
U R Gorgeous

@immortalkiwi / immortalkiwi.tumblr.com

life is hard, but cats are soft

Im enjoying the longevity of tumblrs recontextualization style of humor. a seemingly innocuous post followed by like "posts that a gnome would make" or like "are you a phone"

STOP REBLOGGING THIS if this gets notes op is going to post the leonardo dicaprio pointing image


the etymology of the word 'blog' is insane

blog is a contraction of web-log.

log as in a record of your posts, but more generally as a record of events that happened. as in a 'logbook', a record of the speeds of a ship. log-book as in 'chip log', a piece of wood they tied to a rope to measure speed with

web as in the world wide web. as in a huge interconnected woven web of connections, but with computers and networks instead. the use of web in this context as such a metaphor was coined less than fifty years ago

the tendrils of history reach back so far and so close at once, and all so we can coin silly terms like "blogosphere." do you see me. everything's connected

and somehow we're all still here on this site, leaving little bits of wood in each others' spider webs to remember one another by


woah dude….. your hurt sound is vaguely sexual….. im trying to kill you but im. im getting a bit flustered

who is leon dbd

ok i looked up leon dead by daylight and omfg why does he… wh…. why does he sound like that

this literally is not an exaggeration

The comments on the YT video are also hilarious

More comments that made me laugh:

It’s also worth noting that Leon’s VA for dbd Riley McShane knew exactly what he was doing.


So I kept telling my husband to stop unfolding his clean clothes and leaving them on the floor, and he insisted he wasn’t doing any of that even though I had the evidence.

Just found the cat pulling t-shirts out of his drawer, which had been left slightly ajar. The culprit has escalated from trashcan crimes and is trying to cause upset in my marriage now.

I discovered the ruse a bit faster than the former but she ALSO pulls clothes off the hangers by trying to “climb” them so she can sit on the top closet shelf.



get her a cat tower, she wants to be tall

She HAS a cat tower it’s the tallest one the store had

And she has LOTS of toys and many snackies she has NO reason to cause mischief except her own bastardly motivation.


She has a reason and that reason is because she is a cat


Y'all have got to get better at handling uncertainty. Sometimes two people will have a falling out and you legitimately won't be able to tell which one was the abuser and which one was the victim. Sometimes you'll encounter a stranger online who might be a channer troll trying to stir shit up or might be a deeply traumatized person trying their hardest to speak their truth. That person with the gendery vibes might be a trans egg or they might be a cis person who just does whatever the hell they want. You have got to learn to act appropriately when you can't know everything.


I put up your boyfriend for peer review and... yeah he's published in a journal now. You can purchase 1 month of access for $32.99, or you can log in through your institution for access. Sorry.


I finished my Rome book and have now begun one about Pompeii. I’m 65 pages in and I already love it: yes, it covers the volcano, but most of the book is about “this is what the town and daily life of it would have been like, actually.” Fascinating stuff. Things I’ve learned so far:

- The streets in Pompeii have sidewalks sometimes a meter higher than the road, with stepping stones to hop across as “crosswalks.” I’d seen some photos before. The book points out that, duh, Pompeii had no underground drainage, was built on a fairly steep incline, and the roads were more or less drainage systems and water channels in the rain.

- Unlike today, where “dining out” is expensive and considered wasteful on a budget, most people in Pompeii straight up didn’t have kitchens. You had to eat out if you were poor; only the wealthy could afford to eat at home.

- Most importantly, and I can’t believe in all the pop culture of Pompeii this had never clicked for me: Pompeii had a population between 6-35,000 people. Perhaps 2,000 died in the volcano. Contemporary sources talk about the bay being full of fleeing ships. Most people got the hell out when the eruption started. The number who died are still a lot, and it’s still gruesome and morbid, but it’s not “an entire town and everyone in it.” This also makes it difficult for archeologists, apparently (and logically): those who remained weren’t acting “normally,” they were sheltering or fleeing a volcano. One famous example is a wealthy woman covered in jewelry found in the bedroom in the glaridator barracks. Scandal! She must have been having an affair and had it immortalized in ash! The book points out that 17 other people and several dogs were also crowded in that one small room: far more likely, they were all trying to shelter together. Another example: Houses are weirdly devoid of furniture, and archeologists find objects in odd places. (Gardening supplies in a formal dining room, for example.) But then you remember that there were several hours of people evacuating, packing their belongings, loading up carts and getting out… maybe the gardening supplies were brought to the dining room to be packed and abandoned, instead of some deeper esoteric meaning. The book argues that this all makes it much harder to get an accurate read on normal life in a Roman town, because while Pompeii is a brilliant snapshot, it’s actually a snapshot of a town undergoing major evacuation and disaster, not an average day.

- Oh, another great one. Outside of a random laundry place in Pompeii, someone painted a mural with two scenes. One of them referenced Virgil’s Aeneid. Underneath that scene, someone graffiti’d a reference to a famous line from that play, except tweaked it to be about laundry. This is really cool, the book points out, because it implies that a) literacy and education was high enough that one could paint a reference and have it recognized, and b) that someone else could recognize it and make a dumb play on words about it and c) the whole thing, again, means that there’s a certain amount of literacy and familiarity with “Roman pop culture” even among fairly normal people at the time.


the best thing about firefox is that it kills youtube autoplay

second best thing about firefox is it allows screenshots and screen sharing from netflix and other streaming platforms which prevent those on most browsers

this post was a psyop to get people to switch to firefox and i'm so glad it's working

Third best thing about Firefox is that adblockers will keep working on it after Chrome's adblocker ban goes into effect.


the fourth best thing about firefox is you can filter youtube by keywords and channel names


the frog is back to singing his ass off which is good because i think it means hes happy with the water change and how much im feeding him etc but also Why Tonight. Please Shut The Up

#things the guy from the looney tunes would say #wait is this about the Hello my Baby frog or do you have a pet frog irl

i have a pet frog irl! his name is Bitch (i didn't name him) and he is an African Dwarf Frog so sometimes in the evenings and mornings he sings and it sounds like a distant alarm going off


perfect lifeform

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