
a weird blog or something


I guess I'm supposed to have something witty to type here......What a shame.

Harry Styles for the Gucci Pre-Fall collection 2019. Photographed by Harmony Korine.


The next time I see one of those “millenials will be photographing the end of the world” posts I’m gonna scream because let me tell you, I just went through a natural disaster and Snapchat literally saved people’s lives. Thanks to snapchat I knew exactly what roads were flooded, what stores were open, what my HOUSE looked like (since I wasn’t there), and which shelters I could go to. People were snapping/tweeting asking to be rescued and THEY WERE. I didn’t get my news from the tv, I saw it in real time on social media and I will never not be grateful for that.


Millennials will survive the end of the world because we photographed it.

When US Airways Flight 1549 had to make an emergency landing in the Potomic River back in 2009, one of the reasons the response to this emergency was able to happen so quickly is because the passengers onboard posted online and made calls on their phones. Even further back, seventeen days after the Mount St. Helens eruption in 1980, photographer Robert Landsberg was found buried in the ash a few miles away, and it was discovered that he had been taking photographs of the eruption as it happened, and, presumably realizing there was no way he could escape the pyroclastic flow, took the time to store his film as safely as possible inside of his backpack, and then shelter his backpack with his own body. Thanks to his sacrifice and quick thinking, that extremely important footage exists and could be used for geological study. People who take the time to document and report on disasters are doing something incredibly important, not just for the safety of people in the moment, but for the knowledge of people afterwards.


Because of its not concerning the white demographic of The USA then you probably wont see it on the news

I was actually gonna scroll past this but no. Everyone needs to see and reblog this. I will never be desensitized to this act against humanity…40 CHILDREN…not on this Earth anymore…because of the United States

The bomb dropped on a school bus in Yemen by a Saudi-led coalition warplane was sold to Riyadh by the US, according to reports based on analysis of the debris.
‘The sound of children screaming keeps replaying’: a Red Cross nurse in Yemen
The 9 August attack killed 40 boys aged from six to 11 who were being taken on a school trip. Eleven adults also died. Local authorities said that 79 people were wounded, 56 of them children.
Look at this lad. Image: THX, Ltd.The Deep Note, the distinctive synthesized crescendo that is THX’s audio trademark, is one of the most iconic sounds in all of film. For the effects firm’s 35th anniversary, they’ve now shared the sheet music behind the sound.

thanks i hate it

how dare you i love it


I can hear this image and I’m crapping myself as is standard


Can you imagine a choir singing this and how chilling that would sound


The whoosh is in D Major!


It got better: in a capella (please make this guy famous, his talent is unmatched)

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