for. And that’s why fandom is amazing.


the types of media i like can be placed in one of two categories:

type 1: oh my god this thing is amazing, i love it, i could go on hours long rants about how well executed it was. it has its faults but overall it's excellent.

type 2: i didn't say it was good, i said i liked it


complete silence is more distracting than background noise and you can fight me on this

let me explain, if I don’t have background noise my brain will make it’s own background noise and Brain Background Noise is infinitely more distracting than Regular Background Noise


My dog and my bunny were playing in the back yard and I thought other people might enjoy watching as much as me

Please watch this video

This is one of the most magical things I have ever seen

That bun thinks it’s a doggo

My favorite thing about bunz is that they express joy by leaping around. That’s a happy bun.


was trying to compose a joke about how we have improv comedy but where’s the improv tragedy? and then i realized that’s just called playing dungeons and dragons

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