
Live to Learn.

@themuffinmanlivesondrurylane / themuffinmanlivesondrurylane.tumblr.com

Danielle. 21. ON, Canada.

i dont get offended at white people jokes even though im white because: 

  1. i can recognize white people as a whole have systemically oppressed POC in america, which is where i live 
  2. most people when they make white people jokes only mean the shitty white people and i am not a shitty white person 
  3. im not a pissbaby

my white friends that have reblogged this give me life

4. Sometimes I am a shitty white person and the jokes remind me to FUCKIN STOP

If ur white and like this post I fux with u


5. It’s hard to be offended when white people jokes involve bland food/tourist dads in socks and sandals/white girls in yoga pants obsessed with pumpkin spice/suburban PTA moms and other harmless and mostly true stereotypes while jokes about POC involve them being called thugs/criminals/slurs/uneducated/illegal immigrants.

i fucks with u heavy if ur white and you reblog this

6. They’re usually really fucking funny and don’t perpetuate stereotypes that will ever affect me economically, politically, or cause me any true harm, let alone create risks that “justify” my murder and/or death

Waits for my white mutuals to reblog😌




Remember when I was temporarily blind and my mom took me shopping but I got lost in the parking lot and ended up confused and in a hole and she just took pictures instead of helping me


Social Anxiety will make you do weird things, such as holding onto an apple core for 45 minutes during a meeting because you’re too anxious to go to the trash can that’s 10 feet away

or waiting for someone else to throw out their apple core so you know it’s okay

but waiting a few minutes after they do so you don’t look like you were waiting for them

and trying not to stumble because you know everyone is watching you walk

and feeling really proud and relieved when you arrive back at your seat after having successfully thrown away an apple core like it’s a difficult task

i feel this too much

It’s the little things. The things neurotypical people take for granted. The things nobody thinks about because they’re just a normal part of everyday life. These things are REALLY HARD for those with social anxiety.


when we first got married i had to psych myself up every time to say “my wife” to a new person. it was awkward because with “girlfriend” a lot of people would just assume i meant “friend,” and of course “fiancée” is gender-neutral when spoken, so we’d always had plausible deniability. but the meaning of “wife” is pretty unavoidable. still, i made myself do it on principle, and slowly but surely it became natural.

now i love saying “my wife,” to everyone all the time. i love saying it to the old woman distributing the strawberries at the farm share, asking if she knows where i can still get rhubarb because every summer i make my wife a pie. i love saying it to the gay employee helping me at crate and barrel, telling him i’m buying these glasses because my wife and i both had them growing up, and seeing his eyes light up. i love saying it to friends of friends and to new acquaintances and to potential coworkers and to the women at the laundromat. i love being aggressively out, and i love having such an easy way to be aggressively out. i love being the first woman with a wife someone has ever met, making our existence part of their reality. i love being visible for other lgbt people who might feel a little less alone knowing i’m there, which helps me push past the fear when it comes. most of all, i love not hiding. i love saying “my wife” and i love my wife.


me hanging out w/ multiple people

them: *are having a good time together, sharing inside jokes, talking about shared interests, laughing, et cetera, and so on, and so forth, and such like*

me: *is walking five steps behind them, trying to give off the impression that i’m just astral projecting and thus feel cool and calm and apathetic about the current happenings, but really is just trying to ignore the feeling that i don’t really.. belong*


“without us you wouldn’t have any rights!“ without you we wouldn’t have to fight for them

Always this. Always.

“Remember that men gave women the right to vote!”

And remember that men should never have been at such a social and political advantage as to be able to literally give and take away rights from groups of people.


“Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.” There’s no hand feeding any marginalized people, there’s a hand choking us, all of us, and apparently we’re supposed to be polite and thank it when it loosens it’s grip.

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