
@sanders4prez / sanders4prez.tumblr.com

Former unofficial tumblr for all things Bernie Sanders and his 2016 presidential campaign + beyond. Here to continue to spread leftist information to infinity and beyond.

Amidst discussion about wealth inequality and race issues, I really wanna hammer into younger Gen Zers minds about how awful Ronald Reagan was I feel like we all got propaganda’d in school on how great he was just because of basic charisma and for the fact that he made some dopey speech at the berlin wall, but looking back he was just pure fucking evil: He caused so many problems that we’re all dealing with today- and problems that made Zoomers become “Doomers”:

  • He made explicit pleas to segregationists and klansmen when talking about states rights, endangering the lives of POC in the process
  • he KILLED unions, working class people lost bargaining power against the rich and lost livable wages, starting the end of the middle class, we never recovered
  • His trickle down economics killed any chance of real progressive tax on the rich & ensured that trillions would go to the rich for *generations*
  • He demonized the shit out of black people, he literally never saw them as human, especially those that were homeless and struggling with addictions (a problem he made much, much worse)
  • He *knew* about the AIDS crisis and for the longest time, did *nothing*, he sat by and intentionally let so many black and queer people die horrible deaths, with no remorse. The community is still grappling with the effect of that to this very day

All of us are angry about how Rich people are putting down poor people during this Gamestop-Robinhood fiasco, it’s good to remember when that started to get real popular…when people say “Ronald Reagan was the devil”, they’re not fucking around.


Martin Luther King speaking with Harry Belafonte about what he saw as the next big step in the Civil Rights Movement.

“[I]t is actually more expensive to be poor than not poor. If you can’t afford the first month’s rent and security deposit you need in order to rent an apartment, you may get stuck in an overpriced residential motel. If you don’t have a kitchen or even a refrigerator and microwave, you will find yourself falling back on convenience store food, which — in addition to its nutritional deficits — is also alarmingly overpriced. If you need a loan, as most poor people eventually do, you will end up paying an interest rate many times more than what a more affluent borrower would be charged. To be poor — especially with children to support and care for — is a perpetual high-wire act.”
It Is Expensive to Be Poor | The Atlantic

“Poverty charges interest ” holy hell. Ive never read$heard someone put it that way before. But its so friggen true.

See also:

(Source: Men at Arms by Terry Pratchett)


Okay so upon watching Bernie’s statement I want to put a couple facts out there:

  • Bernie states he will no longer be actively campaigning
  • he states he will remain on the ballot and encourages you to continue to vote for him and gather delegates to make our voices and sway known
  • he will not be campaigning on another ballot (independent or Green Party ballot)

The media is continuing is campaign of misinformation to damage Bernies viability. Do not let them fool you. He is not going anywhere. He is merely shifting his focus to continue to help Americans through this pandemic.

Many primaries have been rescheduled or made available via mail/absentee only due to COVID-19

Upcoming Primaries:





MAY 12: NE

MAY 19: GA, OR

MAY 22: HI






If you are not registered to receive an absentee ballot or mailed ballot it’s time to make sure you are. Many states are considering primaries via mail ONLY.


Anonymous asked:

Just about an hour ago, Bernie Sanders has dropped out of the race. I'm really.. really sad.



Holy shit, Bernie just popped off on the Senate floor

Transcript: And now I find that some of my Republican colleagues are very distressed. They’re very upset that somebody who is making ten, twelve bucks an hour might end up with a paycheck—for four months!—more than they received last week. Oh my G-d! The universe is collapsing. 

Imagine that. Somebody who’s making 12 bucks an hour, now like the rest of us, faces an unprecedented economic crisis, with the 600 bucks on top of their normal- their regular unemployment check- might be making a few bucks more for four months. Oh my WORD! Will the universe survive? 

How absurd and wrong is that? What kind of value system is that? Meanwhile, these very same folks had no problem, a couple years ago, voting for a trillion dollars in tax breaks for billionaires and large profitable corporations! Not a problem! 

But when it comes to low-income workers in the midst of a terrible crisis, maybe some of them earning or having more money than they previously made- [tongue clicks] oh my word we gotta strip that out. Gotta- we gotta tell those poor people that no matter what- 

By the way when this bill, when the McConnell bill first came up, unbelievably, and I know many Republicans objected to this, they were saying that well we wanna give a, whatever it was, a thousand or twelve hundred bucks, but poor people should get less. 

You see, because poor people are down here, they don’t deserve- they don’t eat. They don’t pay rent. They don’t go to the doctor; they’re somehow inferior, because they’re poor we’re gonna give them less. 

Well that was addressed. Now everybody is gonna get the 1200 dollars. But some of our Republican friends still have not given up of the need to punish the poor and working people. 

You haven’t raised the minimum wage in ten years! Minimum wage should be at least fifteen bucks an hour, you haven’t done that! 

You’ve cut program, after program, after program, and now horror of horrors, for four months, workers might be earning a few bucks more than they otherwise would. Well needless to say, this— (audio cuts off as video ends).

Source: twitter.com

1. Bernie Sanders marching with Dr. King in Selma, Alabama 2. Bernie Sander being arrested for defying a folk music ban in Washington Square Park. 3.  Bernie Sanders being arrested for protesting racial segregation (Chicago, 1963). 4. Bernie sanders being arrested in Chicago again. 5. Bernie sanders leading a sit in against segregated housing. 6. Bernie arrested again for protesting  housing segregation.    hey America,this is that old man that you have doubts about running the country. all his life he’s been fighting for the everyman,you and me,and he’s not going to stop. his values and sacrifices are what made America through out history.


He has been on THE FRONT LINES all of his life.  

He acts on his beliefs.

He believes EVERYONE has value.

PLEASE VOTE FOR BERNIE if you haven’t voted yet.


#NotMeUs is the multi-racial multi-generational working class coalition needed to defeat Trump and guide us through this difficult time. Every vote is important to reach a majority of 1991 delegates before the convention (otherwise it’s almost certain Biden will be chosen), so please take action to help make Bernie Sanders the nominee.


Make phone calls —> http://berniesanders.com/call

Download the BERN app —> http://berniesanders.app.link

Find your polling place —> berniesanders.com/vote

Check your primary date —>


countless innocent krill are scooped up by whales every minute and all you people do is stand around fantasizing about bernie sanders and his… big beautiful eyes… his soft rosy cheeks


As if to imply any education program isn’t implicit indoctrination into the dominant ideology of the nation? As if capitalist nations are completely devoid of propaganda in their education systems? What is the Founding Father mythology – a mythology that glosses over or deliberately leaves out slavery and Native American genocide and aristocratic notions of what it means to govern – if not a lifelong campaign to win the hearts, minds, and loyalties of the American people? Propaganda is not just something “the other people” do; it’s an inherent part of class domination and political power, both of which the US ruling class has in droves.

Also Obama made very similar comments about the strengths of Cuba’s education and healthcare systems, if you actually care about consistency on the topic. Funny how this goes completely ignored and is only used against Bernie because it’s politically expedient to attack the Democratic Party’s left-wing in times of corporate centrist consolidation.

We can have valid debate about the strengths and follies of Cuba and its political system, but first you have to be coming from a place of intellectual honesty.


I remember being the only one in the class at around age 10 who thought that the atom bombing of Japan was a war crime. That’s indoctrination for you. 

We literally pledge allegiance to a piece of cloth. If that’s not indoctrination, I don’t know what is.

Bro, we were literally taught that manifests destiny was good and that the gulf war was justified

When I was a child I didn’t know what the big deal about Martin Luther King Jr. was because I thought Abraham Lincoln solved racism. The sum total of everything I was taught about Native Americans in twelve years of public education could maybe fill a page. I WAS LITERALLY TAUGHT THAT CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS WAS THE FIRST PERSON TO THINK THE EARTH WAS ROUND!!!

Maybe countries that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, OP.


I have talked to Americans who have said that every war their nation was ever in was justified. Americans who thought First Nations had no cities or towns. That the new world was empty of human habitation except for like three teepees. And it frightens me

…aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the Democrats haven’t learned a damn thing since 2016….

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