
AIDOL Mayuyu

@aidolmayuyu / aidolmayuyu.tumblr.com

Minna! Yaho~ Itadaki Mayuyu. I'm a QC for the sub group AIDOL. Please support us! I sometimes translate Yokoshima Aeri's G+ and post idol pictures. #1. Mayuyu #2. Murashige #3. Yokoshima Aeri I also love underground idol groups, especially Moso Calibration and the Alice Project girls. Please feel free to hit the ask button if you want to ask me anything or just chat! Arigatou~
Anonymous asked:

Since the main account doesn't allow anons, I came here to tell you THANK YOU for your hard work and the awesome subs. You work really fast and yet not everyone is willing to thank you, instead, they come asking for more. So, honestly thank you to all that amazing team. Please keep having fun and enjoy it and do rest and relax when necessary. Arigatou! Have a nice day! Be happy!! Peace!!!

Thank you, Anon!

Your kind words are appreciated and I'll pass them on to the team!

Anonymous asked:

Hello AIDOL's Mayuyu. I have a request. Can you guys please upload AKB49 (Sae's as the main role) with Eng subs? I wanted to watch it so bad. Its hard to get the DVD/copies here. I wish this could help (;w;) Thank you.

I believe we plan on working on AKB49, so the subs will actually come for that when we can! :3


皆さんこんにちは! Hello everyone!

仮面女子スチームガールズの小柳朋恵です! It's Kamen Joshi and Steam Girls Koyanagi Tomoe!

ちなみに事務所通さないで書いてます。 By the way, I'm writing this without going through the office.

締めなのに誰かの言葉なんて真っ平だからね。 It's my last, so leaving doubt on whose words they are is just something I don't want to do.

みんなよく聞いてね。 Everyone listen carefully

単刀直入に言うとわたし小柳朋恵は仮面女子スチームガールズを卒業します。 Being straight to the point, I, Koyanagi Tomoe, will graduate from Kamen Joshi and Steam Girls.

理由は、やめる時にみんながよく言うやりたいことが見つかったからとかいう事務所が言うタテマエの理由じゃなく、 The reason is not the reason what the agency often makes people say, "having found the thing they want to do",

私の生きる場所はここじゃないと思ったから。 but, because I believe that I'm not "living" here.

ここでは私は輝けないと思ったから。 Because I feel like I can't shine here.

ちなみに解雇じゃないです。 To be clear, this is not a dismissal.

芸能界に飛び込んだのは15歳の時だった。 I jumped into the entertainment industry at the age of 15.

何も知らないこの東京って場所に、夢を持ってたった一人で長崎から飛び出してきた。 I was just a person by herself with a dream from Nagasaki who knew nothing about Tokyo when she moved there.

武道館もZepp Tokyoでのワンマンライブも Budokan and Zepp Tokyo's one man lives

いつ思い返しても小柳朋恵は輝いてた。でしょ? Whenever you think back on those time, Koyanagi Tomoe was shining, right?

劇場も武道館も宮古島ロックフェスもロッキンジャパンもZepp Tokyoもぜんぶぜんぶ宝物だけど Theater, Budokan, Miyako rock festival, Rockin' Japan, Zepp Tokyo and everything else... They are all treasures, but

私の宝物は、ファンのみんな。 My treasure is all of you fans

みんなはいつまでも私の誇りだよ。 Everyone will forever be my pride.

本当はてっぺんの景色、皆と見たかったんだけどさ、 I really wanted to see the top together with everyone, but

私はここではもう輝けないから辞めます。 I can no longer shine here, so I quit.

始めるときも自分で決めたんだ。終わりだって自分で決めるさ。 I decided to 'begin' by myself. I will decide the end by myself as well.

これからみんなと夢を見続けようとしたけど、惜しまれながら辞めるのも悪くないね。 About the continuation of my dream with everyone, it might not be bad to quit while I'm reluctant about it.

みんなの頭ん中に輝いてた小柳朋恵が居続けてくれたらそれだけで嬉しいです。 If the Koyanagi Tomoe continues to shine inside everyone's minds, that alone would make me happy.

今はとにかく疲れたなー。 Right now, I'm just tired.

ちょっとだけ休んで、そっからまた何かやりたくなったらその時はよろしくね! I will rest for a little while, if I would feel like doing something afterward, please take care of me!

仮面女子スチームガールズの小柳朋恵はこれで卒業します。 And with that Kamen Joshi and Steam Girls Koyanagi Tomoe will graduate.

最後に。私を愛してくれてありがとう。 Finally. Thank you for loving me.



Calm down, Haruppi!

But, seriously… BIG NEWS! The Documentary is here!

It’s here! It’s finally here! The time has come for AIDOL to release the documentary! If you didn’t know, today is a very special day because 5th January is AIDOL’s anniversary!! So to celebrate our 4th year in the subbing fandom, what better way to do it than to release a subbed AKB48 Documentary that I’m sure a lot of you are waiting for!

Head on over to our website for streaming links, softsubs and a hardsub torrent link! What more could you want?!


Hey guys, Mayuyu here!

I’m sure you’ve all seen by now, the HKT48 documentary was announced (and it looks AMAZING!)!!! Naturally as myself and Half are big fans of HKT I decided to drag him off other, more important projects, so he could help me check my translations and get the sub quality up to AIDOL standard. So, without further adieu… ENJOY!

DailyMotion stream here

Staff: Translator: Mayuyu, Half Timer: Mayuyu Typeset: Mayuyu QC: Half, EraMemory

Anonymous asked:

can you help people how to go to 2shot event please? i want to go but i dont know japanaese or how to buy a ticket for 2shot. please can you tell what you did previously?

I will be writing a guide for people to apply for tickets as soon as the site officially opens for it. That way I can get screenshots and put the full details up so people wont get confused.

Because it's a lottery process you don't need to worry about not getting a ticket in time, it's not first-come-first-served.

So please wait and look out for it!


Documentary of AKB48 The time has come

Ladies and gentlemen!

We’re pleased to announce that we will be releasing English subtitles for the new AKB48 documentary!!!

Please be patient with this release as it’s a big one and we want to make sure we bring you the best quality subs for this, so you are able to properly enjoy it!

Thank you for all the requests for this and your continued support!

Anonymous asked:

I know that Aidol will be busy subbing SKE48 EbiClacio and im so excited for that but i was wondering you guys planed on subbing the Yuko Graduation DVD stuff or any of the past Grads like Sayaka or Tomochin Or Mariko Sama or Acchan?

I’m not too sure really… right now we’re trying to focus on the SKE shows as we need to catch up on them, and we’ll be releasing stuff very soon!

We’re also working on AKBINGO trying to get weekly releases.

There’s also a lot of interest in the documentary which we might consider.

As far as I know, there’s no plans for graduation DVD stuff, at least not yet. Sorry!


Did Moso Calibration make their 1000 goal sale? I read your intro and I hope they did! Ps: I live in America, but I moved here from England in 2008, so technically I am a fellow Brit idol lover :D



I'm pleased to say they did!!!

Their first 3 singles, which were limited to 1000 copies, totally sold out!

Since then they have released a 4th and 5th single and even their first album! They're really taking off, the 5th single is sold on sites like Amazon and HMV, as is the album!

Their new single is coming out next week, this will be their first single with the new line-up, as Myuna recently graduated so they brought in 2 new members!!! The new members are Amamiya Iori and Mizuki Yumeko.

You can also get the new single from Amazon:


You can watch the preview of the video here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMwkNlHl7so

I'm glad to see there's an interest in Mosoclbr! I really love these girls, they're awesome live and their music is so fun!

Thanks ^_^


17歳ラスト!☆リサまにあ Q&A☆ 2014-11-04 23:15:16NEW ! とういうことで(୨୧ ❛ᴗ❛)✧ So with that said (୨୧ ❛ᴗ❛)✧ みんな! 質問たくさんしてくれてありがとう Everyone! Thanks for all the questions 17歳ラストのQ&Aを したいと思います\\\(۶•̀ᴗ•́)۶//// I want to do my last Q&A as 17 year old\\\(۶•̀ᴗ•́)۶////

こないだ載せてた香水の 名前教えて下さい( ´・ヮ・`)! Q. Please tell me the name of the fragance you were wearing the other day( ´・ヮ・`)!

A. 「LUNA」だよ♪*゚ 安くておススメ! A. It's "LUNA" ♪*゚ It's cheap, so I recommend it Q. リサぴょんオフの時わよく何をしてるのー Q. What does Risapyon usually do when on a day off? A. お仕事が朝からなにもなかったら お家に帰るよ~ オフの日はオフでしたってブログを書くからリサのブログを見てないんだな!! A. If I have no work at all (from the morning on?) I go back to my home~ If I have a day off, I write it on my blog so you're not reading my blog!! 今現在の気持ちで、リサちゃんが一番望むことはなんですか? Q. What is Risa-chan’s current number 1 wish right now? A. A-1グランプリで1位になって センターに立つことです。 みんなで掴み取る!!!! A. To become number 1 And stand center at the A-1 grand prix. Let's take it together!!!!

Q. あと今使ってるシャンプー 教えてくだぱい( ˘ω˘ )サラサラですやん( ˘ω˘ ) Q. Also, please tell me what shampoo You’re using( ˘ω˘ ) because it’s smooth( ˘ω˘ ) A. ティーツリー レモンセージ シックニングシャンプー ティーツリー レモンセージ シックニングコンディショナー っていうのを使ってるよ♪*゚ 頂きものなんだけどリサはかなり髪の毛は こだわる人だから高いのを使うよ♪*゚ 美容院のおススメとか、 自分にあうシャンプーリンスを見つけるのが好き ちなみにこれね!


前はLUSHのアイラブ・ジューシー ってのを使ってたよ A. Teatree Lemon Sage Thickening Shampoo Teatree Lemon Sage Thickening Conditioner Is what they’re called♪*゚ They were given to me, but Risa is quite particular about her hair so I use expensive ones♪*゚ I love things like recommending beauty parlors and, Finding the right shampoo rinse(?) for yourself By the way it’s this!

In the past I've used  LUSH’s ‘I love Juicy’ Q. 私はお城が好きなんですが、松本城行った事ありますか⁉ りさぴょんが長野県出身だからうらやましいです(>_<) Q. I love castles, but have you ever gone to Matsumoto castle!? I am envious because Risapyon is from Nagano. A. 小学生のころ、家族みんなでよく行ってたよ!パパが歴史ものが大好きで上田城にも行ってた A. During elementary school, I went with my family! Papa loves historic things so we also went to Ueda Castle. Q. 夢を諦めかけたって時はあった?もしあったらどうやって乗り越えたか知りたいなぁー Q. Have you ever been close to giving up on your dream? If you have, I would like to know how you overcame that~ A.何回も諦めようとしたよ。 人に相談する前にリサは必ず自分を見つめ直してそれが本当に正しいのか、そう考えた時、いつもこんな事で立ち止まっちゃダメだ!ってどんな困難も乗り越えたら絶対にいい事があるって思って乗り越えてるよ! だから大体自分で解決しちゃうから 人に相談はあまりしない。笑 あとは支えてくれているみんな。 それが一番大切。 何回も辞めたいって 思ったことがあるけれど 思った。今まで澤田リサを応援してくれた人がリサを好きでいてくれるひとがいる。 そんな私にとってとても大切な 人を裏切るような事をするのか?って リサは絶対に裏切らない。 だから今があるんだなぁ~って思う! もし、諦めそうになった時は もう一度自分を見直してどうしてそうなってしまったのか考えてみたら・・・いいんじゃないかな? A. I’ve almost given up a lot of times. Before I consulted with others, Risa would always look at herself again and ask if that really is right, when I’m thinking like that, “Always stopping because of this isn’t good!” and think that if I overcome any kind of difficulty, there will definitely be something good, that makes me overcome it. I usually end up resolving it within myself, So I hardly consult other people. Lol Also, everyone supporting me That’s the most important. I’ve thought about giving up countless of times, but I thought. “The people that have been supporting Sawada Risa until now, and have loved her until now. Those people that are important to me Am I going to betray them?” Risa will definitely not betray. That’s why I’m here right now~ I believe! If, you were to feel like quitting, Look at yourself again and think about why everything became this way… isn’t that enough? ここから誕生日についてQ&A From here on Q&A regarding the birthday Q. 17歳から18歳何か自分の中で変化は有りますか? Q. Do you feel like something’s changing with you when you turn 18 from 17?

A. あと2日後に誕生日っていうことが 信じられないよ(;▽;) 17歳から18歳になるのが すごい偉大な気がしてww 只今、澤田リサ。 とても危機に追われています。 A. I can’t believe it’s only 2 days away(;▽;) I feel like changing from 17 to 18, Is a really big deal lolol Right now, Sawada Risa. Is really being ‘pressured’ by that crisis.

Q. 18歳になった瞬間何をしたい? Q. What do you want to do the moment you turn 18? A.何をしたい!!?なんだろう。 22時以降仕事をしたい!カウントダウンLIVEにも参加できるしね(/≧ω\)♪*゚ なんか変な感じ~ A. What I want to do!!? I wonder. I want to work after 10pm! I can also participate in Countdown LIVE (/≧ω\)♪*゚ It’s kinda strange~ Q. 17歳の一年間はどんな一年でしたか? Q. What kind of year was it while you were 17? A. とても人生で一番濃かったと思います。 大切な仲間、メンバーが亡くなってしまったこと。かれぴょんとの思い出は一生忘れないし忘れたくない。かれぴょんが叶えられなかった夢、必ず叶えたいって思います。実は今でもいなくなってしまったこと信じていません。Twitter呟くんじゃないか、ぴょんちゃーんって呼んでくれるんじゃないかなって本当に 信じられないんだ。 今すぐ一番会いたい A. I think it was the most "eventful" in my life. An important friend, and member passed away. I won’t ever forget my memories with Karepyon and I don’t ever want to forget. The dream that Karepyon couldn’t fulfill, I’ll definitely fulfill it. Actually, even now I still can’t believe that she’s gone. I haven’t written it on twitter, but I really can’t believe that she won’t suddenly call out to me saying "Pyon cha~n" I want to see her so much right now. Q. 18歳になるにあたって 新しい目標はありますか? Q. Having become 18, What is your new goal? Q.新しい目標。。難しいな~ まだ叶えられてない夢がたくさんあって 自分の中で1番の夢も叶えられてないからな~ まずは専属モデルになりたいな A. My new goal.. it’s difficult~ I still have many dreams that haven’t been fulfilled yet, I haven’t even realized the number 1 dream within myself~ I want to become an exclusive model first Q. わたくし今日誕生日なのです! ちなみに深田恭子さんと同じ日! リサちゃんと同じ誕生日の有名人って誰ですか?? Q. Today is my birthday! It’s the same day as Fukada Kyoko! (actress) Who is a celebrity that also shares the same birthday as Risapyon?? A. おめでとうございます(୨୧ ❛ᴗ❛)✧ 実は知らなかったり、、 確か松岡修造そんと一緒だった気が!! 今まで人生の中で同じ誕生日のコト 出会ったのが2回あるんだ~ なかなか同じ誕生日の人と巡り会えないんだよなぁ~ A. Happy Birthday (୨୧ ❛ᴗ❛)✧ I actually don’t know.. I think Matsuoka Shuzo has the same date!! (tennis player) The amount of people that share the birthday, I’ve met two of them in my whole life~ You don’t really meet people with the same birthday so much~ Q. 1年経って色々経験してきた今、去年の生誕祭を思い出すとどんな感想になりますか??? Q. With all the experience you’ve done up in the last year, when you remember last year’s birthday celebration, what kind of thoughts do you have??? A. 去年よりも幸せな生誕祭があるのかな?って必ず思う。大好きなメンバーみんなに囲まれてファンのみんなにお祝いされて本当に嬉しくて幸せ生誕祭だったなって思います A. Will I have an even happier birthday celebration than last year? Is what I definitely think. Being surrounded by the members I love, and celebrated by all the fans, I was really happy. I think it was a birthday celebration full of happiness.

来週15日、いよいよ18歳になる リサの生誕祭 みんながきてくれないんじゃないかなってとっても不安です。 一部はウェディングドレスを披露 一部も二部も来てくれたら嬉しいなぁ。 リサをこの日主役にさせてください。 お願いします On the 15th next week, I’ll finally turn 18. I’m feeling a little worried whether everyone will come to Risa’s birthday celebration. I’ll be wearing the wedding dress on the first time. I’d be really happy if you would come for both first and second. Let Risa be the main character for that day. Please. 以上⁽⁽ ◟(灬 ˊωˋ 灬)◞ ⁾⁾ That’s all ⁽⁽ ◟(灬 ˊωˋ 灬)◞ ⁾⁾ 長かったけど 最後まで読んでくれたかな? It was long but Did you read it all to the end? 少しはリサのこと 知れたんじゃないかな~ Did you get to come to Know about Risa a little~ Risa

A huge thank you to AA-san from AIDOL for sending me this translation, I had to share this one here. Everyone, if you don't follow the Alice Project girls, you should really give them a try. They're raw and real idols, idols you can REALLY meet... idols you can get on stage with after their shows and have your picture taken with them and talk to them.

I can't put it in words how amazing these girls are.

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