
i was daryldhixon

@scofielld / scofielld.tumblr.com

im mary and i luv michael scofield
mama, lay me down, i no longer want to be part of this loud world where people can kill bugs without worrying if tiny things have souls because mama i’ve been too small for my skin since i was born i’m sorry i know there are plenty of sunsets i should stick around to see but maybe those sunsets shouldn’t belong to me because i’ve been inhaling the sawdust from where all my selfhate has sanded me down into this little ocean of knots and oak, a treasure chest left empty, pandora’s box without hope, and mama i know i’ll make you cry if i go but i know i’ll cry instead if i stay and we both know i was always sort of selfish in every single way i’m sorry mama i’m sorry i don’t know what to say.

unfinished poem iii // r.i.d (via inkskinned)


hey so protip if you have abusive parents and need to get around the house as quietly as possible, stay close to furniture and other heavy stuff because the floor is settled there and it’s less likely to creak

  • socks are quieter than bare feet on tile/wood and for the love of god don’t wear slippers/shoes if you can help it
  • climbing ON the furniture will disrupt the pattern of your footsteps and make it harder to hear where you are in the house
  • crawling will do the same and if you get caught crawling you can pretend you fell 
  • the floor near the wall can be really loud if the floorboards/carpet is old and not completely flush to the wall
  • do NOT attempt to use a rolling chair to travel without footsteps. they are extremely loud and hard to steer

Also. Breath with your mouth and not your nose. Your nose will whistle. Trust me. If you need to get into your fridge, jab your finger into the rubber part that seals the door closed and create a tiny airway. This will prevent the suction noise when you open the door. When drinking liquids (juice mostly), pour out your glass (or chug from the jug) and replace what you drank with water. If it was full enough in the beginning, no one will notice. DO NOT STEAL ALCOHOL. THEY WILL NOTICE IF IT’S WATERED DOWN. Bring a pillowcase for dried foods like cereal and granola. It helps to muffle the sound it makes when it pours.

If your house has snack packs (like gummy bears or crackers or chips), count them every day until you know the rhythm that they get consumed. (This took me a week and a half with my twin brother and sister). Then join the rhythm when you make your nightly visits. It will be that much harder to figure out it was you.


The floor near the wall may creak on a regular floor but not on the stairs. If you need to walk up and down stairs, walk as close to the edge of the stair near the wall/railing as possible

Are there really parents who deny their kids food…?

There’s a book about “how to train your kid” or something like that which even recommends denying food as a way of punishment

What the fuck??? This is literally denying your kid basic human rights. How can parents be so cruel?

The world is a fucked up place

I hope none of my followers need these tips, but here they are. It’s a fucked up world and you might as well know some tricks.


If you’re not allowed to read recreationally, everything is “for a class project”. If you have to instead “go outside and do something productive” wear baggy clothes to sneak a book out. Take baths instead of showers and read there (you can hide books in your change of clothes). If you’re hiding books or food outside, remember to seal them in plastic like Ziploc bags but you need to then put that inside a box to protect the plastic from damage and the seal being broken. Remember to only store food that doesn’t need refrigeration and isn’t perishable, and keep your books wrapped separately from your food. If you’re not allowed to have curtains, blinds, or a bedroom door, you can get dressed in bed under your covers or in your closet if it’s big enough. If you need some privacy/alone time choose hiding places that are up high or down low. When you’re moving quietly at night or hiding somewhere keep your breathing as slow and even as possible. Do your best to keep your emotions under control because it can be heard to hear small sounds over your heartbeat when you’re panicking. If you need to defend yourself, a stick is always a better option than a knife. You’ll have longer reach and it’s arguably less obvious that you have it as a weapon. You can claim it’s something you’re playing with or using for hiking. Have a good smooth solid and relatively straight one stashed somewhere. Don’t forget to have clean water to drink. And don’t take too much food at once or gorge on it. It will be noticed. It’s a good idea to keep a small mirror handy to make sure you don’t have food on your face and always check your clothes for crumbs.

@devilinhighheels The book you’re referring to is called “How to Train Up a Child” and it’s been banned in several countries for its barbaric practices. One section of the book suggests wearing an object used to beat the children as much as possible as a scare tactic to keep them further in line.

Many believe child abusers aren’t smart enough to go beyond physical trauma, but the fact is even the most regressive adult can use mental and emotional tactics. Telling them they’ll always know if they’ve done something wrong is a tamer example. Some will even notice something the child likes and use it to belittle, taunt or shame them (that’s especially hard to get over).

Scars like that don’t heal overnight and most survivors never forget. One of the most important aspects of being a survivor is using this knowledge to prevent it from happening again.


okay google

how do i kill myself without making anyone sad or mad at me


I’m gonna be tht friend .. like the one when ur in ur 20s and everyone’s in relationships or getting married and there’s the one friend who isn’t. it’ll b me

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