
Scarefox Asylum

@scarefox / scarefox.tumblr.com

|| alternative goth, LGBTq+, Bi, Genderqueer, they / them, german, trickster spirit at heart, often sarcastic / ironic || I am sorry this blog is directly connected to my brain. Follow on your own risk. Random escapism and my daily serotonin hunt which I collect in many tags. Entertainment and art of all kinds. I am simultaneously into super cute and super dark stuff. Also memes. || Spotify: shorturl.at/dhQUY || MDL: shorturl.at/kmo05 ||

those posts about wanting kudos and comments on your fanworks vs creating for your own sake have gotten it all wrong. the TRUE purpose of fanworks is attracting people with great taste and luring them into your dms

Throwing your fanworks and ideas out into the world is the equivalent of shaking a feather and going pspsps in the hopes of attracting other people who are exactly the same kind of unhinged as you are to be your friend


Is it weird if a car gets towed off almost at midnight in my street, basically under my window 🤔 basically with a crane truck. Got lifted off the ground and loaded on the truck.

For a neighborhood that is among the quietest, elderly and family area, in this part of the city, we had so much random weird things happening here in the past 7 years that I live here.

Most insane one was a whole SWAT team locking the whole neighborhood up and letting nobody walk to their homes because some idiot got a toy gun from their car and brought it to their home, and some other idiot called the police on them. But people were talking about a shooting rampage, killer on the lose. (I had to sneak an elderly woman through my basement to the other side of the house to let her get home)

Also that one dude last time, who got arrested. (I now know because he was on drugs and fled from a police check)

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