


Baby, i'ma care for you, you

You’re doing amazing sweetie


yasssss queeenn


kill them baby!

I think she just made herself my new best friend

these comments are so fucking inappropriate and honestly trivialize a tragic situation.

this girl was sold by her parents into what is sexual slavery dressed up as a marriage, so she tried to kill her husband to escape his abuse, but accidentally poisoned 27 people instead. 17 people died, with at least one victim being a child. Bibi has openly expressed deep regret over having accidentally killed innocent people.

she was sold by her parents, the very people meant to protect her, and made into a sex slave. in her desperation, she made a mistake that cost innocent people their lives. she was then arrested by a legal system that could have prevented all of this by protecting women from sexual slavery in the first place, but won’t. 

she will likely be abused in prison and sentenced to death.

she’s not “queen” or your “new best friend.” she’s a young woman who has been subjected to horrors and, in an effort to fight back, accidentally committed one, a fact that is likely destroying her.

The first time you sit on her couch, watching a marathon of Parks and Rec you’ll lose focus on the relationship between Ben and Leslie and start to slide your fingers towards the girl next to you. Your heart will beat fast, your lips sandpaper dry as you gently, barely touch her fingertips. You’ll lose your breath as she intertwines her fingers with yours. You’ve never felt palms so soft, fingers so gentle, a touch so perfect. And you’ll smile, knowing that if this is all that happens then it makes more sense than kissing any boy ever has before. You’ll turn your head and flash that 100 watt smile at her and suddenly she’s three inches from your face breathing slowly. You’ll count every freckle, every eyelash, see every bit of pain and joy and love and hurt in her eyes. Her lips will slowly part and you’ll close the distance, enveloping her pillowy lips with your own. Not to exaggerate but your life will change. Butterfly wings, grass blowing, volcanoes exploding, stars soaring, rain falling, nothing can compare to the warmth, the sincerity and the beauty of kissing a girl for the first time. Her hair is silk, her skin is velvet, everything is just so calm. It’s different, so different, it tastes like pink and sunlight all rolled into one. And she’ll leave you breathless;!she’ll leave you happy and safe.

Being With A Girl, Part 1 (via charmingcharlene)

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