
Step into My Kitchen

@chef--gravelle / chef--gravelle.tumblr.com

Lily Gravelle || 24 || Chef at Buckhorn Exchange || He’s  a dork, but he's My dork.
“Are you actually planning on watching it or just laying here like this?” He raised an eyebrow as he looked down at her with a smirk. “Either way I’m fine with whatever direction you take this”

She chuckles and gives him a squeeze. “I think I quiet like being like this.”

“I love you too” he mumbled and pressed his lips to her forehead again.

She hums to herself and chuckles at a line from the movie. “Guess its kind of hard to watch a movie like this, hm?” she asks.


Asher’s eyes glanced down to the wine in her hand, acknowledging the fact that no, Lily wasn’t pregnant. “So you’re not huh? That’s good - right?” He said, not sure if a baby was something that Lily wanted or not. “I had a scare with Violet,” He said, carefully. Of course, Violet was still a sore subject but it was relevant to their conversation, “She found out that she wasn’t and… I dunno, it was weird when she found out.”


“Oh, definitely,” she nods, not quite excitedly as one would think. After all, she did get some more serious news afterward. Eyes widening slightly at the news, “Oh, damn. Think maybe she wanted to be?” she cocks an eyebrow, thinking possibly Violet could have had similar news to what she had.


“I never do anything interesting. I don’t party or drink or drive or have many friends —-” It sounded bad when he said it all at once but really it was’t. “I normally just stay inside and watch movies.”

She can’t help frowning slightly, it sounding sadder than a birthday should be. “Don’t even a birthday cake? Everybody should have something for their birthday,” she insists. “Let me at least buy you a drink.”


Lynn shook her head, “Oh no, no, don’t worry, I was just saying, sure we Southerns are crazy with what we eat, but I don’t think I ever eat that.”

“I wouldn’t either if I didn’t have to,” she laughs awkwardly.


“He should call me. It’s my birthday. How rude of him not to.” he said but it was only a joke even if it didn’t sound like one. “ Thanks – i guess.”

Her eyebrows furrow, not realizing it was a joke. “Did you do anything interesting for it?” she asks.

“I know that.” He murmured with a slight frown. “But I also know you better than I ever knew Anna.” He said softly “I have more fun with you…and we’ve been through more…even if it’s only been four months.” He muttered, trying to keep the slight hurt from his voice, feeling like he’d stuck his foot in his mouth and now she was going to push him away for admitting all of this.

She can’t help smiling softly, arm wrapping around her arm, squeezing him lightly. “I love you,” she mumbles, kissing his collar.

She rolls over, burying her face in his chest, trying to hide her watering eyes. “I love how sure you are that we’ll be having kids together,” she says with a strained voice, trying to focus on something else.

“Like I said…” He murmured, wrapping his arms tightly around her and pressing his lips to her forehead. “I’m not with you just to pass time…I’m in this for the long run. Not to scare you or anything. But one day I want to have all of that with you”

"We've been dating for four months," she huffs awkwardly. It wasn't as though she was being pessimistic. She loved Liam and would love to do just as he was saying, but she knew, realistically, they still had a ways down the road.


Sighing, she takes his hand and pulls him to lie down with her. “I’m sorry,” she says more sincerely. “It’s just– I can’t even do the one thing a woman’s /supposed/ to be able to do,” she laughs with no humor.


“Don’t” He murmured softly as he laid down in the space between her and the couch, wrapping his arms around her. “There’s no guarentee….when the time comes…we can find a way. I promise you we’ll figure something out” He said softly, pressing a kiss to the back of her neck

She rolls over, burying her face in his chest, trying to hide her watering eyes. "I love how sure you are that we'll be having kids together," she says with a strained voice, trying to focus on something else.


She cringes slightly when he snaps and rolls on her side, facing the TV as Ryan Reynolds talks to the screen. “Sorry,” she mumbles.


With a sigh he shook his head, reaching over to place his hand on her shoulder, gently rubbing his thumb back and forth.

Sighing, she takes his hand and pulls him to lie down with her. "I'm sorry," she says more sincerely. "It's just-- I can't even do the one thing a woman's /supposed/ to be able to do," she laughs with no humor.

She sighs and steals a glance at him, dropping her arms to the couch. “Bit late for that, hm?” She mumbles under her breath.

Clenching his jaw again he crossed his arms over his chest and stared straight ahead. “Stop” He snapped a little before sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose.

She cringes slightly when he snaps and rolls on her side, facing the TV as Ryan Reynolds talks to the screen. "Sorry," she mumbles.

“Ugh!” She groans dramatically, falling back across the couch. “This is my issue with dating a nurse,” she grumbles, hands over her eyes.

“Pout all you want, you’re not getting them back.” He raised an eyebrow as she fell across the couch dramatically. “I’m keeping you in good health.” He shook his head a little

She sighs and steals a glance at him, dropping her arms to the couch. "Bit late for that, hm?" She mumbles under her breath.

She gasps dramatically, whining when he pocketed the carton. “Babe!” She sighs, leaning closer to him. “Come on,” she mumbles, brushing her nose against his cheek. “One more?” She asks softly, lips just under his ear. Her fingers walking themselves up his thigh and toward the back pocket. “Please?”

“No” He shook his head. “You’re not having any more of those cancer sticks. It’s bad enough my sister does it.” He made a face and shifted so he was sitting on them fully. “No.” 

"Ugh!" She groans dramatically, falling back across the couch. "This is my issue with dating a nurse," she grumbles, hands over her eyes.

Frowning when he instructs her not to light another, she returns the butt to the rather full tray with a pout. “I smoke when I’m stressed,” grumbles. “And you didn’t say anything about me tasting like an ashtray so it can’t be that bad if I have another,” she says, leaning forward toward the box.

“I will slap your hand” He warned her before leaning forward as well and patting her hand gently, taking the box and shoving it into his back pocket. “That’s enough of that” He said sternly. 

She gasps dramatically, whining when he pocketed the carton. "Babe!" She sighs, leaning closer to him. "Come on," she mumbles, brushing her nose against his cheek. "One more?" She asks softly, lips just under his ear. Her fingers walking themselves up his thigh and toward the back pocket. "Please?"

“Actually watch it,” she says matter o'factly before getting up to put the movie in. Returning to her spot, she picks up the discarded cigarette and makes a small whine when she sees its burnt out. “Damn,” she mumbles, weighing wether or not to start another.

“Yes ma’am” He smirked, draping his arm across the back of the couch as she got up to put the movie on. Wrinkling his nose in distaste as she leaned forward to pick up the cigarette, only to see it was burned out, he shook his head. “No. Don’t even think about it.” He warned. “I’m sure you’ve gone through your fair share this week,”

Frowning when he instructs her not to light another, she returns the butt to the rather full tray with a pout. "I smoke when I'm stressed," grumbles. "And you didn't say anything about me tasting like an ashtray so it can't be that bad if I have another," she says, leaning forward toward the box.

She chuckles and slides her fingers between his. “I got Deadpool,” she comments in a sort of offer.

“Are we actually going to watch the movie?” He asked and raised an eyebrow at her, a smile pulling at his lips

"Actually watch it," she says matter o'factly before getting up to put the movie in. Returning to her spot, she picks up the discarded cigarette and makes a small whine when she sees its burnt out. "Damn," she mumbles, weighing wether or not to start another.

She grins and kisses said nose. “I don’t think I want you dead quiet yet,” she teases, moving to sit beside him, leaning on his shoulder.

“Well that’s good to know, my girlfriend doesn’t want me dead yet.” He laughed and pressed his lips to the top of her head

She chuckles and slides her fingers between his. "I got Deadpool," she comments in a sort of offer.

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