
Chance Aesthetics

@chanceaesthetics / chanceaesthetics.tumblr.com


“Intelligence and intellect are not alway concomitants, especially at women’s colleges, where stress is often put on social aspects, with grades producing the major impetus for learning. But on the Sarah Lawrence campus, there is ample evidence of intellectual activity. In the dining hall that serves Sarah Lawrence’s 400 students, conversations hew to the intellectual rather than the social. This year’s freshman play, written by students, is a satire on Samuel Beckett’s "Waiting for Godot,” a striking contrast to the fraternity-sorority skits that are the rule on many of the nation’s campuses.

Dean Gerard Fountain finds that, “These girls are more serious than the students I went to school with.” Dean Fountain is a graduate of Yale. The girls back up this statement with tales of the many weekday hours spent in study. Just why Sarah Lawrence girls take their studies so seriously is difficult to analyze. Certainly progressivism must be given most of the credit, for the importance of education is emphasized and reemphasized.“

-Sarah Lawrence: Experiment in Individualism. Progressive Educational System With No Grades, No Exams, No Lectures Gives Way to Moderation, By JOHN C. GROSZ, Published: Saturday, November 07, 1959 in The Harvard Crimson

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