
Atom Mudman's House of Stuff

@lordatommudman / lordatommudman.tumblr.com

Bi trans woman writer. Fan of many things. You can read some of my online sci-fi/horror/fantasy writing under my writing tag. Thanks for stopping by!

Nothing is simple when you’re poor.

While the above is true, there are ways to handle the question if you get asked it in an interview.

Just bc the interviewer ASKS it, doesn't mean you have to ANSWER it.

"do you have reliable transportation?"


That's it. Do not elaborate. Do. Not.

They do not need to know what that type of transportation is. They do not have the RIGHT to ask what that transportation is. Many questions interviewers ask, they ask because they bank on you not knowing it's illegal.

If they press the issue? Be calm, be polite, but be firm.

"what kind of transportation?"

"Reliable transportation. With respect, you're not legally allowed to ask that question."

If they push again? Get firmer.

"I see what you're doing. You're attempting to stonewall me into answering a question that you're not legally allowed to ask, because of preconceived prejudices you may hold. The way you're handling this issue is proof that you would not be a good fit for me as an employer, and I'm ending the interview."

...then collect your belongings and fucking WALK OUT.


I was going to put this in the tags, but fuck it. Some companies will also list some horseshit like “must have valid drivers license” as a requirement when the job requires no driving as a way to get around this. Be wary of those folks, too.

I grew up in poverty, and I spent a lot of time very poor as an adult, and that thing where you just strongly assert your rights then get up and walk out of an interview?  Yeah, LOL, that doesn’t happen when you have zero money and you desperately need that job.  Because the second you assert your rights, you know for a fact that you aren’t getting that job, and no matter how much of an asshole you know that boss will be, generally speaking, any job that pays money is better than no job and no money.

Lie politely.  Please lie.  Make up a car in advance if you have to so that you can answer questions about it as necessary.  Lie politely, blatantly, with a smile on your face.  If an interviewer presses you on this, you do not owe that person honesty.  You never owe a bad boss (or potential boss) honesty.  Do whatever you need to do to get that job.

And then, after you start working there, if anyone asks (and only if they ask!), your previously-reliable totally-not-at-all-fictional car will have unexpectedly broken down and left you taking public transportation.  Tragic!  What a terrible and unexpected thing to happen!  And so terrible and unexpected that it’s taking so long to replace your totally non-fictional car!  How horrible!

Also, if at all possible, keep looking for another job.  I know it’s really hard to do when you work full-time and you’re exhausted, especially if you have kids, but you can do this.

And yeah, nothing is simple when you’re poor.

This is what I was trying to convey here, but this is more succinct. Like I said, “just walk out” feels like a privileged take that (righteously, if not paternalistically) misses the part about being poor and actually needing a job. So yes, lie. Lie politely, lie creatively, lie with a smile, but if you’re existing in poverty and need a job? Then LIE about having transportation. And don’t feel bad about it either. If an employer illegally asks a question they shouldn’t, then you’re allowed to lie about it. Hell, if they try to fire you about it later, threaten to take them to court for illegally asking to begin with. In the meantime, put some food in your belly. Catch up on a few bills. Buy some warm clothes. Feed that baby. You can work everything else out later.

Bosses, landlords, and cops forfeited their right to being told the truth by signing up for those jobs





The last picture is, in fact, a duckling! The parents lost their baby and adopted an orphaned duckling and raised it.



Reminder that if you get that "joy of satan" copypasta that's been going around lately in your inbox, that's a literal honest to G-d not joking in the slightest Nazi neo-pagan group. Here is a Wikipedia link for those curious about what I'm on about here.

That specific copypasta makes them look progressive but I trust y'all to be the smartest cookies in the whole fuckin' pantry and not publish the ask, since it has a direct link to their fucked up website and even dunking on them or publishing with a warning might make your followers look it up to see what's up.

Don't increase their traffic, delete it, and if you really want to warn your followers do what I'm doing right the fuck now and simply make your own post with an info link that isn't a direct conveyor belt leading straight into their own propaganda machine.

And for the love of G-d always do your research when receiving anonymous recommendations for organizations or websites. I don't know how I'm supposed to end this post, peace and love or whatever.


JoS is indeed a Nazi neopagan group. Not even sure how much neopagan they are, or if they were just looking for a community that's supportive of "we don't fit with the mainstream."

When I was trying to archive YahooGroups before they dissolved, I went looking for pagan groups. Found some of the dark-edgy ones. Found the Joy of Satan cluster - they had more than a dozen groups.

Teens for Satan. Black Power Satanism. The Satanic Goth Club. Joy of Satan Astrology. Radio Free Satan. UK Satanism. Hells Army 666. More.

Some of them had descriptions that just sounded like "we like POWER and we take no shit from THE MAN." Which, um, okay.

Until you got to the "files" section of the archives. Elements of Satanic rituals, check. Sacred Tree Runes, check. Alchemical Dictionary, check. Tibetan Book Of etc. etc. Meditation Trance etc. check.

... and most of them had a folder called "Know Your Enemy," which is where they put the hitlerism, the Nazi propaganda, the "how to identify a Jew" documents, the "holohoax" ebooks.

They are not "kinda sorta leaning towards maybe" Nazis. They are outright, direct, not-ironic-at-all Nazis.


that one song from persona: trinity soul that’s a swanky chill jazz song but then this rando starts rapping over the music one minute in without warning and they’re the worst bars you’ve ever heard in your life


im in the house like carpet


genuinely hope to see the fall of christianity as a global power some day in my lifetime

belief on an individual level, whatever that's fine, but do not act as if christianity's influence and doctrine is not a heavy hand behind some of the most evil governmental decisions being wrought upon people at this very moment (anti-trans bills, don't say gay bills, roe vs. wade repeal, etc)

people who are not christian are being forced to live by christian standards and under christian rules and that isn't right


what if every Tumblr user suddenly looses their mouse?


J = Next Post K = Previous Post L = Like N = View Notes Space = Show Photo Shift + R = Reblog Shift + E = Add to Queue Z + Tab = Switch Blogs




I just reblogged this with the command, shit

Do you know how much this helps people who have trouble with the mouse? (Me, other disabled people) thank you

Yup, I use these when my hands get particularly weak (like now)

Alt + R is the new command to reblog Alt + Q is the new command to queue


Also in related news I'm obsessed with those ancient aliens types who are like "there's no way this civilization could have known how to do this" and it's just math. Like

Or if you really want to put your tinfoil hat on there are people who are like "how did Aztecs and Egyptians BOTH build triangles if they weren't in contact with an Extraterrestrial Being telling them to, hmm?" because it's the most structurally stable shape. You can find this out by stacking rocks on top of each other


I literally do not care what the Bible says about any political issue. I am not Christian. Christian scripture should have zero effect on my life or my personal freedoms. 

The fact that I did not mention abortion anywhere in this post, yet the replies and reblogs are filled with Christians trying to “well actually” me and/or resorting to anti-choice insults is… telling, to say the least.

So you agree? Current US laws banning abortion are based on the religious convictions of a select few?

Christianity has no place in politics and if your political beliefs are based on your religion just don’t open your mouth. Just be quiet. Nobody’s going to tolerate you or your cultist beliefs on this website so don’t even try. I have literally zero sympathy for Christianity and I do not feel bad. Die mad.

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