
@thephoenixinthetardis / thephoenixinthetardis.tumblr.com

"Stop right there
I'm in"

To me, what really separates Chocolate Guy from all the other “surprise it’s a cake” people is…. I want to eat his stuff. It’s not foam-cake covered in fondant, it’s sixteen kinds of chocolate over delicate wafers and juicy compotes and mousse-you-can-feel-by-seeing and I Want To Eat It All. (Like, I might feel bad taking a bite out of, say, his beautiful telescope, but if I had the chance I would be all over it.)

These mushrooms? I’d pop like six of them if given the chance.

I never wanted to eat anything more…


every so often i remember pog stands for pomegranate orange guava and i am struck down by the sheer strength of the butterfly effect


1. Haleakala Dairy creates a juice of passion fruit (not pomegranate, my bad), orange, and guava and calls it "P.O.G."

2. A game involving milk bottle caps pops up in the 70s, haleakala makes their lids collectable to play that game with the "POG" label

3. Game gets very popular in the 90s, gets called "pogs" based on the og caps (primarily) used having "POG" on them

4. Streamer Ryan Gutierre makes funny haha exaggerated faces in 2010

5. In 2011, same guy releases a video called "Pogs Championship"

6. PogChamp emoji is created, short for the "Pogs Championship' video, and its used to signify excitement (also sometimes "Play Of the Game" since it shares an acronym)

its all fruit


Just to finish the "PogChamp" narrative because it's kinda interesting:

7. After skyrocketing, in use upon the release of Overwatch in 2016 (which utilised the term "Play Of the Game"), "PogChamp" would eventually become shortened by Twitch users to "pog" (and then "poggers"), escaping into the lexicon of the wider internet around 2019.

8. On January 6th, 2021 Gutierre has a 'milkshake duck' moment by stoking unrest in response to the US Capitol Hill riots.

9. The same day, Twitch removes the emote from their platform.

10. In an effort to distance "pog" from Gutierre, Twitch has the PogChamp emote display a rotation of faces similar to the original before selecting a permanent replacement in the form of a... Komodo dragon?

Whether or not the term "pog"/"poggers" will outlive their association with Gutierre is to be seen. Perhaps pog will once again fade into relative obscurity only to be inexplicably revived by Gen Alpha following another utterly unpredictable series of events.


Someone said "Are you really so stupid to think that Africa has the same technological advances as us? If they did they would probably have clean water and not live in houses made of sticks and mud. Get over yourself and stop being so ignorant."..... Below is a tiny collection of images of the Africa they refuse to show you..


I’m sorry you’ve been made to believe that the whole of Africa is poor, I really am..

Reblogging for those of you who think Africa is only what the media and movies portrays it to be

This fucks me up because it’s scary to think that we can be showed something all our lives and not even know it’s a lie

And that my friend is the power of propaganda, indoctrination, and media

Are these pictures of South Africa or of Africa as a whole? 

@the-collecting-turnip From top to bottom:

1. Port Elizabeth (South Africa)

2. Unknown

3. Nairobi (Kenya)

4. Pretoria (South Africa)

5. Aburi Botanical Gardens (Ghana)

6. Cape Town (South Africa)

7. Pretoria (South Africa)

8. Harare (Zimbabwe)

9. Windhoek (Namibia)

10. Windhoek (Namibia)

To @kushandwizdom this is a rather unfair portrayal of Africa as a whole since half of these are literally just South Africa.  So Instead to add to this post and better dispel the myth of Africa as the vast wasteland of poverty most people think, I found a much more mixed collection of pics from various countries.

Luanda, Angola

Agadir, Morocco

Lagos, Nigeria

Cairo, Egypt

Port Louis, Mauritius

Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire

Algiers, Algeria

Tripoli, Libya

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Tunis, Tunisia

So, there, a much better case demonstrating the various major cities around Africa showing it isn’t some technologically backwards continent, but actually pretty up-and-coming in the world of commerce.


I once was talking to my Ethiopian manager about ignorant people asking her dumb shit about her life before she moved to the states…

the worst story she told me about was when she told a fellow student (at a fairly prestigious university) about a concert she went to back home. The other student responded with “omg you have music there!?” 🤦🏾‍♀️


Rebloging, because we need to see these pictures. 

As for stupid questions: “do you have grocery stores in Ecuador?”


These are great!

A redneck neighbor once asked my mom (in the 80s) if they had cars in Peru. Sigh.

This is the product of poor world history in school & little current affairs coverage outside Western Europe, except for catastrophes, so all we see are the war torn, poverty stricken, disaster-affected parts on the news. And racism, of course.

I bet most Americans who think that African countries are just completely poverty stricken have no idea what the US looks like in its poorest areas, not everywhere in the US is nice suburbs or unrealistically large apartments on tv

Los Angeles, California

Hartford, Connecticut

New Orleans, Louisiana

Camden, New Jersey

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

McDowell County, West Virginia

Flint, Michigan

Washington, D.C.


Do you see the world as it is, or as someone told you it is?

This photoset proves you can make anywhere look great or terrible. It’s all framing and more people should know about that


Worth a reblog. I don’t think the US version was on there when I first reblogged.

Anonymous asked:

Anakin’s hair is hammered bronze, amber sunbeam chestnut honey, end of story


HOW DID YOU GET IT SO SPECIFIC I actually think I might cry I’m scared.

Okay ladies and gentlemen this anon wins 😭😭😭 WHAT THE FUCK I’m still freaking out WHAT???


hi my name is Anakin Amber Sun’beam Chestnut Honey and i have hammered bronze amber sunbeam chestnut honey hair (that’s how i got my name)

Today I woke up and put on my midnight black tunic with my black leather tabbards and tall black leather boots and my dark leather glove just to go talk with the council,which is really dumb because they’re just a bunch of fucking posers.


i know we all rag on MCU movies for being the most soulless pieces of garbage to grace theaters in the past few evers, but i think the music in those movies really doesnt get enough credit for being the least memorable or emotional music ever heard

every single piece sounds like placeholder music to give an idea of what someone might want for a scene but then they accidentally sent it off without ever actually getting a score composed

i do not know what this is supposed to mean

Frist off, that video was a damn revelation. But I have to wonder if Marvel’s spoilerphobia doesn’t also come in. Because I can’t believe that not a single Marvel executive has never thought “hey, where’s our Imperial March?” If nothing else, to be able to make shorter trailers that will get people talking (as any hint to the Imperial March in a 20sec SW trailer will do).

But if the conversation with the composer goes

“We need a theme tune for this character.” “Great! What can you tell me about their personality, role and narrative development?” “Nothing.”

The composer is probably going to murder you in your sleep.

Watch that video, it’s incredibly insightful.


So I found this caterpillar on my way to class

We’re bros

I named him chicken nugget

Aaaa he’s turning a duller color… I hope he’s alright

So apparently chicken nugget is a spicebush swallowtail and they turn yellow before they pupate. He was making little silk things everywhere Bruh this caterpie is going to evolve to metapod today my boy isn’t messing around

update hes entirely yellow now

i made him a tube room

hes crawlin all over the place checking it out

its happening

False alarm he moved a bit This guy

??? caterpie doesnt evolve into kakuna

whats he doing

its happening part 2 For Real This Time

chicken nugget using those advanced tactics balancing my man doesnt do anything halfway

i put on some tunez for him so he can get into the metamorphazone

sorry for keeping you all in suspense but chicken nugget is doing fine and he has a cool hat now

hes been chillin like this for a couple days 

hes been in cocoon for 10 days now 🎉🐛🎉

let me know how he’s doing soon


im going to sleep, chicken nugget is snoozin and ill check up on him as soon as i wake up

hope he doesnt party too hard 

🐛 💤 💤

hes gone goth hes in his emoteen stage


hes’s in a bigger container than the one in the pic now but im gonna let my home boy find his way in the world after he gets used to his wings a little bit

this kid doesnt have a bad angle dang

there he goes he’s free and im so proud and a little sad

this was an incredible experience

(thats my family oohing and ahhing in the background)

Anonymous asked:

Whenever you have the chance and if you haven't done it before, can you doodle a tiger shark? But like. A tiger with fins and a shark tail or a shark with paws and a tigers tail?


Here Are The Frames Again, But Slower

#this is a goodpost because half of the tags are #what is that in the mouth #and the other half are THERES THAT FUCKING HORSE AGAIN ayup (via @lizardshuffle)

Anyways here’s the horse post everyone’s talkin about

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