

@messofadreamer331 / messofadreamer331.tumblr.com

FEARLESS is getting back up and fighting for what you want over again; even though every time you’ve tried before, you’ve lost.

On our ride to soccer, Annalyse tells Bella today her friends made her feel sad because they wouldn't let her play with them because she's not in the 7 yr olds club. So I proceeded to tell her that words can only hurt her if she allows them too. And then I said "baby you know what you gotta do" " what momma?" "Shake it off" (as I play the song on cue) so my wide eyed girl and i jammed out to Taylor on our way to soccer and were shouting "im not seven so I can't playyy, so I make moves up as I go and that's what they don't know!"


Someone once said Fearless is living inspect of all the things that scare you to death, something I do daily. Fearless is forgiving someone you trusted but learned that very quickly their backs would turn. Fearless is forgiving someone for deciding that because they no longer speak to you, they no longer will be giving you your ticket you paid for to your first ever Taylor Swift concert. Fearless is believing when they said "I'll refund your money" and fearless is forgiving them when they never do. Fearless is believing that there is still good in this world despite life shutting down your every effort to rise above. Hope and love is fearless. #sunset #spring #fearless #forgive #hope #love #riseup


Throwback to the best day



I can still hear the unsuspecting, shocking " Hey guys" like if it happened yesterday! (She crept in like a angelic ninja!) Can't believe it's been 6 months!


I don’t know if you remember me or if you even remember the conversation we shared while in your living room but when I read your album’s booklet message, I felt as you were once again speaking directly to me as you did at your house. I almost felt as if you had me and my battles in mind when writing it(altho I know you didn’t) and thats what is so great about the words you write, the relatability and hope in them. I wake up everyday with the same heavy load as I fell asleep with the night before (sometimes the load becomes heavier) but you have been there for me so many times before and now through your 1989 album as well and I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for giving me the friendship you have, allowing me into your life, and giving me the TBI that I now call family. I am incredibly proud of you! I love you! I didn’t know if you knew so I’m taking this chance to say that I had the best day with you that day.

taylorswift with all my love, Y


then, she began to breathe, and live, and every moment took her to a place where goodbyes were hard to come by. She was in love, but not in love with someone or something, she was in love with her life. and for the first time, in a long time, everything was inspiring. Today is 4 months since I have met this inspiring beautiful woman. @taylorswift I don't know if you knew but I had the best night that day with you ♥ #1989secretsessions #1989 #taylorswift #quotes #beauty #inspiration #4monthssinceimetthequeen #1989rhodeislandsecretsessions

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