
Koe wo Kikasete

@dokubutsu / dokubutsu.tumblr.com

My name is Katrina; welcome to my Tumblr page!

actually the timeline of riverdale is everything. riverdale was founded in the 1940s, but riverdale also existed as a town in 1890. jason and cheryl are twins but jason is a senior while cheryl is a sophomore. the coopers and blossoms became separate families in very recent history but there is an existing line of coopers in the 1800s. the witch trails also existed in the 1800s. archie was born in 1995 but is the same age as jughead, who was born in 2001. the lodge family didn't exist until hiram decided to change his name in high school and invent them, making him the oldest lodge ancestor. fp joined the serpents to escape his dad, but his dad is also a serpent, but his dad is also a simple writer holed up in the woods. the smith family is from the south side but also no theyre not. wwi happened recently enough that archie was able to fight in the trenches after graduating high school. the thornhill we see in season six is the same one the blossoms were living in during the 1800s, but cheryl also burned it down and rebuilt it junior year. seven years have passed since their highschool graduation in either 2019 or 2020 but the current year is 2021. and that's barely even scratching the surface.


Apparently a part of the reason why farmed bees stay in the beehives that humans build for them is because the farm hives are safer and sturdier. I don't know how a busy Discord server's worth of bugs that only have one brain cell each would logically conclude that the humans protect them from outside threats, illness and parasites, but if I understood right, the bees would be free to move away and build a new nest somewhere else any time they'd want, and they simply choose not to.

You know how in almost every culture, people have some concept of "if I sacrifice something that I made/grew/produced to the Gods, they will ward me and my harvest from evil"?

So, in a way, don't the bees willingly sacrifice a part of their harvest to an entity not only far greater than them, but nearly beyond their comprehension, in exchange for protection against natural forces wildly outside of their own control?

So tell me, beekeepers, what are you to your bees, if not a mildly eldritch God?

I don’t know about other cultures, but in English folklore, when a beekeeper dies someone has to go out and tell the bees.


Imagine you’re a neolithic hunter-gatherer, just hanging out, sacrificing stuff to your god, when a new god you’ve never met before shows up and tells you that your god is dead, it’s not your fault or anything, and maybe a new god will come along to take care of you, maybe not, it’s gonna be touch and go for a while


Apparently in medieval Europe they also whispered secrets to the bees.

So imagine the mildly eldritch God you worship talks to you and tells you secrets, but these secrets make no sense to you and are incomprehensible to understand or even know they are secrets. But your God does make vibrations at you, so thats probably a good thing right??

Also occasionally the Swarm decides there is not enough room in the Hive because the eldritch god didn't take the offering of Honey at their normal time. So enough of a Swarm builds up that the second queen is able to leave without decimating the first Swarm. They are all set to search out a new place that will likely not have your God anymore (but really that's not too much of a struggle, they have abandoned you, that's part of why you've left, even though the first Swarm still holds out hope for their return).

And then, the scouts find another Hive right next to the old Hive. Literally right next to it. So the Queen lands to inspect it and wow, it's a good deal. The area already has enough food to support 2 Hives, so it's a not problem to stay in the area now that they have the space, but...this wasn't here before.

And then you see God, they've come to help the Swarm move to the new Hive and take the offering from the old Hive. Truly this must have been their plan all along


In English folklore, you ALSO have to invite your bees to your wedding, and decorate their hive, and leave a slice of cake for them, and also bring your new spouse by to introduce them to the hive straightaway. Imagine your eldritch god doing THAT.

if only all gods were so well-mannered

Frankly, I think a swarm of bees is kind of an eldritch god in and of itself, and my ancestors simply Recognised this.


BEHOLD: a 118-page compilation of (almost) every scrap of lore about Ishgard I could find – its social organization, history, religious beliefs, and culture.

Every piece of lore is sourced with a footnote in order to make it easy to look up – and to tell canon from my informed inferences and wild speculations. This makes the doc a little heavy and slow to load; my apologies! To look up a topic of interest, I recommend giving it a second to load, then using Ctrl+F to search.

Don’t feel shy about getting in touch with comments and corrections! If you have a question about Ishgard that isn’t answered in the doc…… I probably don’t know the answer, since I’ve put everything I know in there, but I’m always happy to theorize!

Anonymous asked:

no offense to Luka, but I don't really see how him finding out would be a good idea plot-wise 😅 Alya found out because it was properly set-up from s1-s3 with hints and the reveal shook the status quo for the season. And in Adrien's case, if Nino isn't able to find out first (out of the good guys), then i'd rather it not be Luka since they've only exchanged like 5 lines across the series so far

I always imagined it being the core 4 (or 5 depending on her arc) would be the only ones to know identities while other characters and holders wouldn’t (with the exception of Bunnyx)

Him knowing would feel too forced to me. He is hardly involved in the plot and as you said we waited three seasons just for a Ladybug reveal with Alya, Marinette’s closest friend. There is nothing Luka can add that Alya doesn’t already provide except for the fact he is Marinette’s ex.

It just feel like a consolation prize for ‘losing’ Marinette as a romantic interest and a way to make shippers satisfied. Which those who are happy about it they have every right to be excited and this isn’t to say people shouldn’t be happy about a character they enjoy being apart of a reveal scenario…but I don’t enjoy his character so I won’t be one of them 💀

If it does happen I’m gonna have to see what canon does with it to see how I would actually feel about the possibility of Luka knowing. And I won’t be like absolute furious if it happens. But I will forever think that Nino deserves to know before anyone else right now.


This story just keeps getting worse and worse


Nothing about any of what I just read makes any actual sense

Meanwhile in Plymouth, MN, a white kid this past week brought a gun to his high school, shot it into the air in the hallways, and OF COURSE is taken in without being hurt or shot.


Unfriendly reminder that this was labelled as a "school shooting" for several days in an attempt to cover up what actually happened.

Even unfriendlier reminder that after enough push back, knoxville pd caved and released the body cam footage of all four officers involved. The child was being restrained by two officers at the time he was shot.


some dnd backstory ideas that give your character a reason to leave home that isn’t “everyone in my family died.” (just to say: i have nothing against those backstories (i use them a lot), but its fun to mix it up!)


  • someone close to you is sick. you need to adventure to find a cure
  • someone stole something important from you and you need to find it
  • you’ve received a message from a long lost relative and are trying to find them
  • someone that you love has been kidnapped (maybe you have to earn money to pay a ransom or complete some deed…)
  • adventuring runs in the family! everyone is expected to complete one quest in their lives
  • your family/culture sends people out to complete certain tasks when they reach a certain age as a rite of passage
  • another player’s character saved you in the past so you feel indebted to them and travel with them, protecting/aiding them
  • there’s a magical drought in your hometown and you have to fix it
  • your hometown doesn’t have a lot of jobs so you have to travel and send money back home
  • some childhood friends and you made a “scavenger hunt” where you try and complete a checklist of certain tasks (ie. defeat a barbarian in hand to hand combat, steal x amount of gold, slay a dragon, etc) in an allotted amount of time


  • a god/patron has sent you on a quest to do something for them
  • you’ve been hired by someone to complete a task (and you get sucked into the big adventure along the way)
  • you’re on a quest for knowledge. maybe it’s to learn the best ways of fighting, maybe it’s something more academic related
  • your priest received a vision from your god and they sent you on a quest
  • you’re writing a book about the world and different cultures and you need first hand experience
  • you’ve found every map you’ve come across is shitty, so you decide to become a cartographer and make your own
  • you’re a detective who helps solve crimes and need to travel to solve a particular case
  • you’re a collector of a certain object and travel across the land to find it
  • you’re apart of an adventuring academy and have to complete a quest to graduate
  • you’re an artisan and you travel with your wares, trying to sell them. alternatively, you’re trying to spread word of your business and gain new business partners
  • you worked at a tavern your whole life where an old bard would sing songs of their adventuring party and that inspired you to go and do some adventuring of your own

feel free to add some of your own!

you just learned how shitty the world is and damnit somebody’s gotta fix it

you did something embarrassing and need to get the hell out of dodge

you’re taking a gap year

your arch nemesis is dying and you need to call them a bitch one last time before you go

hrt is free in a certain monastery

you met your significant other on fantasy tinder but they live across the kingdom

you’ve heard humans have this thing called “djinn Der” and you want to know what that’s all about

resume building


you’re adventuring to save up enough money to hire a wizard to cast True Polymorph on you because you wanna be a dragon, damnit

your friend got super drunk and stumbled into a random teleportation circle and you were the only sober one at the party so you have to go find them

you want that super powerful dude’s sword and will do anything to get it

you wanna get swole by hitting lots of different things with very large hammers

you want to prove the arrogant bard who told that super incorrect story in your tavern wrong by bringing them the evidence yourself

you read someone’s biography and want to imitate their life ultra-fan style

you found a message in a bottle asking you on a date

you want to find somewhere where your allergies will be less annoying but no one knows where that is so you have to find it for yourself

you really really want to see a volcano

you heard about another culture’s food and are desperate to try it

you’re interning with/shadowing a professional adventurer before you set off on your own


^^^ Really like the spite one so here’s some more detailed specifics pertaining to it:

  • Your magic/craft is really unconventional and no one thinks it’s useful so you head out on an adventure to prove them all wrong
  • You made a bet with your sibling/friend that you can find and kill a dragon/some other big monster
  • Honestly any bets of unlikely magnitudes are very fun
  • Your (possibly ex) god/patron told you a problem can only be solved one way and you don’t want to do it that way and you think there’s another way so hey, guess who’s being a rebellious child?
  • There’s a legendary recipe (potion or legitimately baking/cooking) that requires incredibly rare, hard-to-procure ingredients and no one thinks it’s possible to be made. Guess who’s doing it
  • Yeah sure everyone may think the world is bleh but that doesn’t mean you’re not gonna go and and spread kindness to counter it
  • Or maybe you think the world needs… less good. Maniacal laughter time
  • Spite is very fun
  • boredom

Backpacking around Fantasy Europe while taking a gap year, got a bit carried away.

I always love spite as a motivator. Some other ideas:

  • you’re on a ‘holy pilgrimage’ that is actually a thinly disguised continental pub crawl-slash-industrial espionage mission because your monastery is of the ‘medieval european’ type that makes a significant portion of its income from its brewery and wants to get a leg up on the competition
  • your childhood friend was run out of town with their family years ago for being the wrong race, you were too young to know what was going on then, but you found out later and boy are you a) pissed and b) going to find your friend and apologise on behalf of your town
  • you’ve been getting someone’s wrongly addressed magical mail for a couple of months now, and the sender is starting to sound increasingly desperate
  • a variation on the dying arch nemesis one above, but if you’re a wizard and/or bard especially, as someone who has read academic journals, I guarantee you that ‘that opinion you published six months ago is so incredibly, mind-bogglingly wrong that I fully intend to cross literal continents to tell you so to your face’ is more than motivation enough in certain circles
  • further variation: pen-enemies, like pen-pals but more grudgy, and past a certain point you really do just need to have the argument in stab/fireball range
  • in a similar academic vein, you’re a ‘natural philosopher’ in the process of writing a bestiary and you need to meet as many and varied monsters as possible as quickly as possible, preferably without getting barbequed in the process but we can negotiate on that one
  • alternately, you are a straight-up cryptid hunter, and you have a list of ‘monsters’ that you’ve heard about and which may or may not be real or possibly being confused for other, entirely real monsters, and you’re gonna find out which
  • honestly, insert-plot-relevant legend here, and have yourself be the foolhardy, stubborn, obsessed idiot who’s going to die finding it, it’s always a classic
  • alternately, because I love literary ‘cowards’, you want to be seen as foolhardy, because you somehow got a reputation as a coward, and it was an accurate reputation as a coward, but the social repercussions got to you and you’re going on a quest to prove people wrong about you despite the fact that they’re absolutely right about you because at this point you’re more afraid of word ‘coward’ than you are of the actual teeth-and-ichor-and-undead out there
  • (I love the idea of a big strong barbarian-type who got big and strong because they’re scared of everything and wanted to be able to tank stuff when it inevitably hit them – not even ‘I’m going to get strong enough to beat them’ but ‘I want to level hitpoints so I don’t die’ on a character level, ‘I want to get tough enough to just survive them’)

but, honestly, try more correspondence-related reasons, letters and publications and other fun long distance communications


extreme rumspringa

looking for the most exciting and/or inappropriate place to have sex


I’m a big fan of “…and it got a little out of hand” starts. Adventuring impetus I’ve used:

Turned to a life of crime to pay off Wizard Grad School loans and things just escalated.

You had a vision of your future self adventuring and you don’t want to create an unstable time loop. (Also, your mom wanted to get you out of the house.)

Trying to find your philosophical Path by having as many rapid-fire Experiences as possible.

Accidentally good enough at your job to get noticed by your God and given a Quest against your will and better judgment.

Picked up a cursed amulet that teleported you into the middle of a druid commune on the other side of the world from where you’re supposed to be.

Just trying to do your goddamn job and Adventure keeps getting in the way.

Your cousin has apparently slipped to the very bottom of the alignment grid and you are the only one available to go smack some sense into him.


You have an absolutely wonderful and lovely family. But GODS DAMNIT is it annoying that there is a WORLD out there and they want you to settle down with a nice partner and give them grandchildren to coddle. At least one quest/storyline is going back home and everyone absolutely falling in love with your family and you being continually embarrassed by them.


100% TRUE

Pro tip: If you copy and paste a link that said “no free articles” into a private/incognito browser, it will let you read the whole thing.

also if u press the “esc” (escape) key on ur laptop before the page fully loads, it won’t load any pop-ups blocking u from reading. if the article has images, then this method sometimes does not u see them. but! the words will be fine :)

If the site is particularly badly designed, you might just be able to delete the overlay itself. Right click > Inspect element and delete the line of HTML (it’ll be highlighted automatically)

hey kids there is a website called outline.com that will let you read from pretty much any news site with a paywall for free


outline.com is amazing - it hasn’t failed yet on any site that I’ve tried it on.

the last comment


And this is tiktok we need

75% of the time if something is paywalled, fucking around in developer mode looking for a link to the real thing or finding and deleting the content blocker works like a charm

also if ur lazy like me or just straight up cant figure out how to do this without deleting 90% of the page  theres this extention called Poper Blocker which not only.. blocks popups. but also has this thing called “Remove Overlay” when u right click which works a good 99% of the time in my experience in getting rid of paywalls.


Hedge funds shorted more than 100% of all shares of gamestop, to do this that means they had to sell more shares than actually existed.

The hedge funds never actually owned these shares to begin with because they were short selling so they never actually paid for them.

Redditors saw this and decided to buy up all these shorted shares to gamestop a company that wasnt failing that the hedge funds would then be forced to buy back as they never actually owned the shares.

The beauty of this is if you knew what to look for you could’ve seen this coming too. It isn’t mystical, it isn’t magic. They made these billionaires pay back more than what they basically stole by being greedy, this is a good thing.

Let me explain a bit

rich hedge funds have the ability to sell stocks they havent paid for yet that other people actually own and then pay for them after a certain amount of time. they can sell these stocks trade them whatever but they will eventually have to buy them back.

So they shorted gamestop shares from 20 dollars all the way down to 3 dollars, meaning they borrowed shares to then massively sell.

they sold shares at like 20 dollars and then 18, etc. and because when investors see massive amounts of shares being sold they get nervous and then sell their shares which drives the price of the stock ever further down.

so they took something worth 20 that they sold for 20 dollars and all its downward prices and instead of paying for it at $3 dollars they thought theyd CONTINUE to short the market, meaning they kept driving the prices down because apparently this obscene amount of money wasnt good enough.

Redditors who dont say the stock market is magic and mystical astrology saw this very obvious evidence that these hedge funds would be forced to buy back all these fucking gamestop shares and decided to drive the price of these shares up knowing that the hedge funds would then be forced to buy back the shares they have yet to pay for at increasingly wild prices.

what they were looking for was over 100% of all stocks shorted on a company that wasnt even failing or in complete disarray

they used this knowledge to bring stock that was 20 dollars brought down to $3 all the way back up to $140

the hedge funds still have to pay for all of those shares they never technically even owned in the first place which these redditors knew so they held onto these stocks they bought in a company whose shares were oversold.

INSTEAD of acknowledging this they decided to have media campaigns lie and make the stock market look even more mystical and crazy to people who dont know shit about finance so that your average folks wouldnt catch them in the act of just getting a fucking 2 billion dollar bailout for being greedy fucking pieces of shit.

They also dont want your average person to KNOW they do this shit especially when they drive shares so deep into the ground ($3)

TL;DR: Every time you call the stock market magic and mystical and ooo makes no sense, you pretty much allow these motherfuckers to get away with robbery of the average person (given a government bailout is paying for this)

Understanding how these things happen and knowing what to look for allows people to work together and not only stop it but rob back from the billionaires when they pull this shit.

financial illiteracy isnt helpful to anyone.

my point about financial illiteracy isnt to make anyone feel bad it’s more saying you shouldnt repeat the myth that these things dont make any sense especially when something like this happens because very set laws and rules allowed for this to happen and mystifying that only benefits hedge funds who dont want people catching them doing this.

Hi hello yes, OP? Hi, hello... thank you. Holy fucking fuck, thank you. Thank you for explaining what the fuck was going on so simply


I still don’t understand and may need flowcharts


Shorting is when hedge funds sell a stock that they don’t actually own. Basically, Bob borrows Ted’s bike and pawns it. Now Bob, legally, has to return the bike to Ted so at some point he has to buy the bike back. Bob makes money by wagering that the pawnshop won’t be able to find anyone willing to buy the bike and he’ll be able to buy it back cheap, return it to Ted, and pocket the difference. 

Now, the one thing you need to the know about the stock market is that it is run by PEOPLE. And people are panicky. It really doesn’t matter how “well” a company is doing if its stock is being sold off en-mass. People panic, think that somebody knows something they don’t, and sell their stock/refuse to buy. 

The hedge funds basically bought a very specific kind of bike and pawned all of them. They bet that people would see a lot of a specific brand of bike at the pawn shop and refuse to buy because there MUST be something wrong with that brand right? Why else would a ton of them be in a pawnshop? Better ditch your own right now or risk the wheel falling off or something. 

So, Gamestop’s stock is in the toilet and the hedge funds are about to make a shit ton of money. 

Enter reddit.

Upon seeing that Gamestop’s stock is artificially low because of hedge fund dickery, one forum decides to start buying Gamestop stock out of spite. Buying raises the stock price. The Redditors raise the price enough that the hedge funds start panicking. The time when the HAVE to buy back the stock is coming due and now it is WAY more expensive than they sold it for. Its like Bob walking pass the pawnshop and seeing the bike’s price is now three times what he sold it for. Bob panics. Bob makes a horrible decision. He complains to everyone about this. EVERYONE. 

Hedge funds were on tv whiny and attracted the attention of people who REALLY DON’T LIKE THEM. People like Elon Musk whose company has been targeted by shorting before and has no problem finding the cash to buy the inflated Gamestop stock and have the social media platform to shine an even bigger spotlight on this. Now other people outside of the Reddit forum are joining in because they smelled blood in the water. 

Remember, the hedge funds HAVE to buy these stocks back. No matter what, come the due date, they will have to purchase the stocks at whatever price they are listed at if they haven’t bought them back before then. Even if that price is a hundred times what they paid. Basically, if Bob has to sell his house to get that bike back to Ted then that’s what he’ll have to do. Considering one hedge fund required a bailout already over this, its looking like a lot of people will be selling their houses over shorting Gamestop stock. 

That bike metaphor is literally the first time I’ve seen the concept of stocks explained in a way that makes any sense.

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