
Just Another Boring Person

@some-boring-blog / some-boring-blog.tumblr.com


was ringing up a customer and added his coupons, he was surprised it took off so much off the total and i accidentally said “well tits the season!” instead of tis the season but he let out a very long and powerful “Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell yeah”


As a lover of this show, I completely missed that last bit. Can someone explain how that idea is apart of the show?

It was...a lot of the later seasons, to be honest. Kinda core to a lot of it, but the brightest examples are the:

"Life SUCKS/If people don't have to fight and beg and work every second of the day for basic survival, then they actually can grow and learn and be better people, but the world doesn't allow that right now." (the Judge, the Trial)

"The world as it is makes everyone suck and the literal system that the world works under is guaranteed to send everyone, absolutely everyone, to Hell, regardless of their personal choices." (Dan Pourtnoy, or whatever his name was)

"There is no ethical consumption in the current world. Even when you do something nice and buy someone you love flowers, you're accidentally supporting exploitative labor and evil rich pricks." (Harder to get a positive score)

"Boiling people down to a single numerical value of Good (profits) and Bad (losses) is a horrible way to do it, doesn't allow for proper representation of humanity, and needs to be scrapped for a new system entirely." (the point value is inherently flawed/humans are more than their scores)


men will say anything before they utter the words prostate orgasm


How do you not post the link?

David Benaron, MD, is a biochemist, inventor, and entrepreneur. He studied at Harvard and MIT, taught at Stanford, and has founded and served in the C-suites of multiple biotech companies. He developed the sensor that enables heart rate monitoring on wearables like smartwatches, and has made advances in the field of optical blood-oxygen monitoring as well.
He’s also a cheetah named Spottacus and a regular at furry conventions, often kitted out head-to-toe in a fursuit.
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