
I'm Just A Comet

@direwolf-sigil / direwolf-sigil.tumblr.com


this image actually makes complete sense & that is a fucking trip & a half.

You can take it back even further to the Archudke’s assassin just bumping into him deciding to get a sandwich. One man’s need for lunch 100 years ago gave rise to tentacle porn half the world away. What a world.

Is anybody going to explain?

No? Okay.


1. Archduke Ferndinand is murdered, causing World War 1.

2. The Allies win WW1, imposing the Treaty of Versailles on Germany.

3. This causes tension between Germany and the rest of Europe, something Adolf Hitler takes advantage of and begins WW2.

4. Japan joins the axis in WW2 in order to expand their empire.

5. The Axis is defeated, and Japan comes under US occupation.

6. American soldiers bring comic books, cartoons, and other American mediums to Japan which stay behind even after the occupation is over.

7. Post-WW2 Japan imposes strict censorship laws that include the banning of most conventional porn.

8. Japanese citizens retaliate by drawing comics with women having sex with vaguely penis-shaped objects like tentacles to exploit loopholes in the law.

9. It establishes itself as a fetish even after the laws are relaxed, and so Hentai was born.

Butterfly effect


Me in history class: Wow, humanity has been through some fascinating times!  I wonder if I’ll ever live through major historical events!


it was supposed to be space travel. it was supposed to be space travel. it was supposed to be space travel. it was supposed to be space travel. it was supposed to be space tr


i love it when you accidentally meet eyes with a stranger in public and you flash a quick polite smile and they look at you like they wish you were dead in a ditch


I’ve seen this several times on my dash and always with southerners being confused in the tags why the rest of the US is like this, and as a southerner, I have to say, SAME. Like, there’s plenty to hate about the south, don’t get me wrong, but at least in general we have public courtesy down to a science. I ordered at a Sonic out West once and the guy specifically had someone take over his headset so he could come out and shake my hand because he was from Tennessee and it was the first time since he moved West that he heard anyone say “Yes sir.” And it’s just…. Automatic for me? And this polite smile thing, people will jump and glare and I’m just trying to be friendly not awkward? What else is a socially anxious southern child to do upon accidentally making eye contact? Look down and hurry away? Isn’t that rude??? Someone explain why is smiling met with such anger I am confused and afraid.


Exactly!! When I moved to Missouri I was baffled at how rude everyone is! Like I saw someone I knew at Walmart and stopped to chat and they didn’t even stop! They just went ‘hi’ and moved on. Like????

And when I moved here I made cookies for the neighborhood, cuz that’s what you do and the first place I went they said “we don’t eat things with sugar” and shut the door.

Like why do y’all hate everyone so much?

I’m Canadian and am also confused

Well yeah everyone knows Canadians are the friendliest people in the world


I’m from Indiana and I’m pretty sure if you don’t talk to someone you know In Wal-Mart for at least 5 minutes you go to jail

No but that would still be rude in kentucky

You are expected to talk for at least 15 minutes, say goodbye (like, a “take care y’all, tell me how that knee is doin”) and then you talk for another ten minutes, move a little further apart and say goodbye again (“well I better get going tell your nana I said hi”) and then you talk for a while and say goodbye one more time (“I’ll see y’all at church on Sunday/school/Jo-mart/Nana’s funeral”) and move on to the next person

And don’t even get me started on food etiquette

It’s not a south v. west thing, it’s a city thing. That’s why New Yorkers are the purest version of this. And it’s why I get both sides. I grew up in a small town in Northern California, and it was proud of all the small town things – “you can leave your door unlocked” and all that. I got a job for a while as a bank teller, and this coworker of mine had moved there from New York. I liked him (I tend to get along with folks) but a lot of people thought he was rude. “short” “impatient” even “brusk” were some descriptions of him, not just from our coworkers, but from the bank customers too. They complained because he always rushed them, never wanted to make small talk, etc. One day I was working next to him, and I heard him verbally pushing yet another customer along, just racing him through the transaction against his will, and I thought, I’m gonna say something to him about it. As soon as the customer left though, before I could say anything, my coworker goes “damn I hate people like that, get to  the front of the line and want to tell me their whole life story. So RUDE!” So I say something like, how is he the one that was rude to you? And goes, like he can’t believe how stupid I’m being, “ not to me, to all those people in line behind him that want to finish up here and get on with the rest of their day! You’re at the bank, you know why you’re here, you step up, you do a polite greeting and get the fuck down to business. Everybody has shit to do, and they can’t do it until you shut up about your life story that zero people drove down here to listen to. It’s so selfish! I can’t stand people like that”   Since then, I’ve lived in San Francisco, and L.A., and Montgomery Alabama, and Germany and Portland and Oakland and a bunch of little ass towns like Suisun Ca, and Kenwood and all kinds of places, Santa Cruz and Rohnert Park. And I’ve thought about the thing that guy started me noticing. It’s true. The closer in to a city (and the larger the city) the more the concept of polite changes from “how you are effecting the person you are communicating with” to “how you are effecting the people packed in around you” In Oakland there are like, zero grocery stores (Oakland is literally documented as a “food desert”) and so the best grocery store in Berkeley is also a favorite grocery store of Oakland residents and it is… full. You’ll spend a full 30 minutes in the snake of cars circling around in the parking lot waiting for somebody to finish shopping and leave so a parking spot opens up. Once inside, it’s more of the same. Shopping carts are cart-front to ass cheek. You literally can’t reach onto a shelf for a box of cereal without waiting for somebody to give you a break in traffic. Sometimes you get stuck standing in a single spot for several minutes, boxed in on all sides.  I’ve only been twice, and I swear to all holy gods that if I saw two people trying to catch up on chit chat while we all tried to maneuver around them, I would been reaching for my murdering stick. It’s called skype motherfuckers, go the fuck home and talk to each other, jfc, the rest of us are trying to make a deadline for some other shit we gotta get done today. Now, going back home, to small town Nor Cal, yeah, I don’t want to be rude, I’m gonna stop and say hi, I’m gonna ask about your family, I’m gonna rack my brain and remember that you had a sick cat or a trip you were trying to take or an interest in boats, and I’m gonna ask about that shit, fuck yeah tell me about how the tomatoes are coming in this year, I hear the birds are worse than ever. Anyway, city folk ain’t rude, they just polite different; suitable for city life.

This is such a great explanation, and really important.


shoutout to runaways for not only having a thoughtfully written and deep wlw relationship with screentime equal to that of the f/m relationship, but also for having one of the few nerdy girl/jock guy relationships that has nothing toxic about it at all and moreover actually explores the characters’ experiences with mental illness and trauma related to parental abuse both in the context of their individual experiences as well as within the parameters of their relationship. and on top of that, it’s a relationship that starts with sex and works towards greater intimacy, subverting the genre convention of sex being the pinnacle of a romantic relationship’s development (which it’s not, not in real life or fiction). it’s amazing to see tv actually devote time to exploring these things in a thoughtful way that will be good for anyone watching, kid or adult. bottom line, the relationships themselves and the people in them are all fully developed, as is the overarching relationship of all the kids together and it’s one of the biggest palate cleansers in the “young adult sci-fi/horror” genre that’s dominated networks like the cw for the last decade and more or so


Unpopular opinion but I feel the need to say this as election year draws closer and Democratic candidates are being announced:

in 2020, the ONLY GOAL is getting that orange sludge out of office. 

That’s it. That is endgame for 2020. If you stick your head up your ass so far as to think anything is more important than that at this point, get an emergency head-ass-ectomy REAL fucking quick because we CANNOT pull another 2016.

I don’t care if the Dem nominee is someone you hate, if you’ve voted Green Party for 34 years, if your goddamn mother is on the ticket. If mama isn’t the official presidential candidate from the Democratic Party, then you DO NOT VOTE FOR HER.

2020 is about blocking another four years of nightmare hell. 2020 is about caring about other people’s realities over your “conscience” (read: online woke points). It’s about standing up for every person hurt, every person harassed, every person KILLED by the hate this piece of radioactive bile spews from every disgusting orifice.

ESPECIALLY my fellow white people better take this message to fucking heart, because WE are the ones who fucked this up, ESPECIALLY my fellow white women. You are not allowed to “vote your conscience.” You are not allowed to “weigh the options.” You are suddenly a single-issue voter, and that issue is Trump Is Evil. You are voting to evict, voting to BLOCK. If the Democratic candidate is less than ideal, you suck it the fuck up for 2020.  This election is not, CANNOT be about idealism, about perfection. It’s about starting to undo four years of damage.

So from the announcement of the nominee until November 3rd, 2020, you better be all fucking in. If you don’t like their stances on certain issues, if they’re not progressive enough, if they’ve reached across the aisle too many times, worry about it November 4th. Spend the next four years pushing them left, protesting everything you don’t like, picket the fucking White House if you need to. I will be right there with you. But that starts on November 4th. Until then, we are on a straight anti-Trump train and y’all better not fucking get off it.





asoiaf meme: 2/2 houses

House Stark of Winterfell is one of the Great Houses of Westeros and the principal noble house of the North. In the days of old they ruled as Kings of Winter but since Aegon’s conquest they have been Wardens of the North. Their seat, Winterfell, is an ancient castle renowed for its strength.


watching spiderverse makes me never wanna see another live action movie ever again like. why did we ever start making comic books into live action movies?? make it animated to explore the art form instead of trying to make it hyper realistic you fucking cowards

Okay but have you just concidered

Robert Downey Jr.

i have and i don’t care about him


every redpill dudebro who thinks life was better and more “traditional” in the 50s needs to be sentenced to eat 50s food for the rest of their lives

they want a happy housewife but what will happen when she serves them this

Excuse me but what the fresh hell

Do not get me started on 50s food and their obsession with fucked up jello molds and fruit

why were the 50s so weird. it looks like what aliens imagine human food to be. if you told my grandma, who has never even seen cooked meat in her life, “This is what American food is”, she’d believe you and be confused forever by America. 

I wanna say there was some kinda food revolution, like preservatives had just been invented or something, but I’m actually not sure |D it sounds like the sort of thing @pargolettasworld might know about?

As it happens, because I am a dyed-in-the-wool cultural geek … yes, there was some kind of food revolution!  More accurately, several mini-revolutions.

First, you had a lot of commercially prepared products like Jello and Spam (Spam, Spam, Spam …) and things like that being available to the general public for the first time.  A lot of these recipes come from ads for processed foods; they’re “serving suggestions” writ fancy.

Second, the Jello molds in particular are a democratization of an old-fashioned and very upper-class way of preserving perishable foods, which was to encase them in a meat jelly called aspic.  The aspic would preserve the food by preventing bacteria from getting at it.  It took time and effort to make an aspic, so it was rich-people food, prepared by cooks in big houses.  Jello (in its more savory flavors) could do the exact same thing, except that one lone housewife could make a Jello mold cheaply and easily.  I’m not saying that aspic was necessarily the most appealing food out there, but it was high-status because it was associated with Fancy European Aristocrats.

Third, more people had refrigerators, not just iceboxes.  A lot of these dishes need to be chilled, so here’s a way to use one of your fancy new kitchen appliances.

Fourth, this is not everyday food, for which we are all grateful.  It’s Fancy Food, meant to show off.  You’d serve it at a party (and then, presumably, your friends would retaliate by holding another party and serving something else equally revolting).  So this is food that takes careful preparation, lots of time, and lots of effort.  You, as the Middle-Class Fifties Housewife, are showing off your new postwar prosperity.  You have the skill to make food look … um, “attractive,” you have the money to buy all these ingredients, you have the kitchen equipment and appliances to prepare them, and because your husband works a comfortable middle-class job, you have the time to stay at home all day and construct something like this.  This kind of food is the physical manifestation of Thorstein Veblen’s theory of Conspicuous Consumption.

Fifth, if you’re a housewife making this in the 50s and 60s and even into the 70s, there’s a good chance that you were born in the 20s or 30s, and that you grew up during the Depression and WWII.  You might have grown up poor, not having access to a wide variety of food, or not having time or a place to prepare it.  You might have seen fancy food in magazines, but not a chance that that kind of eating would ever trickle down to you!  And then … voila, it did!  I think a lot of this sort of thing is just a grownup way to play with food, to experiment with all the neat new things that technology, processing, and a new tax bracket could bring you.  These are adult mud pies; who cares how it tastes?  We can make it look Really Cool!  We don’t care all that much about specific nutritional value; we’re just so happy to have all this food, and sufficient calories, that we’ll just play with it and try it in weird combinations and enjoy it.  (Or, I suspect, “enjoy” it.)

And just remember … we mock the people who made this stuff, but the 1990s rolled around and brought us Lunchables, and the 2010s brought us molecular gastronomy.  Same shit, different decades.


Reblogging for this very academic explanation…stuff I never would have thought of concerning bananas and jello on top of meat lol.

Thinking of my grandparents, though, this makes total sense. So… TLDR; Savory jello meals in mid-century cookbooks are a result of the rise of the middle class following WWII, reacting to the Great Depression.


men who try to shame women for liking calming games like animal crossing or minecraft or whatever are so pitiful. like maybe if u planted some virtual flowers to some calming music for a few hours u wouldnt be such a lil bitch


Log Off Protest - Phase Three

Starting February 1st at 12 am EST and extending to February 8 at 12 am EST, Phase Three consists of logging off Tumblr for an entire week and sending daily tweets to those who oversee Tumblr. 

Phase Three’s main goal is to drop Verizon’s stock and to make Tumblr aware we are not standing by as they censor users and enforce a shoddy Flagging system. By tweeting each day, we gain exposure on our cause and put pressure on Tumblr to change. 

The official F.A.Q will be released in a week and will answer the most prevalent questions. We will also release a list of complaints with the F.A.Q. If you have suggestions or questions, please DM us here or on Twitter. Thank you! 

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