
yes okay but dirkjake

@get-a-fucking-pen-blog / get-a-fucking-pen-blog.tumblr.com

♥ | | ♠ |  hi, i'm sho. or dave, or drew or whatever nickname you wanna call me. cosplayer, agender, 20's, hella gay, convention nerd & i like homestuck, asian things, webcomics, and a variety of other nerd things that i consider cool. also i probably ship dirkjake more than you do.

why are we so fucking awesome

I want to draw all of my faves, but it’s literally everyone. They’re all my favs. I do not have the time

what she says: i'm fine
what she means: homestuck is ending tomorrow. Tomorrow. everything andrew hussie has worked towards for seven years is coming to a conclusion on 4/13. after tomorrow we're never getting another upd8, never going to see the characters we watched grow up again. there's never going to be another story like this one again. the fandom is slowly going to grow smaller and move on and stop caring about the incredible world that hussie built. and I know we all like to joke about finally being free from this hellpit, but frankly I'm not ready to say goodbye. I don't want to say goodbye to the characters I've loved for so long, to the comic that's shaped me into who I am today. I'm not even close to prepared for this but I don't have a choice. Because homestuck is ending tomorrow aND NOTHING IS O K A Y

someone found my entire davejohn tag while I was gone, ahaha.

it’s surreal that homestuck is ending tomorrow.


So if a character that has reached godtier is killed by a corrupt and/or generally bad character, would their death be heroic? Cause I'm gettin reaaaaal worried about this fight coming up


It depends on how they die. If they’re impaled with a trident from afar like Jake was by Crocker tier Jane then they would probably resurrect but if they jump in front of someone else and die it would be a permanent Heroic death. Generally if the death is insignificant or a lame way to die then they’ll revive. If the death is meaningful or to save someone then they’ll stay dead. 


that moment when my davekat tag is bigger than I realized for something that I didn't really ship until like a week ago bruh


*grown ass 18+ yo*: “XD”

me: how have you preserved your innocence like this, how have you managed to shield yourself from the overwhelming cruelty and sin of this world 

;.; I’m 29 and use it. Why is this wrong

it’s not wrong you’re just more pure of heart than me 


Happy 4/13 everyone! This is my fifth year of celebrating, and It’s hard to describe just how influential Homestuck has been in my life. I’m super thankful to Andrew and everyone else involved in the production for this amazing experience, and also to everyone I’ve met in the fandom over the years. 

Doing the ghost artwork for Calliope has been such a fun experience, and with the end of the comic coming up I wanted to do a little tribute to the connection I got to share with this great character. UuU 

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